That's normal with Sense 2.5. I've noticed it as well....
It doesnt always get released unfortunately...
No luck yet. MaxManila doesnt work with 2.5.2011 yet.
Almost.. lol
If you only use custom ROMs, I dont see any reason why you have to flash to a stock before you flash a new ROM. ESPECIALLY if you only use Energy ROMs. I flash a few times a day, almost every day, and never had to flash to a stock ROM since I started doing this.
Thank you
There is none.. hehe
'bout 50%...
Minding posting this fix ?
Cant do anything about the fonts... its just the way it is. This Sense 2.5 was designed for a smaller screen (Topaz) therefore HTC decided to go with bigger fonts. It doesnt bother me personally..
LOL.. definitely not!
I'll work on the white SIM card ugly icon... As far as mortscript... it runs fine, I use mortscript in the ROM to do a few things
I like it too!
That's the way it looks by default.. thank HTC for it
Welcome back buddy... bout time you got a "real" phone :P
Why is that "rediculous" ?! You move around every 2-3 days dont you ? Or do you always stay in the same spot ?
There's no HQ wallpaper patch in this ROM because I have not found one that works well yet... The 1922 version has issues with the shortcuts from what I've noticed and I cant have that in my ROM if I can help it
I dont mind screenshots at all... I mind when people post the wallpapers in my ROM
Glad you like it
Showcase is a bad piece of software.. I'd stay away from it..
Please dont post my wallpapers
Yes... You have to go flash Phoenix2
dont need to. put it in bootloader mode and you can flash with the battery at 1% if u want
(yes... I have dont that before.. lmao)
Sounds like you're doing something wrong..
It's normal from HTC like that.. the prev releases had "mods" cooked in to stop it from doing that
This release doesnt..
Yeah right... If you can cook a Sense 2.5 ROM with HTC's Messaging app and have it working 100% I'll pay you to see it!
It is slow.. I hate it too..
I removed it...
Interesting.. I'll have to cook that in..
1. What IS the issue exactly ? LOL
I've noticed it happening sometimes.. bug from HTC I"m sure.
You sound like a spoiled brat. Dont forget what you got is free.. if you dont like it.. feel free to move on... thanks
Doesnt look like it to me... Just a bunch of bitchin...
It works just fine.. who cares about the damn light ? Pick up the phone and look at the message count if you're that concerned about it!