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  #3311 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2011, 02:29 AM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
Hey guys I used CHT lockscreen for the first time over the weekend and it was giving me some freezing issues. Ive always had problems with cht lockscreen...


When I uninstalled it. The Default windows lockscreen was on. How do you turn this off? I disabled the start menu. Is there any other way to access it.

I dont know if you have an application on the phone that just launches the default lockscreen without needing a password.
this is also something i have noticed. i really like the cht lockscreen (slide left to right option is great) but i also was having issues w/ freeze or hard time to wake or something so i would turn it off but then i would get the standard wm lockscreen there after and no way to disable, that i know of but never searched. im actually right now debating on enable it agian. i just hard reset to start off fresh but this time i actually did a proper cht backup w/ chts....baseline after flash, then a full sense after setup settings (before install any cabs) and then after all widgets and skins installed ill make my layouts and save those that way i guess if i have probs w/ manila lock then ill revert back to my save. but to answer more on the manila lock bugs/freeze...i know i read that some cht widgets are possible the cause, read cause they are not "true" cht widgets...that and sense wasnt "really" made to handle the lock either.

sorry to hear bout your xda folder, i have not a clue. dont use xda uc. i actually like to take my time and install everything in a certain order and such... dats dat ocd kickin in

@sharkie, great news. hows it been going, more or less your thoughts on android? it is different and takes a bit getting used to but interesting too.

roms been great, ill have a wish list of sorts for you. a few off the top...
mo tweets is @ 2.0,
i think your uc browser is @ 7.7,
the total commander finger friendly cab posted way back here,
if you still were gonna replace the settings tab icons to your special style maybe going threw the other section (not a biggie)
maybe skinning the new txt icon in messaging tab and the same for the icons in the email tab to similar of settings tab?
widgets: i vote for...simclockv3 (skinned icons/toggles matching setting tab special icons?), rss, notes
i vote removal of games: all mobile mines, uno, bubble breaker, solitaire...to be replaced w/ experiment 13 great game

performance has been great but if i think or notice anything ill let you know. the above is only a wish list and like x mas you dont always get everything but its not what you get but more the thought that counts plus its only normal that you play w/ your new toy...and soon tp2 will = woody and buzz lightyear, lol. so thanks for sticking w/ us this long
It is, wat it is...nothing more, nothing less
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  #3312 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2011, 08:34 AM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
this is also something i have noticed. i really like the cht lockscreen (slide left to right option is great) but i also was having issues w/ freeze or hard time to wake or something so i would turn it off but then i would get the standard wm lockscreen there after and no way to disable, that i know of but never searched. im actually right now debating on enable it agian. i just hard reset to start off fresh but this time i actually did a proper cht backup w/ chts....baseline after flash, then a full sense after setup settings (before install any cabs) and then after all widgets and skins installed ill make my layouts and save those that way i guess if i have probs w/ manila lock then ill revert back to my save. but to answer more on the manila lock bugs/freeze...i know i read that some cht widgets are possible the cause, read cause they are not "true" cht widgets...that and sense wasnt "really" made to handle the lock either.
im sure if I find a cab like smartlock or somthing to that effect that uses windows lockscreen It will work.

I actually like the windows lockscreen eventhough I think its DULL! BIG TIME

sorry to hear bout your xda folder, i have not a clue. dont use xda uc. i actually like to take my time and install everything in a certain order and such... dats dat ocd kickin in
I dont use it either. I just store my files there because Its kind of my "cabs you need to install folder"

Im just pissed because some of them I can't find. Theye were modified from other themes and inserted into a cab.

and I dont remember everything I have in there because they were gathered from websites I just stumbled upon.

This is the second time this has happened.

@sharkie, great news. hows it been going, more or less your thoughts on android? it is different and takes a bit getting used to but interesting too.

roms been great, ill have a wish list of sorts for you. a few off the top...
mo tweets is @ 2.0,
i think your uc browser is @ 7.7,
the total commander finger friendly cab posted way back here,
if you still were gonna replace the settings tab icons to your special style maybe going threw the other section (not a biggie)
maybe skinning the new txt icon in messaging tab and the same for the icons in the email tab to similar of settings tab?
widgets: i vote for...simclockv3 (skinned icons/toggles matching setting tab special icons?), rss, notes
i vote removal of games: all mobile mines, uno, bubble breaker, solitaire...to be replaced w/ experiment 13 great game

performance has been great but if i think or notice anything ill let you know. the above is only a wish list and like x mas you dont always get everything but its not what you get but more the thought that counts plus its only normal that you play w/ your new toy...and soon tp2 will = woody and buzz lightyear, lol. so thanks for sticking w/ us this long
I for one ask if your going to update your rom to keep the icons in your 5.0 rom and dont modify them.
Please PM me if you have a sero plan to sell with 1000 mins or more

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  #3313 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 01:17 AM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post

I for one ask if your going to update your rom to keep the icons in your 5.0 rom and dont modify them.
start menu icons? +1 agreed, i like the color

i do have a bug/issue that i need help w/ from any1 avail.

i use the phone hardware key (long press) as comm manager, think its a better button match so therefor i dont need the comm linked to hard end key. i went into kb config and went to edit mode for endz key. i left the single click as default (why emulate key press and not default action selected, sharkie?) i went to the drop down and went to long press. this i changed to emulate key press...lock device, saved and tested. upon 1st end key long press it worked, locked the device (been looking for a way to use lock and just stumbled upon this option in emulate section) so i unlock and get an error that blinks real quick (something like end key could not be opened.... and after this happens all hardware keys are broke (phone, start, back and end) for all actions (single click and long press) until i restart device.

this has happened once before when i tried changing this option but i didnt know if it was user error and never tried to confirm (for some reason ) that is until now
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  #3314 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 01:37 AM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

just was looking (no not flashing) at nrg thread, last page and some1 said his quick gps wouldnt update past 7 days so he would have to manually do it. i know that is a prob w/ us too. s/he said they changed the tct or tpt or tmp something glyph cache or something like that and it fixed the prob.

post 31789, and it was tcp windows something he changed

also i never thought of it till i seen a post in his thread but sometimes i would be on a call and then after call is done my wifi would be on so i always thought it was my ear turning it on, lol but maybe its something else? any1 else? i havent had it happen since i hard reset yesterday but havent been on the phone calls much

Last edited by kjhadfield; 05-18-2011 at 01:42 AM.
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  #3315 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 01:46 AM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
start menu icons? +1 agreed, i like the color

i do have a bug/issue that i need help w/ from any1 avail.

i use the phone hardware key (long press) as comm manager, think its a better button match so therefor i dont need the comm linked to hard end key. i went into kb config and went to edit mode for endz key. i left the single click as default (why emulate key press and not default action selected, sharkie?) i went to the drop down and went to long press. this i changed to emulate key press...lock device, saved and tested. upon 1st end key long press it worked, locked the device (been looking for a way to use lock and just stumbled upon this option in emulate section) so i unlock and get an error that blinks real quick (something like end key could not be opened.... and after this happens all hardware keys are broke (phone, start, back and end) for all actions (single click and long press) until i restart device.

this has happened once before when i tried changing this option but i didnt know if it was user error and never tried to confirm (for some reason ) that is until now
Sharkie didn't put "end key" package in ROM. You can try mapping a different hard key and it will probably work fine. HERE is his reply to my question about a end key problem.
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  #3316 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 09:11 PM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Originally Posted by kozmo View Post
Sharkie didn't put "end key" package in ROM. You can try mapping a different hard key and it will probably work fine. HERE is his reply to my question about a end key problem.
thanks i did remember the end key package was taken out but that shouldnt effect my actions; even thou for some reason it is...

as default the endkey is mapped using kb config...click is assigned and long press is assigned,
all i did was change the long press from comm manager to emulate key press...device lock

so comm manager control by long press produces desired results where as lock device tries to report back to the endkey package results in error, but why would it try to do that? i would think it would produce same result as comm manager or any change for that matter...maybe its just the key i choose gives this error (but remember only after i unlock i get the error not after the long press)

so is there any other way/key that can lock device using long press end key? maybe there is a exe/lnk i can put into the start menu/programs to be able to choose program (like comm manager is) and not emulate key press as i did.

any help? thanks
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  #3317 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 10:16 PM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

I liked this ROM, but after a few days HTC Sense continually restarted when I went to the mail tab. A soft reset did not fix the problem.
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  #3318 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2011, 12:23 AM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Thanks love the rom just switched from energy, this is great, i have one issue, i cant get a pic mssg, it comes in and lets me dl but wont show. Any able to assist? Thank you in advance
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  #3319 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2011, 03:17 AM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Originally Posted by zimberto View Post
I liked this ROM, but after a few days HTC Sense continually restarted when I went to the mail tab. A soft reset did not fix the problem.
no1 has reported this problem since v5 offical release almost a month back so this would have to be, sorry, user error. the only way for any1 to help you would to be post cabs and themes you installed
Originally Posted by clfarrar View Post
Thanks love the rom just switched from energy, this is great, i have one issue, i cant get a pic mssg, it comes in and lets me dl but wont show. Any able to assist? Thank you in advance
your on sprint...so what rom did you install. generic or sprint specific version. sounds like generic, so did you run carrier provisioning in start menu/system tools/ you tap on icon and run it, pick sprint and commit, soft reset and your golden.

i always use generic roms (dont need sprint tabs) then sprint carrier and im off to the races
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  #3320 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2011, 09:11 AM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Thank you very much KJ and everyone for answering questions! I appreciate it. KJ is correct in his response to that last two issues posted.

I will most definitely keep my "standard" icons in the continuation of the 5.0 series. Thanks for the input on what you'd like to see. I will definitely re-read that post when I sit down in my kitchen again.

I've been messing with Keyboard Config all morning trying to figure out a way to set the long pressing of the end key to lock the device. After the unlocking the phone I get that error message about 90% of the time. My keys are not freezing however, that I've noticed yet. I'm assuming that the fixing of the error has to be done in the kitchen somewhere in either the keyboard Config. files or one of the other files related to TP2 specific functions. I'll do some digging in this area as well.

I would also like to continue the X series with the simclock v3.0 probably, but I have to fix the twitter and/or Facebook issues with it. As it stands right now it's a mystery to me since those files are the same ones that are in the v5.0 ROM. The problem also now exist in my new "5.0" kitchen as well which is one of the things holding things up.
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