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  #971 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

i respect that, just merely trying to say that what you show after soft reset will not stay that way but increase with usage, imo, im no chef but just my experience

appreciate the update either way, do your thing
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  #972 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 08:31 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Even still, I've had at about 44% free after soft reset for like the last week. If 33 was the best I'd been able to do then I'd have to roll with it, but I know I can do almost 10% percent better. Releasing, knowing that it's not my best, just isn't acceptable.
Those words right there are the very reason why we all have GREAT roms for our TP2's that we so proudly rock. Keep up the good work bro.
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  #973 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 06:20 AM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Version 1.3 is up! Check the first post. I've only uploaded them to VBN Files so I hope there are no issues this time around. Feel free to mirror if someone is having issues with the download.

This ROM has CHT and the Editor installing as .cabs at boot up. If you like my non-CHT style Sense (Santod's 16 Quicklinks and BG4ALL, my preferred non-CHT tab arrangement and my wallpaper you can install the "16 QL + BG4ALL - Sharkie ReMiX".cab from the Sharkie ReMiX Cabs folder in the Start Menu.

Should you uninstall CHT and the Editor and want to reinstall them the way I have them set at first boot (my default wallpaper, my preferred CHT tab arrangement and my preferred CHT home tab set up), you can install the two Sharkie ReMiX .cabs also located in the Sharkie ReMiX Cabs folder in the Start Menu.

To the noobs out there: Remember to disable Sense before installing or uninstalling any of the Sense mod cabs.

All the .cabs that install at first boot are also located in the \Cabs directory. These .cabs are tweaked for my preferred Start Menu placement.

Basically I wanted to combine my two ROMs into one and provide all the necessary software in order to fully revert back to stock SharkieROM without having to hard reset.

Of course, the biggest plus to all of that is that it can ALL be removed if you so choose!

Oh, and the default PagePool is now set at 12.

I'll be at work aaaalllll day today, so I forgive me if I'm not in the thread often to answer questions. Hopefully some of you guys can help me out.

Only 6.5.X was updated. I still have more work to do on the 6.5 ROMs. Hopefully this weekend I'll release an updated 6.5 ROM.
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Verizon HTC One M9

Last edited by Sharkie405; 09-24-2010 at 08:45 AM.
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  #974 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 01:17 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

NICE!!! i know what I'm doing tonight!!!

Thanks Sharkie!!!
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  #975 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 01:41 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

awesome!!! i have been waiting on this! dl'ing now,may be in the am before i can flash but you know i'll post my results,thanks for all the hard work and time you put into this brother!!

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  #976 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 01:59 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Very cool man! Won't have time to flash today, but will post a 4shared mirror for folks shortly. Thanks for update, sir...


4shared mirror: http://www.4shared.com/file/VLhsixqS...ieROM_v13.html

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Last edited by mugsy77; 09-24-2010 at 12:15 AM. Reason: added mirror
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  #977 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 02:31 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

I have flashed to this latest version of the ROM. I have been a long time Energy ROM user. I must say I enjoy what I see in this rom so far. I must say I scimmed through the first few posts. And I would love to see a Thundercats Theme for this rom! I love that start bar and the other screenshots with the Thundercats background are awesome! I am not to sure on the crazier font, kind of a plain guy myself. but I would rock it either way!

Nice work on the new version!
If anyone helps you out remember to hit the thanks button!
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  #978 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 08:25 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Those screens are from Straitup27's phone, He tends to like that type of font, but a great thing about this rom is that it has Kliptik's Font Changer app that works amazing and allows you to change the fonts as you see fit.

On a side note, I flashed the newest generic and i no longer have my settings tab for manila....umm did I miss something or a bad flash?

Originally Posted by kuluminati View Post
I have flashed to this latest version of the
ROM. I have been a long time Energy ROM user. I must say I enjoy what I see in this rom so far. I must say I scimmed through the first few posts. And I would love to see a Thundercats Theme for this rom! I love that start bar and the other screenshots with the Thundercats background are awesome! I am not to sure on the crazier font, kind of a plain guy myself. but I would rock it either way!

Nice work on the new version!

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  #979 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 08:40 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

dl'ing now, cant wait

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  #980 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 09:03 PM
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Re: Update[9-23-10]★SharkieROM v1.3★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by dapbmonkey4u View Post
Those screens are from Straitup27's phone, He tends to like that type of font, but a great thing about this rom is that it has Kliptik's Font Changer app that works amazing and allows you to change the fonts as you see fit.

On a side note, I flashed the newest generic and i no longer have my settings tab for manila....umm did I miss something or a bad flash?
I'd have to say bad flash. I'll flash that ROM when I get home later to verify, unless someone else can verify first.
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