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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2009, 05:17 PM
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] {UC}

I've tried NFSFAN's 110, and loved it. Then recently jumped to Mighty6, and have learned to hate everything but the theme. *shrugs* This one looks interesting...

I'm gonna give it a shot.

update 3: found some personal annoyances. simple tweaking seems to have fixed them.. so far i like it.
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Last edited by RavenTBK; 08-15-2009 at 07:30 PM.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2009, 09:01 PM
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] {UC}

Originally Posted by RavenTBK View Post
I've tried NFSFAN's 110, and loved it. Then recently jumped to Mighty6, and have learned to hate everything but the theme. *shrugs* This one looks interesting...

I'm gonna give it a shot.

update 3: found some personal annoyances. simple tweaking seems to have fixed them.. so far i like it.
care to share the annoyances? i would love some feedback
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2009, 11:24 PM
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] {UC}

Originally Posted by DomSim View Post
care to share the annoyances? i would love some feedback
I think I might of indirectly caused one of them. After removal of the LiveSearch, Email, and FavePeople panels in CHomeEditor, which I do to every 6.5 rom I've run, caused the end key to no longer return to the clock when pressed - after entering and exiting the start menu without running an app. Some testing revealed that if titanium was unloaded and reloaded, the end key would work again. As soon as I'd go into the start menu, and come out, no end key. If I ran an app, then exited, the end key would work properly about 40% of the times I tried it. A short solution was found to go into Start->Today to fix.

It seems a permanent solution was to rearrange the remaining panels, mainly moving CComm up to slot #4, as for whatever reason its hidden (not displayed) but not removable from the list (disable panel) in CHome Editor. Dont ask me why slot #4, as I know absolutely nothing, but moving it around that way worked.

The other annoyance is the icons on the start menu get rearranged on a regular basis. I get used to seeing an icon halfway down the page in the first column, suddenly is on the bottom of the page in the middle column. And one that was on the next to bottom third column, is now at the very top first column. I seem to remember reading something about icons rising and falling in the lists based on how often they're used, but this is nuts. I've read that somewhere, but none of the other 6.5 roms did it. I figured it was a fluke, till I see this.

Also, I know it has to have something to do with daylight savings time, but the text messages I receive are all timestamped 1hr into the past. KKv1.7(wm6.1) didnt do it, NFSFAN's v110(wm6.5) didnt do it, although Mighty6 did... I'm not sure what causes it. I can live with it, but god does it get on my nerves.

Other than that, all seems to be well.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 12:03 AM
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] {UC}

MusicID is nonfunctional... software demands an upgrade that wont download?

Go into the Pictures panel, click "All Photos" to get into Pictures & Video. Menu->Tools->Options, and the "Camera" and "Video" tabs are not working properly. Its like it doesnt draw the tab when its selected?

...still going through things.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 10:00 AM
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] {UC}

Originally Posted by RavenTBK View Post
I think I might of indirectly caused one of them. After removal of the LiveSearch, Email, and FavePeople panels in CHomeEditor, which I do to every 6.5 rom I've run, caused the end key to no longer return to the clock when pressed - after entering and exiting the start menu without running an app. Some testing revealed that if titanium was unloaded and reloaded, the end key would work again. As soon as I'd go into the start menu, and come out, no end key. If I ran an app, then exited, the end key would work properly about 40% of the times I tried it. A short solution was found to go into Start->Today to fix.

It seems a permanent solution was to rearrange the remaining panels, mainly moving CComm up to slot #4, as for whatever reason its hidden (not displayed) but not removable from the list (disable panel) in CHome Editor. Dont ask me why slot #4, as I know absolutely nothing, but moving it around that way worked.
not sure on this one, i tried reproducing by removing the same panels with chomeeditor and cannot get the end key to fail to return chome to the clock. do you get the noise typically associated with clicking the end key when you push it and it fails? if so, then that rules out dredsensor as the cause. which leaves the modification of titanium as the culprit but im am not sure why.

Originally Posted by RavenTBK View Post
The other annoyance is the icons on the start menu get rearranged on a regular basis. I get used to seeing an icon halfway down the page in the first column, suddenly is on the bottom of the page in the middle column. And one that was on the next to bottom third column, is now at the very top first column. I seem to remember reading something about icons rising and falling in the lists based on how often they're used, but this is nuts. I've read that somewhere, but none of the other 6.5 roms did it. I figured it was a fluke, till I see this.
never heard this before. as far as i know, the icons will only move if you move one up, install a new program that sets its icon as a favorite, or edit the values at HKLM\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\ is non of those are happening then your icon should stick. i will look into this and see if i can find anything else but let me know if you find some commonality when or if they move

Originally Posted by RavenTBK View Post
Also, I know it has to have something to do with daylight savings time, but the text messages I receive are all timestamped 1hr into the past. KKv1.7(wm6.1) didnt do it, NFSFAN's v110(wm6.5) didnt do it, although Mighty6 did... I'm not sure what causes it. I can live with it, but god does it get on my nerves.

Other than that, all seems to be well.
try this, click the clock panel in titanium, then click the time tab at the bottom. make sure on the screen it lists the correct time zone. then try going to start-->settings-->personal-->phone then click the services tab then scroll down that list to time synchronization and click get settings then click update now.

Originally Posted by RavenTBK View Post
MusicID is nonfunctional... software demands an upgrade that wont download?
software loads and functions correctly for me, anyone else having this issue? there is not an update available that i know of but i will check for sure a little later today.

Originally Posted by RavenTBK View Post
Go into the Pictures panel, click "All Photos" to get into Pictures & Video. Menu->Tools->Options, and the "Camera" and "Video" tabs are not working properly. Its like it doesnt draw the tab when its selected?
now this one i do see! can honestly say i have never been on this menu before lol. only thing i can think of as the cause it the camera system version. i will try out some alternatives today and see if i can get this fixed. in the mean time, you may have had a bad flash the first time causing some of the other issues you are seeing. maybe re-download and flash in the mean time while i check these other things. and thank you for your input and keep em coming if you got em. i tested this rom for about a week and couldnt find any issues but i knew i couldnt test everything so there very well be other bugs i have yet to find so feel free to post em.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 05:08 PM
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] {UC}

had to remove musicid from the rom. while i was at it, i spruced up a few thing and fix a few things. new version is uploading and should be available shortly. there are no major changes so those of you already with this rom do not have to update.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 06:04 PM
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/16/09) [23017] {UC}

new version is up, please leave feedback
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 07:02 PM
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/16/09) [23017] {UC}

just got my TP a few days ago
i was really happy with the 23017 builds on my mogul 6800
so i'm going to jump in with this rom
i'll give some feedback in the next couple days
thanks for sharing
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 11:32 PM
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23017 and 21940 (8/16/09) {UC}

posted a sys 21940 rom for those of you who like to live on the edge to try out
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2009, 05:00 AM
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23017 and 21940 (8/16/09) {UC}

Thanks for Rom! I installed it yesterday. G-Alarm did not go off this morning at 4:30. I soft reset my phone every night just in case. Phone was froze this morning. When I reset, G-alarm did go off. Will post again tomorrow.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro > CDMA TP Development

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