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  #9841 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 03:35 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by MrBeOTP2 View Post
my screenshot on MR

Sweet. That Android Sense launcher looks especially nice. Link?
-Cleverly disguised as A Responsible Adult
  #9842 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 06:35 PM
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Sprint & ArcSoft Bug within HTC Messaging

Anyone know if this is a known bug?:
-On Sprint
-Installed MightRom
-Then the Arcsoft for MMS (Sprint users have this software installed by default when they get there phones)

Ok, I noticed that when I am inside the HTC messaging software (which is way more advanced then the windows SMS), when I get an SMS with a picture, I get the little icon on the right hand side (ScreenShot1). When I click on that the icon, the image opens up for viewing in the STOCK Sprint ROM (the way its suppose to function).

After installing mightyRom and then Arcsoft (threaded), when you click on the icon, it drops you into the windows messaging and shows you all ur SMS/MMS messages. There you can click on the attachment and view it but obviously an unnecessary step and a bug I would think.

Here are some images:
ScreenShot 1 and 2 are the correct flow. You click on the icon and it shows you the attached pic.

ScreenShot 3 shows how mightyrom and the arcsoft install change the normal flow. Only thing that is missing from 3 is the little image icon and thats because I just flashed back to stock to confirm the flow change.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg ScreenShot1.jpg (6.1 KB, 32 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg ScreenShot2.jpg (4.5 KB, 37 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg ScreenShot3.jpg (6.3 KB, 34 views) Click for barcode!
  #9843 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by great2c4me
Regarding this sea of discussion...
Freakin' WTF?
where do I go to really read the essentials, terminology, and what ever else I need to familiarize myself with this rom?
This is no place for NooB's. I can hardly stand the performance of my slow-mo-fo TPdose.
Try the first 8 posts of this thread, especially the FAQ.
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  #9844 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by shellzcheez
help!!! my text messages are stuck in 2016 and i am running might rom!!!...i tried using the htc patch but it wouldnt install ...please help!!!
MR has had the fix in his ROMs for a while. I would consider upgrading or check what mods you are applying if you are on recent builds.

Also, read this thread carefully if a new install is out of the question. forum.ppcgeeks.com/wiforums/GetThread.php?t=104248
  #9845 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 09:40 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

thanks u were spot on
  #9846 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 12:57 PM
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Exclamation Re: Sprint & ArcSoft Bug within HTC Messaging

Originally Posted by fcastro View Post
Anyone know if this is a known bug?:
-On Sprint
-Installed MightRom
-Then the Arcsoft for MMS (Sprint users have this software installed by default when they get there phones)

Ok, I noticed that when I am inside the HTC messaging software (which is way more advanced then the windows SMS), when I get an SMS with a picture, I get the little icon on the right hand side (ScreenShot1). When I click on that the icon, the image opens up for viewing in the STOCK Sprint ROM (the way its suppose to function).

After installing mightyRom and then Arcsoft (threaded), when you click on the icon, it drops you into the windows messaging and shows you all ur SMS/MMS messages. There you can click on the attachment and view it but obviously an unnecessary step and a bug I would think.

Here are some images:
ScreenShot 1 and 2 are the correct flow. You click on the icon and it shows you the attached pic.

ScreenShot 3 shows how mightyrom and the arcsoft install change the normal flow. Only thing that is missing from 3 is the little image icon and thats because I just flashed back to stock to confirm the flow change.
I was able to reinstall the correct click flow by reinstalling the rom and installing the NON-THREADED imnuts Stock Sprint ArcSoft MMS (6.31 MB, 152 views). As per imnuts "CABs updated 4/11/2010. Stock Sprint CAB added that has all stock settings from shipped Sprint ROM and nothing changed." Thanks imnuts and mightyMike
  #9847 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 02:36 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░


  #9848 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 03:07 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by [sammich] View Post

I had something to put here... but I just decided to delete it because its not going to happen since MR is about to be decommissioned... and since someone will be bound to ask what I was going to say, it was just about making the Final release DCD style... Stock as hell but with a link for marketplace... (after all MyPhone/Live/Office and much more thats cooked in can/will be on Marketplace -and added to XDA-UC-, and get updated often enough to make a Final Release ROM time constrained) NRG Standard WM21911/Sense2018 is very nice, but its no MR in stability, speed, and just overall use...

I will NOT go to WP7 unless its atrocious UI can be completely changed, so lucky Android for getting the MM treatment... Am so thinking about going to TMo with the HD2... with the leaps and bounds that are being made with Android on HD2 its the best of both worlds (to me at least) WM6/6.1/6.5/6.5.x and Android... (no keyboard, but I would force myself to adapt)
Selling my (still) BNIB Sprint TP2, and loving Android on my HD2 on SimpleMobile!
My old DreamPhone thread that was here is now obsolete: http://www.samsung.com/global/micros...note/spec.html

Last edited by Kane3162; 08-16-2010 at 03:10 PM.
  #9849 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 06:11 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by MrBeOTP2 View Post
Any one else tried this?

Originally Posted by Kane3162 View Post

I will NOT go to WP7 unless its atrocious UI can be completely changed, so lucky Android for getting the MM treatment... Am so thinking about going to TMo with the HD2... with the leaps and bounds that are being made with Android on HD2 its the best of both worlds (to me at least) WM6/6.1/6.5/6.5.x and Android... (no keyboard, but I would force myself to adapt)
I agree. I know that MS is going the route of the Dark Side a lill for WM7, But I am hoping the HTC or someone can put together something that does make it a little more visually appealing. I have been playing w/ the android for about a week or so and I am starting to like it. I too am not too excited about WM7 yet, but i am going to wait and see what happens before i decide which direction I am going to go.
  #9850 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 07:29 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by bdurst08 View Post
Any one else tried this?
I did and took it off almost immediately, actually had to run clear storage and re-setup my phone. It doesnt look like the screenshot shown and actually in my case doesn't show actual screens of your phone, instead it has images from the stock ROM, so for instance i have GTX installed but all the quicklinks are shown with black stock backrounds...also if you set it up as directed (to map start button long press to make it pop up) it messes up the keyboard function..i think it changed all the keyboard mapping to GSM...

kind of frustrated because MrBeOTP2 is posting screens but not giving much help on how they got their phone to look that way, but i let it go ::shrug::
Moved on to Motorola Droid 3 and XDA...ya'll kids have fun
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MMS stopped working after installing Mighty Rom - SprintUsers.com Post #0 Refback 10-06-2010 12:35 AM

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