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  #5461 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 12:40 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Originally Posted by Mazzakre View Post
Install arcsoft and change the setting to 5000k. Search this thread for the multiple posts about fixing picture mail.
Where do I set it to 5000k?
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  #5462 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 01:49 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28014/21885 |Dec 17| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

LMAO part of it was your fix. but I had also wrote down a bunch of stuff from stock rom when I reloaded it to see what settings were. Theres also a thread here on colaboration. Funny thing is they are trying to get it working from the Jataayu function. I had beenw orking straight off the acrsoft. Ironikly, they are almost identical and hopefully I dont have to reload stock again. but it think i missed something Gah.. I did a lot of editing to reg. then started on their work but to no avail. I still dont have sms and there is no function showing even though i did set up a mail account. it's like it doesnt exist on the phone.

Just downloaded dec 31 & will run from scratch on setup again. Will try to write down everything i did lol and post it.

Originally Posted by num5kull27 View Post
well please share exactly how you did!! lol

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Last edited by clueless25; 01-02-2010 at 01:56 AM.
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  #5463 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 01:57 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28014/21885 |Dec 17| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Originally Posted by clueless25 View Post
LMAO part of it was your fix. but I had also wrote down a bunch of stuff from stock rom when I reloaded it to see what settings were. Theres also a thread here on colaboration. Funny thing is they are trying to get it working from the Jataayu function. I had beenw orking straight off the acrsoft. Ironikly, they are almost identical and hopefully I dont have to reload stock again. but it think i missed something Gah.. I did a lot of editing to reg. then started on their work but to no avail. I still dont have sms and there is no function showing even though i did set up a mail account. it's like it doesnt exist on the phone.

Just downloaded dec 31 & will run from scratch on setup again. Will try to write down everything i did lol and post it.
cool man.i'll keep my eyes posted for when you do,no rush but getting the right size pix would be a plus lol

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  #5464 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 02:16 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Originally Posted by mbjr View Post
Yup, same here .... 1/1/16 on my txt's today. Running 28011 dec 31st standard.
Originally Posted by big_slug06 View Post
EVERY text message anybody receives that has sprint will say 2016. its the network. Stock ROM or not. ...guess the world didnt end in 2012 lol
Originally Posted by slaman View Post
Not just Sprint... I'm on TELUS and seeing the same thing.
Here is a cab to fix the 2016 SMS bug.

NOTE: You must soft reset after installation AND delete all SMS threads which contain the incorrect 2016 date.
Attached Files
File Type: cab Ziggy 2016 Fix.cab (1.3 KB, 170 views) Click for barcode!
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  #5465 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 03:53 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

am i the only bone having a low memory error watching a second youtube video. the first one plays ok. if i stop and start the app it works for one more video. is there a fix?
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  #5466 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 04:23 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

I'm trying to run an app (Intelligolf) and the icons at the bottom are too spread out to view them all and the right two or three are not being displayed. I can open the keyboard and they are visable in landscape. Any ideas on how to fix this?
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  #5467 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 04:40 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Thanks NRGZ28 you have opened my eyes on what this phone can do!!! I've been on MightyROM because I was led to believe the flashier ROMS lacked stability and speed. After a clean install of yours I am blown away. Couple of questions and sorry in advance because I'm a noob.

1. Is there a detailed post regarding flashing your ROM that is carrier specific? (Mighty's first page had a dedicated FAQ with steps to flash that for sprint was; clear storage, flash back to stock, clear storage, flash new ROM, clear storage, run carrier provisioning, soft reset, run prl update, mms fix! On the link in your post it is very simple without most of these steps)
2. Is there somewhere with an outline or pictures that detail all the tweaks you have done because I keep stumbling into cool little things different about your ROM that I would have liked to know before getting it? (like the revamped start menu in the top left, the drop down settings menu somewhere to the right of that, and where is the task mgr to kill programs on the home page outside of in the start menu)
3. Is there a list somewhere of what all the applications you have cooked into this ROM do?
4. Is there a list of what programs and cabs that do or don't get along with your ROM?
5. Is there a way to change the clock to the one provided with MightyROM's stable that retains the transparency?

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  #5468 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 06:25 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Is this rom very stable like many say. Also i dont really like how the tool bar(where it says start and where the battery icon and task manager icon is)How its blue and i was wondering is there anyway you can change it to the stock look where its white. If anybody knows will they plz help me

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  #5469 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 06:31 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Originally Posted by tpdjr View Post
Is this rom very stable like many say. Also i dont really like how the tool bar(where it says start and where the battery icon and task manager icon is)How its blue and i was wondering is there anyway you can change it to the stock look where its white. If anybody knows will they plz help me

Thank you
I have a real nice black and white one I use, that would work just fine on this rom. There are getting to be more and more that are compatible with the new roms.

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  #5470 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 08:45 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" 28011/21885 |Dec 31| ★ Sense 2.5/ MaxManila/ Dusk

Originally Posted by ThrottleAbuse View Post
I was running the 28014 dec 17th dusk rom and today I decided to flash the 28011 dec 30th rom because I was never able to get mms to work correctly on the dec 17th rom.
I am running the Dec 17th Dusk ROM also (Verizon service) This is an awesome ROM IMHO.

I had both SMS & MMS working perfectly using the HTC app within five minutes of flashing the ROM.

Send me a PM if you want, I can probably help you get this working (it's pretty simple really)

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