Originally Posted by kjhadfield
i asked you last time but you never answered, why do you keep saying to use baud rate to 57600??? if you look in settings/system/external gps, under programs tab its set to com4, under hardware tab gps port set (none) and braud rate 4800 , and under access tab manage gps is checked. those are the settings out of the box. if google maps wouldnt find my location then i would change the setting to manual com4 baud rate 4800 and it would work. so thats why i ask agian why the baud 57600?
look above and see if your external gps settings are like mine and if so try the baud to 4800 and see whats up
why downgrade all the way to 1.3 and not final 2.0r1? any of the ce roms were considered as beta not completely tested were as 2.0r1 was completely tested. you have problems with that too?
what exactly switchs to data network? do you install sprint or generic? are you talking bout settings/connections/connections and under tasks tab it says data network? i use the generic roms and mine says data network and works. does it not work if its on "data network" and it works for "sprint"? i guess something isnt making since for me
didn't realize you had a question about it----a long time ago, on another rom, and prob another version of Google maps---this lock issue was coming up---this was the fix suggested, I've used those settings from then on, with no problems locking--ever.