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  #1691 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2010, 03:20 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

correct - just added that
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  #1692 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2010, 10:03 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by slthomas00 View Post
3) Google maps does not find location (temporarily unavailable) when trying to locate via the phone. I have confirmed location is enabled in the CDMA setup (location/911). Location works fine via GPS - just not via Verizon by pressing the blue icon in Google maps.

I also just flashed R4 (23150) this past weekend. I tried GPS (both google and ALK ) this morning and neither was able to get a GPS lock. I have an external gps receiver from my TP days when Verizon had the internal gps receiver locked-out. When I tried using the bluetooth receiver google maps was able to get a position fix within seconds. I tried a few soft resets but was not able to get the internal receiver to work.

Then on the way home I started my ALK gps program and got a gps lock within seconds using the internal receiver

UPDATE: No longer to get a gps lock

Last edited by daytona283; 12-15-2010 at 11:51 PM.
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  #1693 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2010, 02:23 AM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

for Google maps manually configure (don't let Windows configure) the GPS
baud 57600

that's all you need to do.
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  #1694 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2010, 08:09 AM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by ffkip911 View Post
for Google maps manually configure (don't let Windows configure) the GPS
baud 57600

that's all you need to do.

Tried your recommendation but no success
Thanks for trying.

Also added the recommended reg keys for googlemaps but could only get a fix within 4900 meters
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  #1695 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2010, 09:54 AM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

After being on your R4 rom for weeks now I will have to downgrade back to v1.3 I can't seem to fix this reception problem I'm having. It was fixed when I went to stock 6.5. Or atleast it seemed fixed. It will never stay on sprint it switches to "Data network" by itself even when I turn it off in communication manager. It turns itself back on. I can't seem to keep it off.

Now I'm missing texts and not all of a text are coming through. If someone texts more then 160 characters the second part comes through 161+ but the first 160 never comes through and its come to the point of absolute frustration.
Please PM me if you have a sero plan to sell with 1000 mins or more

Last edited by ModmyPPC; 12-16-2010 at 09:57 AM.
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  #1696 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2010, 04:11 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by ffkip911 View Post
for Google maps manually configure (don't let Windows configure) the GPS
baud 57600

that's all you need to do.
i asked you last time but you never answered, why do you keep saying to use baud rate to 57600??? if you look in settings/system/external gps, under programs tab its set to com4, under hardware tab gps port set (none) and braud rate 4800 , and under access tab manage gps is checked. those are the settings out of the box. if google maps wouldnt find my location then i would change the setting to manual com4 baud rate 4800 and it would work. so thats why i ask agian why the baud 57600?
Originally Posted by daytona283 View Post

Tried your recommendation but no success
Thanks for trying.

Also added the recommended reg keys for googlemaps but could only get a fix within 4900 meters
look above and see if your external gps settings are like mine and if so try the baud to 4800 and see whats up
Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
After being on your R4 rom for weeks now I will have to downgrade back to v1.3 I can't seem to fix this reception problem I'm having. It was fixed when I went to stock 6.5. Or atleast it seemed fixed. It will never stay on sprint it switches to "Data network" by itself even when I turn it off in communication manager. It turns itself back on. I can't seem to keep it off.

Now I'm missing texts and not all of a text are coming through. If someone texts more then 160 characters the second part comes through 161+ but the first 160 never comes through and its come to the point of absolute frustration.
why downgrade all the way to 1.3 and not final 2.0r1? any of the ce roms were considered as beta not completely tested were as 2.0r1 was completely tested. you have problems with that too?

what exactly switchs to data network? do you install sprint or generic? are you talking bout settings/connections/connections and under tasks tab it says data network? i use the generic roms and mine says data network and works. does it not work if its on "data network" and it works for "sprint"? i guess something isnt making since for me
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  #1697 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
why downgrade all the way to 1.3 and not final 2.0r1? any of the ce roms were considered as beta not completely tested were as 2.0r1 was completely tested. you have problems with that too?
I had download problems with 2.0 I tried downloading it atleast 10 times could never get it to finish. He switched the server to somewhere else and when it finially did download and I went to unzip it it told me that a file was corrupt and it would stop.

V1.3 was the only one that downloaded and extracted ok.

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
what exactly switchs to data network? do you install sprint or generic? are you talking bout settings/connections/connections and under tasks tab it says data network? i use the generic roms and mine says data network and works. does it not work if its on "data network" and it works for "sprint"? i guess something isnt making since for me
I downloaded the sprint r4 rom. and in the communication manager the toggle switch for "Data connection" constantly switches on even after I switch it off. it turns back on by itself. That wouldn't bother me but i have people calling me asking why i never responded to there texts. and others show just the second half of the text 161+ but the first 1-160 message never gets sent.

So not having sprint and data connection turning on by itself is causing something that is making texting impossible. Plus its taken roughly a minute to connect when I make a call. It just says calling and it doesn't connect after a while.

I tried sprint provisioning. I turned off personalizer (never touched it dont know why it turned on) I tried reflashing. nothing is working. So im tired of it. I flashed stock 6.5 and the data connection doesn't turn on and ill have full signal with sprint.

as far as not flashing V2.2 v1.3 worked great for me so Ill stick to what works. In all honesty I switched to formulas rom for now.

I still love sharkies rom hes done great work and Ill stay in touch.
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  #1698 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2010, 05:01 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
i asked you last time but you never answered, why do you keep saying to use baud rate to 57600??? if you look in settings/system/external gps, under programs tab its set to com4, under hardware tab gps port set (none) and braud rate 4800 , and under access tab manage gps is checked. those are the settings out of the box. if google maps wouldnt find my location then i would change the setting to manual com4 baud rate 4800 and it would work. so thats why i ask agian why the baud 57600?

look above and see if your external gps settings are like mine and if so try the baud to 4800 and see whats up

why downgrade all the way to 1.3 and not final 2.0r1? any of the ce roms were considered as beta not completely tested were as 2.0r1 was completely tested. you have problems with that too?

what exactly switchs to data network? do you install sprint or generic? are you talking bout settings/connections/connections and under tasks tab it says data network? i use the generic roms and mine says data network and works. does it not work if its on "data network" and it works for "sprint"? i guess something isnt making since for me
didn't realize you had a question about it----a long time ago, on another rom, and prob another version of Google maps---this lock issue was coming up---this was the fix suggested, I've used those settings from then on, with no problems locking--ever.
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  #1699 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2010, 05:18 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

I have a confession to make, I switched back to an Energy ROM for a bit today . . .

But I am back to Shark V4.0

But I do have to say, I do like the start menu switcher app that is his ROMs. I am not sure if this is an CAB I can install, I searched for it, but got 2.5 zillion hits

OK, I am going back to the corner where I belong now
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  #1700 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2010, 06:14 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

For those who are having GPS lock issues.

I did some searching earlier today and found a recommendation to update the PRL. After scratching my head for a while I figured I would give it a try and voila I now am getting a GPS lock within a few seconds.
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