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  #5821 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 01:00 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Originally Posted by Whotahn View Post
WOW lovin TP2.....did I realy wait this long !!!! I feel like a new kid on the playground!

Just curious whats most peeps memory is runnin on idol with the latest jam (Dec31_28011m2.5). I know there will be lots of variances, just trying to get a feel for memory consumption(leaking?) on this build.
well the big V did kinda play a role in that lol....

ok @ startup sitting @ 54% after some txt,calls,mild net browsing im @ 66%,im running dec.31 21885 with dusk 3.3 v2.02 and MM 2.8,highest i've hit was 79% but thats with apps open

Originally Posted by el1nc0mparabl3 View Post
thanks again num5!!!
no problem!

Originally Posted by Whotahn View Post
You can also flash via SD to avoid using cables and active sync and worrying about the cord getting pulled at a bad time. You can just extract and put the RHODIMG.nbh on the root of an SD, put the SD in the device, make sure power is off (pull batt & replace if necessary)then throw er in bootloader mode using the method from the post I quoted.

Once in bootloader the device should automatically go to the gray screen asking to hit power to update blah blah. Hit power (I use the top Sleep button here) and it should flash the .nbh within a matter of minutes and will then say update success somethin rather....Hit the soft reset and you should be golden.

I reccomend checking this thread if you are unawre of the SD flashing process. I rarely use a USB cord to flash anymore.

+1 on flashing this way,i'll never flash via pc again thanks to a dog lol.and for newbie's who still are unsure how to put into bootloader just use this cab and do it with a tap of the finger,may be useful for flashaholics as well lol
Attached Files
File Type: cab Bootloader.CAB (8.2 KB, 106 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Straitup27; 01-11-2010 at 01:01 PM. Reason: forgot to upload the cab lol
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  #5822 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 01:22 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Can someone send me or point me to the direction of the Keyboard fix for Sprint CAB?
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  #5823 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 01:40 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Originally Posted by tlubinski3 View Post
Can someone send me or point me to the direction of the Keyboard fix for Sprint CAB?
look here in the thread attachments

back out of the the thread and by the headliner you will see a paperclip that you can click on to view all .cabs and such uploaded to the thread,sometimes you can find what you want that way without even having to ask
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  #5824 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 03:44 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

I've been following this thread since the HSPL dropped however long ago. I've seen my issue talked about but not directly, so I thought I'd bring this up. People have mentioned (if not here, then the main TP2 forum) that their birthday dates are off by 1 day. I've actually noticed that a lot of my calendar appointments are a day earlier than they should be. I've only started noticing it on the latest 21885 Dec 31 release, but it may have been going on before that. Most of my appointments are full day appointments and they are always a day earlier than they should be. This includes appointments that span a couple of days.
Is there a fix for this at all? I've recently started cooking my own rom (more to play with than release) and I noticed that all of my appointments are correct now. I flashed back to NRG and it went back to being a day off.

I'm really just hoping that NRG sees this and fixes this for the new Roms that he's cooking up.

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  #5825 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 04:01 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Originally Posted by num5kull27 View Post
look here in the thread attachments

back out of the the thread and by the headliner you will see a paperclip that you can click on to view all .cabs and such uploaded to the thread,sometimes you can find what you want that way without even having to ask
+1 the thread attachments page can be very useful. Anything attached to the thread is there so it is always where I look first.....even for general mods.

@Num5kull yeah the big V had a little to do with it......except for my wifes upgrade date was in Sept and I never upgraded her to get the TP2 for me and let her roll with the TP1..... so I could have hooked myself up!!!! Now my upgrade date is Feb and hers is anytime....Nexus One for one of us as soon as it gets its big V release.......time to learn android as well as WM! I held off on Moto Droid cause its not HTC and Eris is still yearning for an upgrade to the New android system.
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  #5826 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 04:30 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Is the Manila SMS still freezing up phones with this Leo rom? There doesn't even need to be many texts and it will freeze if one trys to access them.

Is there a fix or workaround? I would read the 550+ pages but I have to work in order to pay the rent.

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  #5827 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 04:43 PM
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Thumbs up Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Originally Posted by chewie8han View Post
I've been following this thread since the HSPL dropped however long ago. I've seen my issue talked about but not directly, so I thought I'd bring this up. People have mentioned (if not here, then the main TP2 forum) that their birthday dates are off by 1 day. I've actually noticed that a lot of my calendar appointments are a day earlier than they should be. I've only started noticing it on the latest 21885 Dec 31 release, but it may have been going on before that. Most of my appointments are full day appointments and they are always a day earlier than they should be. This includes appointments that span a couple of days.
Is there a fix for this at all? I've recently started cooking my own rom (more to play with than release) and I noticed that all of my appointments are correct now. I flashed back to NRG and it went back to being a day off.

I'm really just hoping that NRG sees this and fixes this for the new Roms that he's cooking up.

i had this same problem. its just because one time or another, you synced you calender before you set the correct timezone. next time you do your PIM backup, don't back up your calender. instead resync the calender directly through activesync AFTER you get the correct time zone settings. thank me if i helped you
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  #5828 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 04:47 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Originally Posted by forcelite View Post
Is the Manila SMS still freezing up phones with this Leo rom? There doesn't even need to be many texts and it will freeze if one trys to access them.

Is there a fix or workaround? I would read the 550+ pages but I have to work in order to pay the rent.

thas why u click the button at the top that says "search this thread" and only have to check a few pages. but i say just disable the crappy HTC messenger interface. Its an HTC issue, not the ROMs.
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  #5829 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 05:28 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Originally Posted by big_slug06 View Post
i had this same problem. its just because one time or another, you synced you calender before you set the correct timezone. next time you do your PIM backup, don't back up your calender. instead resync the calender directly through activesync AFTER you get the correct time zone settings. thank me if i helped you
I have exchange sync set up with Sashimi automatically basically as soon as I'm done flashing it. This also includes my local city. I guess I have to set the local city as soon as Sashimi is done to catch it before it syncs with email/calendar? I'll try it tonight to see what happens, but shouldn't that just mess up a couple of hours and not a whole day?

I don't remember this happening on the other roms from NRG that I've used.

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  #5830 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 06:01 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

I have a build from December 25th with Max Manila. Can someome tell me why it was pulled?
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