Originally Posted by slthomas00
3) Google maps does not find location (temporarily unavailable) when trying to locate via the phone. I have confirmed location is enabled in the CDMA setup (location/911). Location works fine via GPS - just not via Verizon by pressing the blue icon in Google maps.
I also just flashed R4 (23150) this past weekend. I tried GPS (both google and ALK ) this morning and neither was able to get a GPS lock. I have an external gps receiver from my TP days when Verizon had the internal gps receiver locked-out. When I tried using the bluetooth receiver google maps was able to get a position fix within seconds. I tried a few soft resets but was not able to get the internal receiver to work.
Then on the way home I started my ALK gps program and got a gps lock within seconds using the internal receiver
UPDATE: No longer to get a gps lock