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  #901 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 07:47 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Okay finally im running your rom with no issue. I did task 29. questin, how can i get the htc boot screen again vs htc tp2?
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  #902 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 10:14 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Originally Posted by Parasurfer1979 View Post
Okay finally im running your rom with no issue. I did task 29. questin, how can i get the htc boot screen again vs htc tp2?
find it and flash it.
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  #903 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 11:00 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Originally Posted by Sixfoota21 View Post
If MaxSense will delay my 6.5 UPGRADE , I will say PASS !!
No worries, even if I had the files, they wouldn't come first.

Originally Posted by Parasurfer1979 View Post
Okay finally im running your rom with no issue. I did task 29. questin, how can i get the htc boot screen again vs htc tp2?
uumm... wait, are you saying that all you did was task 29 for the first time and then my ROM worked. I hope that's not the case. If it is, I'm pretty sure that myself and several other people mentioned Task29'ing the first couple times you mentioned your problem. You were willing to drive for an hour and half rather than just task 29? That makes no sense really. I hope this is not what you're saying...

Anyway, I'm glad you got it running. My ROM will not change your boot screen. If your boot screen has changed than you must have changed it some other way. There is a way for me to cook in a custom boot screen, but I wouldn't do that because that would mean people would have to do a separate flash to change it back. Flashing a new boot screen is like flashing a new ROM. Usually the two are separate from one another unless you're talking about a stock ROM. Usually stock ROMs will also flash the stock boot screen, custom ROMs usually do not.

So, now that you've got it up and running, feedback? I'm assuming there are memory issues and that you've been keeping up with the thread and are aware that I'm aware of the memory issues. Aside from that...?
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  #904 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 11:21 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
No worries, even if I had the files, they wouldn't come first.

uumm... wait, are you saying that all you did was task 29 for the first time and then my ROM worked. I hope that's not the case. If it is, I'm pretty sure that myself and several other people mentioned Task29'ing the first couple times you mentioned your problem. You were willing to drive for an hour and half rather than just task 29? That makes no sense really. I hope this is not what you're saying...

Anyway, I'm glad you got it running. My ROM will not change your boot screen. If your boot screen has changed than you must have changed it some other way. There is a way for me to cook in a custom boot screen, but I wouldn't do that because that would mean people would have to do a separate flash to change it back. Flashing a new boot screen is like flashing a new ROM. Usually the two are separate from one another unless you're talking about a stock ROM. Usually stock ROMs will also flash the stock boot screen, custom ROMs usually do not.

So, now that you've got it up and running, feedback? I'm assuming there are memory issues and that you've been keeping up with the thread and are aware that I'm aware of the memory issues. Aside from that...?

I'm pretty sure that Task29 changes your bootscreen... At least I have heard that somewhere... Just confirmation that it's not your ROM.
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  #905 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 11:24 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
find it and flash it.
lol, most helpful post ever!
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  #906 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 11:27 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Sup mwalt2!!! I'm honored to see you here!
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  #907 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 01:17 AM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

I finally gave up Vin's rom to try yours after seeing yours float around for a while...and I have to say, only after 10 minutes...I'm totally HOOKED!!! Thanks!
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  #908 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 01:36 AM
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Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
lol, most helpful post ever!
I know right, that was classic

But so every one knows that its not sharkie rom that changed the boot splash, but it was his task 29 that changed it...there are many different task 29 packages that are floating around, sum have radios others have boot splash whether it be the original tp2 or the newer htc splash screen.he must of grabbed one that came package with the tp2 splash, so you either have to find one with the newer htc logo and start over agian or find nbh of just the boot splash and flash it, which in that case you wouldn't have to start over

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  #909 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 05:51 AM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Originally Posted by xs2k View Post
I finally gave up Vin's rom to try yours after seeing yours float around for a while...and I have to say, only after 10 minutes...I'm totally HOOKED!!! Thanks!
That's awesome! Thanks for trying me out and thanks for letting me know! Been working on some of the issues and most should be worked out in the next update. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have.
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  #910 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 07:15 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

You know you can just delete the entire post via Edit>Delete right? Now you have me curious...
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