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  #961 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 07:38 PM
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Sorry don't know how multi quote on tapa talk

Yes mm. task manager is the one I use an its great.agreed that this 1 app takes care of the other 3

Agian don't be down, never my attention s
Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Yeah, that's all I'm saying. I've not nor will I in the future remove a bunch of stuff just to satisfy a few users. Like you said and I said I may in the future put out a SharkieROM lite, but my core ROM will never be a lite one.

Again, I've gone through all the apps and the only changes as far as apps are the file explorers and the browsers. And like I said removing some wallpapers. That's it. Everything else stays.

Although, I've been using the newest MMTaskmanager again and I'm sticking with that instead of ameba, ameba launcher, ameba settings and arkswitch. MMtaskmanager is more dependable in launching than arkswitch (on my ROM anyway). I also like the way it displays memory info. better than arkswitch. And of course it enables the "X" button to close programs. Why have 4 apps when 1 can do it all.

Aside from that SharkieROM is still in tact. Have no fear.

Thank you so much for your post! I've been down on myself as far as my ROM of late and I really needed that pick me up. Thanks!

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  #962 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 11:47 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Yeah, that's all I'm saying. I've not nor will I in the future remove a bunch of stuff just to satisfy a few users. Like you said and I said I may in the future put out a SharkieROM lite, but my core ROM will never be a lite one.

Again, I've gone through all the apps and the only changes as far as apps are the file explorers and the browsers. And like I said removing some wallpapers. That's it. Everything else stays.

Although, I've been using the newest MMTaskmanager again and I'm sticking with that instead of ameba, ameba launcher, ameba settings and arkswitch. MMtaskmanager is more dependable in launching than arkswitch (on my ROM anyway). I also like the way it displays memory info. better than arkswitch. And of course it enables the "X" button to close programs. Why have 4 apps when 1 can do it all.

Aside from that SharkieROM is still in tact. Have no fear.

Thank you so much for your post! I've been down on myself as far as my ROM of late and I really needed that pick me up. Thanks!
thats great to hear man,i really love your work and hated the idea of it vanishing!! looking forward to the next update!!!
Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
I know I been in here lately but only giving my opinion, suggestion or ideas.not to force my thoughts on any one but to help. After every suggestion I also say this is my opinion an this is your rom, you do what you want, respectfully so.

I know my name wasnt mentioned straitup but I felt guilty after your post, not my attention s

Sharkie, I'm not a fan of blue but your theme drew me to your rom, more so the sms theme bubbles, what ever app you decide to keep will make work

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in no way form or fashion was that intended to offend you nor was it about you,actually it was you expressing your thoughts and opinions to our chef for him to decide on things for his rom that inspired me to post my thoughts and feelings on the matter

i've seen you on many rom threads and you do nothing other than make suggestions and ect. as myself,my goal in my statement was to point out that a lot of custom roms i have used since the touch pro back in the day and up to now currently on the tp2 have started out as something really nice and unique and then after the chef's quit building for themselves and started building trying to please every users wants/gripes and ect. then the rom would become this mucked up shit i could have by running stock roms

i get tired of seeing creators ideas and ect. changed by others and not themselves and i may have worded my post wrong in my effort in trying to tell our chef to continue to build the rom he wants for his phone that he has been so kind to share with us,i do apologize sir for offending you as it was never the intention of my post

Last edited by Straitup27; 09-17-2010 at 11:49 PM.
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  #963 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2010, 01:13 AM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I've checked my weather auto update and it is and always has worked fine. I've never had a problem with it restarting sense. I also never have a problem with it finding my location. I have it set to do this automatically from the get go. Usually my location is found and weather is shown before anything else is set up.

Did you add any mods to the tab?

Did you Task29 before flashing the ROM? If not, that should be the first thing you try.

As far as T-Mobile provisioning, I've never looked inside that .cab, but I will late tonight or tomorrow sometime. I imagine I have an idea of what's going on.

Thanks for your feedback! Thanks for trying out my ROM too!

Does MMS work for you out of the box on T-Mobile? If not, can you post the MMS cab that you use?
I have always had that problem with My Location gps weather update using only local airwaves data. Anyway I haven't install anything on the ROM until today. I just been testing it as it is for a few weeks now. Only thing I did install of course is the T-Mobile provisioning cab that work great (MMS too) except you have to select it to use 'T-Mobile Data' on Data Connection settings Advanced tab/Select Network.

I always do Task29 before installing any ROM even if it's reinstalling the same one. Although I run it from my PC not the SD card (haven't gotten around on how do it yet).

You ROM it's great, lots useful Apps. It even has UNO, didn't had to install it! Just install the AP Mobile App and that's it for now. It would have been great to have an option to have the top taskbar transparent instead of the usual black bar, but I maybe asking too much.

Thanks for the quick response!

Last edited by Kevinik; 09-18-2010 at 01:19 AM.
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  #964 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2010, 01:26 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Keep in mind everyone, that while I have made strides in the memory area, my goal is not to provide a stripped ROM. If I do decide to releasing anything along those lines then I will think about removing much of what is in there. Before release I went over all my apps time and time again and debated what I should leave or not. What you see in there now are my core apps that I use and love and really don't want to see taken out. I will be installing questionable apps, e.g. - 3 browsers, 3 file explorers, etc... as .cabs so that they can be removed.
Hey Sharkie,

I didn't mean to imply a stripped ROM. I was merely suggesting that you not pack the ROM so full that we run short of space after installing our personal stuff. Though I do appreciate the idea of some programs being uninstallable.

Of course, I realize this is your personal ROM, and no one should try to tell you what you should or shouldn't include. We all wouldn't be here if we didn't think your ROM is one of the best.

Keep up the good work!
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  #965 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2010, 03:24 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Originally Posted by kdjameson View Post
Hey Sharkie,

I didn't mean to imply a stripped ROM. I was merely suggesting that you not pack the ROM so full that we run short of space after installing our personal stuff. Though I do appreciate the idea of some programs being uninstallable.

Of course, I realize this is your personal ROM, and no one should try to tell you what you should or shouldn't include. We all wouldn't be here if we didn't think your ROM is one of the best.

Keep up the good work!
So to summarize everyones thoughts: Keep rockin it, Sharkie!!!

Honestly, great ROM and can't wait for the next release!!!
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  #966 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2010, 10:51 PM
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No, I wasnt offended nor think your post was negative

Just was making sure we were onthe same page, and we are. Thanks an same to you...any time I see your name in a thread its always help full.
Originally Posted by Straitup27 View Post
thats great to hear man,i really love your work and hated the idea of it vanishing!! looking forward to the next update!!!

in no way form or fashion was that intended to offend you nor was it about you,actually it was you expressing your thoughts and opinions to our chef for him to decide on things for his rom that inspired me to post my thoughts and feelings on the matter

i've seen you on many rom threads and you do nothing other than make suggestions and ect. as myself,my goal in my statement was to point out that a lot of custom roms i have used since the touch pro back in the day and up to now currently on the tp2 have started out as something really nice and unique and then after the chef's quit building for themselves and started building trying to please every users wants/gripes and ect. then the rom would become this mucked up shit i could have by running stock roms

i get tired of seeing creators ideas and ect. changed by others and not themselves and i may have worded my post wrong in my effort in trying to tell our chef to continue to build the rom he wants for his phone that he has been so kind to share with us,i do apologize sir for offending you as it was never the intention of my post

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  #967 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 06:05 PM
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Can't wait

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  #968 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 06:19 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

I was going to release the 6.5.X today, but about an hour ago I noticed my memory jumped from about 44% available after soft reset to about 33%. So I gotta figure out what I did to make that happen. Not sure I'll get it tonight though... Won't release till I do...
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  #969 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 06:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I was going to release the 6.5.X today, but about an hour ago I noticed my memory jumped from about 44% available after soft reset to about 33%. So I gotta figure out what I did to make that happen. Not sure I'll get it tonight though... Won't release till I do...
77 percent used isn't bad still...I'm kinda used to that as normal nowadays considering cht and sense.on your latest I was noticing 12 percent available after lots of use. I'm not sure what others were reporting but I think 33 available is good considering. I for 1 would be happy with a release as it is now (even on the low

Either way good job an can't wait

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  #970 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 07:14 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Even still, I've had at about 44% free after soft reset for like the last week. If 33 was the best I'd been able to do then I'd have to roll with it, but I know I can do almost 10% percent better. Releasing, knowing that it's not my best, just isn't acceptable.
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