Heres my report on FF:
Had a full charge today first thing this morning 7am:
1) two push accounts all day. Multiple emails send with small attachments
2) On and off Messenger (approx 30 mins)
3) installed Cookie Home Tab (with editor)..customized!
4) Opera 10 Final installed, you tube, ring tones and notification working.
5) 10 mins worth of calls,
6) lots and lots and lots of Data/web browsing
7) listened to a few tunes in the car
Facebook/Twitter accounts are added, and synced with phone....updating every hour...
9) Weather updating every 30 mins
10) Google Mapin' shit just for fun with Google Voice (10 mins..)
11) and a few text msgs here and there.
It's a great ROM. Perfect for every day use. 6.5.X builds are typically iffy, depending on what you have installed and I havent had a single issue yet. Ya, there are a few graphical issues that bug me (the friggin keypad button on the dialer! It's not straight! and not MM fault..)....
It's now 6pm here, and it was almost dead when I got home. I noticed that when the battery was lower than 20% the performance went out the window. Web pages were slow to load, apps were slow to start.......Is this a normal occurrence?
....Either way, I'd be very happy with this released as is.
Way to go MM!...