Originally Posted by Sharkie405
I've checked my weather auto update and it is and always has worked fine. I've never had a problem with it restarting sense. I also never have a problem with it finding my location. I have it set to do this automatically from the get go. Usually my location is found and weather is shown before anything else is set up.
Did you add any mods to the tab?
Did you Task29 before flashing the ROM? If not, that should be the first thing you try.
As far as T-Mobile provisioning, I've never looked inside that .cab, but I will late tonight or tomorrow sometime. I imagine I have an idea of what's going on.
Thanks for your feedback!  Thanks for trying out my ROM too!
Does MMS work for you out of the box on T-Mobile? If not, can you post the MMS cab that you use?
I have always had that problem with My Location gps weather update using only local airwaves data. Anyway I haven't install anything on the ROM until today. I just been testing it as it is for a few weeks now. Only thing I did install of course is the T-Mobile provisioning cab that work great (MMS too) except you have to select it to use 'T-Mobile Data' on Data Connection settings Advanced tab/Select Network.
I always do Task29 before installing any ROM even if it's reinstalling the same one. Although I run it from my PC not the SD card (haven't gotten around on how do it yet).
You ROM it's great, lots useful Apps. It even has UNO, didn't had to install it! Just install the AP Mobile App and that's it for now. It would have been great to have an option to have the top taskbar transparent instead of the usual black bar, but I maybe asking too much.
Thanks for the quick response!