Originally Posted by chewie8han
I've been following this thread since the HSPL dropped however long ago. I've seen my issue talked about but not directly, so I thought I'd bring this up. People have mentioned (if not here, then the main TP2 forum) that their birthday dates are off by 1 day. I've actually noticed that a lot of my calendar appointments are a day earlier than they should be. I've only started noticing it on the latest 21885 Dec 31 release, but it may have been going on before that. Most of my appointments are full day appointments and they are always a day earlier than they should be. This includes appointments that span a couple of days.
Is there a fix for this at all? I've recently started cooking my own rom (more to play with than release) and I noticed that all of my appointments are correct now. I flashed back to NRG and it went back to being a day off.
I'm really just hoping that NRG sees this and fixes this for the new Roms that he's cooking up.
i had this same problem. its just because one time or another, you synced you calender before you set the correct timezone. next time you do your PIM backup, don't back up your calender. instead resync the calender directly through activesync AFTER you get the correct time zone settings.
thank me if i helped you