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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2009, 02:28 AM
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Re: Panther_CDMA (treo pro CDMA) Hard-SPL is here now!

Originally Posted by mmesocial View Post
This is what I did to get the SPL to work from my W7 system:

1. Sync with Windows Device Manager (whatever ActiveSync is called in W7/Vista)
2. With device connected, start SPL (Device shows tri-colors).
3. At first SPL screen, disconnect device (Device still shows tri-colors).
4. At second SPL screen (which says something like - you need to connection, have 50% battery, etc), connect device (ActiveSync might not show connection, but that's okay)
5. Proceed to third SPL screen and finish (Device switches from tri-color to grey with progress bar and should complete with a restart of the device).
6. To install 6.5.1 from CFay, now simply run that RRU.

That's great, you're professional =D>
  #132 (permalink)  
Old 11-24-2009, 06:35 PM
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Re: Treo Pro CDMA HardSPL

So if I do a hard reset on my phone, it resets the HSPL too ? I don't remember that happening on the HTC Touch.

Anyway, I'll have to do this step again I guess as it is showing 0.32 instead of 0.36 after i did a hard reset. I'm trying the SD method but that does nothing.

1. Download HSPL
2. Rename from ruu_unsigned.nbh to PANTIMG.NBH
3. Copied to my phone storage card (root)
4. Ran the Manual SSPL program (also in root)
5. I get tricolor screen.... and it just sits there
6. I read elsewhere that you need to press the power button at the tricolor screen but that didn't work either
  #133 (permalink)  
Old 11-24-2009, 07:03 PM
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Re: Treo Pro CDMA HardSPL

Originally Posted by DssTrainer View Post
So if I do a hard reset on my phone, it resets the HSPL too ? I don't remember that happening on the HTC Touch.
No it will not reset/reverse the HSPL if you hard reset. If like any other HTC device.
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  #134 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 03:50 AM
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Re: Panther_CDMA (treo pro CDMA) Hard-SPL is here now!

Hi 8rotor8!
I've alreday upgraded my sprint TP to WM 6.5 using CFay's "Build 21234.5.0.1_CFay" & everything is good but obviously I lost my Sprint's preloaded apps (tv, navigation, music, etc..) so i was thrilled to see your post with the tv & navigation downloads, and i THANK you so much for that but my issues are as follow:
1. How do i install these preloads into my treo pro? After the WM 6.5 upgrade, I seem to be unable to ActiveSync?!!
2. How can I get the Active Sync to work again (it was fine before the upgrade)
3. If I wanted to go back to the original WM 6.1. How can I accomplish that!
4. Do you have other Sprint's original preloads?
5. Is the version I used to upgrade (Build 21234.5.0.1_CFay) is the most recent or reliable version? Is there a newer one & more stable!

Sorry for so many question. I wish you would help answer all of them with many.. many thanks!!!
  #135 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 01:29 PM
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Re: Panther_CDMA (treo pro CDMA) Hard-SPL is here now!

Originally Posted by jaypro View Post
Hi 8rotor8!
I've alreday upgraded my sprint TP to WM 6.5 using CFay's "Build 21234.5.0.1_CFay" & everything is good but obviously I lost my Sprint's preloaded apps (tv, navigation, music, etc..) so i was thrilled to see your post with the tv & navigation downloads, and i THANK you so much for that but my issues are as follow:
1. How do i install these preloads into my treo pro? After the WM 6.5 upgrade, I seem to be unable to ActiveSync?!!
2. How can I get the Active Sync to work again (it was fine before the upgrade)
3. If I wanted to go back to the original WM 6.1. How can I accomplish that!
4. Do you have other Sprint's original preloads?
5. Is the version I used to upgrade (Build 21234.5.0.1_CFay) is the most recent or reliable version? Is there a newer one & more stable!

Sorry for so many question. I wish you would help answer all of them with many.. many thanks!!!
1. Phone applications come in either .exe or .cab extension. To install a .exe application make sure your phone is plugged into your computer and activesync is enabled/working. Then just run the .exe and itll install, just follow the on screen instructions.
For a .cab, you just download that to your phone and run the .cab from the phone. To download it to your phone, connect your phone via usb, youll be able to see the phone in File Explorer, then browse to your phone and copy and paste the .cab into My Documents or wherever else (storage card) you have.

2. There is an active sync work around on these forums.. Most of the time though, the following works:
a. connect your phone to your computer and try running active sync from your phone. it will fail and just hit accept or next or continue or finish. whatever gets it to exit and it should set your phone to have Enable advanced network functionality (You can find this setting in Start > Settings> Connections> USB to PC). Also, another setting to check, go to Start > Settings > System > PC Setup, and make sure to set it to "Synhronize" in the dropdown, by default it is set to "Setup my pc" (which if you ran the activesync wizard it shoudl already change to 'synchronize', but you can set it manually to 'synchronize' here).

b. restart your computer & reset your phone (soft reset, so take out the back cover and press the little button on the button left corner).

3. There are posts how to get back to the original wm6.1 sprint rom. I usually find it be going browsing the links up top "PPCGeeks > Windows Phones > Palm Devices > Treo Pro CDMA Treo Pro Upgrades".
a. Click on "Treo PRo CDMA Treo Pro Upgrades" Link.
b. Look for " HardSPL..." thread by cmonex and click on it.
c. Search that thread for people posting about sprint original stock rom, it should be a .exe file, file is SkyWriter_1.12I.E.S1_PO134__Treo_PRO_.exe, and its 86MB large.

I found it by searching for the word 'stock' in the HardSPL thread, http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=70034, which led me to this link http://discussion.treocentral.com/tr...grade-exe.html, which had 2 links, but this is the one that worked: http://www.crozb.com/SkyWriter_1.12I..._Treo_PRO_.exe

So yea, just go to http://www.crozb.com/SkyWriter_1.12I..._Treo_PRO_.exe, download it, connect your phone to your pc via usb, make sure activesync is working, then run the .exe

4. I dont know about other original sprint preloads, but you can try searching in the "CDMA Treo Pro Upgrades" threads.
Or just install the stock rom.
Maybe you can do that, then use Sprite backup to backup the applications.. then flash to the new 6.5 rom, and then do a Sprite restore? I have never tried this, and im just tossing the idea out there

5. I used cfay ones before, then he retired from working on them because he got busy, now i get matbee ones.. which are created by acidhax http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=93225&page=4 "MatBee 6.5 ROM - 5.2.21872 - CDMA ONLY"

that is the latest one as far as i know.

remember, that 5.2.21xxxx are 6.5 ROMs and 5.2.23xxx are 6.5.1 ROMs(which I dont like, they look kind of funky)

MatBee 6.5 ROM - 5.2.21872
MatBee 6.5.1 ROM - 5.2.23089

Also, pay careful attention to whether its GSM or CDMA, you dont want to flash your phone with the wrong ROM. So watch out when the thread states it is the CDMA Only Rom.
If you have Sprint you should use CDMA. Just google for the different carrier you have.

Last edited by TheDarkStranger2009; 11-25-2009 at 03:00 PM.
  #136 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 01:45 PM
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Re: Treo Pro CDMA HardSPL

Hey DS.. I'm not sure how to thank you enough. I'm simply amazed that you've taken the time to go in details about answering my (so many) questions. It's indeed people like you who makes a big (and very positive) impact in these forums, and who offer hopes for desperate people like myself. I will follow or your instructions and keep you posted on the results.
Thanks again))
  #137 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 11:53 AM
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Re: Treo Pro CDMA HardSPL

umm the HSPL will not work for me.
it says
RAPI.dll was not found try reinstalling blahh

anyone else get this??
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If someone helps you,click the "THANKS" button!
Or consider donating to chef or your rom!
  #138 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: Treo Pro CDMA HardSPL

also anyway to get the treo pro to be used as a disk drive?
  #139 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 04:49 PM
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Re: Treo Pro CDMA HardSPL

So I'm confused.
I unlocked with the unlocker and it changed to 0.36 CMONEX
Then I flashed the Matbee rom

Now I am going to flash to a new rom. But I notice when the RUU switches to Tricolor mode, the SSPL is 0.32 again.

Do we have to unlock everytime we put on a new rom?
  #140 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2009, 10:26 PM
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Re: Treo Pro CDMA HardSPL

Originally Posted by DssTrainer View Post
So I'm confused.
Do we have to unlock everytime we put on a new rom?
Originally Posted by relisted View Post
also anyway to get the treo pro to be used as a disk drive?
i wud like to know this, too!!! TIA
"that skeeg dude with the black girl"

Last edited by skeegcpp; 12-07-2009 at 10:32 PM.
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