Originally Posted by Timberwolf671
After playing an EVO yesterday I don't know why so many are leaving the TP2 for Android. Other than the screen size I see no advance to the phone over my TP2. With MaxSense I new toy! 
I've had an Evo for 10 days now, Updated it to 2.2 Froyo
(my un-educated opinion is)
Evo= larger screen, easier for my old tired eyes to see.
Evo= Much faster device.
Evo= More storage in the device for app storage
Evo= Much faster internet downloads, plus Flash.
Evo= 8Mp camera With flash, i almost forgot to mention that it has a flash.
Evo= No sound booster/graphic eq built in/available for music player. What The Heck was HTC thinking? Camera has flash.
TP-2 I had running Big's and your Max-sense roms easily beats the Evo,
(in my opinion, YMMV) A TP-2 with maxsense has so much customization potential, and so many more Usable applications than Android does at this time.
I sure do miss my great friend, the HTC TP-2 with Maxsense.