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  #2081 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 06:56 PM
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Re: **New**8/7/10 V10.1 MaxSense available in post #2047

Hey everyone,
I've been out of it for a few days. Just to report, Bing started understanding me again a couple of days after I reported it. I get the "feeling" that the voice recognition is done on a server vice the phone. When I had the problem it quickly told me I was un-understandable!! Now it's back to the way it was. Flashing v10.1 now. I've been following Big's forum too, and I guess Maxy is away for awhile. I made a suggestion to make the landscape screen the manilla default (cause I want to see a clock more than I want to see quicklinks) and Big said it sounded do-able. Hopefully Maxy comes back real soon and updates maxsense.
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  #2082 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: **New**8/7/10 V10.1 MaxSense available in post #2047

Originally Posted by Jim8181 View Post
Percentage of ram/memory available. ( Atleast that's the way I interpret it)

Also dialers are available as attachments in the posting. For some reason Mediafire would not allow the folder to show as shared. So I just uploaded the files to PPCGeeks.

Suntopper do you know what is difference in this new version of Bing?

After playing an EVO yesterday I don't know why so many are leaving the TP2 for Android. Other than the screen size I see no advance to the phone over my TP2. With MaxSense I new toy!

EDIT: The one main problem I see with MaxSense, you need to run Ram Sweeper a couple of times a day. Doing so will kill all running task.
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Last edited by Timberwolf671; 08-08-2010 at 07:25 PM.
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  #2083 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 07:35 PM
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Re: **New**8/7/10 V10.1 MaxSense available in post #2047

I've played with the new version of Bing and I can't figure out what they changed. I was hoping it would be more touch friendly with selecting search results but haven't really seen it. It isn't any worse though.

I also agree with removing qmenu on the next release. Still playing with the phone after the v10.1 flash. Will report later!

Thanks for all you do,
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  #2084 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 08:33 PM
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Re: **New**8/7/10 V10.1 MaxSense available in post #2047

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
After playing an EVO yesterday I don't know why so many are leaving the TP2 for Android. Other than the screen size I see no advance to the phone over my TP2. With MaxSense I new toy!
I've had an Evo for 10 days now, Updated it to 2.2 Froyo
(my un-educated opinion is)
Evo= larger screen, easier for my old tired eyes to see.
Evo= Much faster device.
Evo= More storage in the device for app storage
Evo= Much faster internet downloads, plus Flash.
Evo= 8Mp camera With flash, i almost forgot to mention that it has a flash.
Evo= No sound booster/graphic eq built in/available for music player. What The Heck was HTC thinking? Camera has flash.

TP-2 I had running Big's and your Max-sense roms easily beats the Evo,
(in my opinion, YMMV) A TP-2 with maxsense has so much customization potential, and so many more Usable applications than Android does at this time.
I sure do miss my great friend, the HTC TP-2 with Maxsense.

Disce bene vivere & mori.
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  #2085 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 09:06 PM
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Re: **New**8/7/10 V10.1 MaxSense available in post #2047

Originally Posted by chile62 View Post
I've had an Evo for 10 days now, Updated it to 2.2 Froyo
(my un-educated opinion is)
Evo= larger screen, easier for my old tired eyes to see.
Evo= Much faster device.
Evo= More storage in the device for app storage
Evo= Much faster internet downloads, plus Flash.
Evo= 8Mp camera With flash, i almost forgot to mention that it has a flash.
Evo= No sound booster/graphic eq built in/available for music player. What The Heck was HTC thinking? Camera has flash.

TP-2 I had running Big's and your Max-sense roms easily beats the Evo,
(in my opinion, YMMV) A TP-2 with maxsense has so much customization potential, and so many more Usable applications than Android does at this time.
I sure do miss my great friend, the HTC TP-2 with Maxsense.

Thanks Ed that was really nice for me to hear. Like most I had been drooling since the EVO was announced, especially since I was eligible for upgrade. But I am fortunate enough to be on a SERO plan and will never give that up unless and until I am forced to, so the TP2 is as good as it's ever gonna get for me. Good thing I just love it, largely thanks to Timberwolf.
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  #2086 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 09:06 PM
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Re: **New**8/7/10 V10.1 MaxSense available in post #2047

Best Rom ever but I just can't figure out why all of your Roms don't have the select all fuction in call history deletion. I know you can select one box and then select (menu- select all-Done). Is it much trouble to correct this minor annoyance ?

This should be the correct steps:

Call History-Delete-Menu-Select All-Done.

Thanks for all your hard work
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  #2087 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 12:02 AM
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Re: **New**8/7/10 V10.1 MaxSense available in post #2047

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
Hey everyone,
I've been out of it for a few days. Just to report, Bing started understanding me again a couple of days after I reported it. I get the "feeling" that the voice recognition is done on a server vice the phone. When I had the problem it quickly told me I was un-understandable!! Now it's back to the way it was. Flashing v10.1 now. I've been following Big's forum too, and I guess Maxy is away for awhile. I made a suggestion to make the landscape screen the manilla default (cause I want to see a clock more than I want to see quicklinks) and Big said it sounded do-able. Hopefully Maxy comes back real soon and updates maxsense.
I had the same problem with Bing, started last Mon. night and lasted a day or so. I don't use it that much so it wasn't a big deal. Just wanted to let you know it wasn't only you.
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  #2088 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 12:21 AM
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Re: **New**8/7/10 V10.1 MaxSense available in post #2047

Thanks, always nice to know the world isn't picking on me LOL.

I could speak to google maps well enough, but I guess I like being told where to go!!!

Didn't have any issues with v10.1 outside of trying to get qmenu to exit. It wouldn't let me hit the "yes" confirmation before disappearing. I did get it off a couple of times but it would always come back when I reset. Since maxsense puts the "window" button back on top, I like to use the hard "windows" button to get to the start menu. I'm not sure what the advantage of 6.5.x is when the menu button goes back on top like 6.5. I guess the other menus are more finger friendly in 6.5.x!

Back to v9.8. Can't say I tried out everything, but nothing significant to report.

Originally Posted by kozmo View Post
I had the same problem with Bing, started last Mon. night and lasted a day or so. I don't use it that much so it wasn't a big deal. Just wanted to let you know it wasn't only you.

Last edited by suntopper; 08-09-2010 at 12:26 AM.
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  #2089 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 11:11 AM
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Re: **New**8/7/10 V10.1 MaxSense available in post #2047

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
We all need to give a BIG (pun) thanks to Big for his work on MaxSense. I flashed his rom several times to see how to get everything working. If I didn't have his rom as a guide to follow, it would have been a much longer time to get a rom even out. Here's to BignaDad
Thanks for that

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  #2090 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2010, 11:28 AM
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Re: **New**8/7/10 V10.1 MaxSense available in post #2047

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post


For the quicklinks you know you can remove the background so only the glass icon shows.

It will look a little cleaner. Just an FYI oh and to bump your thread haha
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