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  #14711 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 07:24 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

Anyone have a fix for GPS connection on Google Maps or Tomtom soft reseting the phone?
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  #14712 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 07:38 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

Originally Posted by rashire View Post
On build from Oct 25th, Sprint, not sure if any of this has been mentioned, reading through last few pages on 3g would take me hours.

Shift key does not function correctly, pressing shift once will not result in a capital letter, pressing shift twice does but locks into caps lock.

Tab key does not function propperly. No app i've uses yet has registered the tab key.

GPS connection cause device to crash and restart. Same result when using google maps and tom tom.

I recently switched to this rom and i am enjoying it just a few slight bugs i encountered and wanted to make sure where addressed.

Just to add a recommendation though would be to have a link to showcase at bottom right where X button is normally in touch flo.
For the keyboard issues you want Juicys' Western EZ input, click the link in my sig to the threads attached files, it's in there (alphabetically)

Originally Posted by kariya View Post
Anyone have a fix for GPS connection on Google Maps or Tomtom soft reseting the phone?
I'm on Sprint. GPS works "out the box". I usually do the stock flash process before a new ROM. Random soft or hard resets are very often a sign of a bad flash and usually cleared up by that process.
Hard reset/flash Stock ROM/hard reset/flash Energy (or ROM of your choice)/hard reset. Lengthy yes but it works.
BEFORE you do that though try running through all the GPS programs on your phone to see if that clears up your problem. Start/GPS has some GPS tools in it. Also Start/Settings/System has more like AGPS. Go through those and see if it helps.

EDIT: Forgot to mention sometimes a new radio helps with GPS issues.

Last edited by iknowsquat; 10-28-2009 at 08:30 PM.
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  #14713 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 07:41 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

Figured I'd BUMP this since it was 50 or so posts ago and I have a feeling a lot of you are going to want to try this. Phone has been running great all day and the system seems even faster, esp Messaging. The chef is cooking so this fix may not be needed for long but there is no timetable on the next build. Test it out, works great for me, post back results. Enjoy.

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
UNFREEZE your 23081!!!!!!!!!!

I take no credit for the fix just found it and tested it. Thanks to root for backing me up on this. root was right about the benefits of the old Showcase. For those without a XDA account-get one-you'll need it to download the files. It's a great community too. Please go thank finsmaniac02

23081 - for whomever wants to "fix" email freezing

The solution I propose (easier than I thought it would be) is to download "e-Natives WM6.5.x Position Fix" from here:
This is just a simple cab that already has the registry setup to fix manila. I haven't found anything else yet that needs "fixed"
Also download "Showcase-1.0.1b" from here:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=530564 (and if you want, also the "TEST FILE")

1) remove ShowcaseSuite.lnk from \Windows\StartUp\
2) install the position fix cab
3) install showcase 1.0.1b (if you get the TEST FILE too (supposedly makes showcase a little quicker to pop up after the first run) then just unzip these files to the \program files\e-Natives Technology\showcase and overwrite files)
4) run Showcase Settings and you will probably want "Hide Homescreen Icon" and "Close Button on Right" (if you do not have close on right, then you will have to start your finger in the upper right and "swipe" to the left to close (tapping in upper right default to minimize app) and you may want to add tmail.exe to the excluded processes (just personal preference, I think it makes messaging a little quicker to get to.
5) reboot

You should be "freeze free" with this method... although you'll have to do some start menu cleaning (delete the showcase that is already in "tools" and maybe move tese new links around). Also, either close everything in the upper-right, or just generally use the lower right stuff and check showcase now and then by pressing and holding the upper right.

All this work just to use the upper-right to close stuff again you say? Why not just use the older windows builds? Well I am battling with the same questions ha ha. I do like the more finger friendly windows menus though, and that is why I am (currently) using a 6.5.1 build

edit: I might be going back to the "stable" build haha. Just thought I would post this incase anyone is in love with the new build but doesn't want the email freezing

Now I was only really having MMS freezing but I sent pics without a problem. To test SMS I went into my MS Inbox and quickly jumped around in and out of messages-no freeze. I then did the same in email, jumped in/out and sent an email-no freeze. With this version of Showcase installed you will have an "invisible" X in the top right corner of the screen to close your program. This of course is provided there isnt a X in the bottom tray. Tested with Total Commander. Hope this works for you.

Edit:I didnt post the cabs/files because I feel the guys over at xda deserve the traffic/credit.
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  #14714 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 07:41 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

ok as far as I can tell Ive done everything right but I keep getting error 262, Ive tried all the steps Ive found while searching through threads.
is there a way to flash the rom from the SD card, I used to be able to do that with my 6700 and 6800
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  #14715 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 07:47 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

Originally Posted by irritated6700 View Post
ok as far as I can tell Ive done everything right but I keep getting error 262, Ive tried all the steps Ive found while searching through threads.
is there a way to flash the rom from the SD card, I used to be able to do that with my 6700 and 6800
Most definitely. Put the raw raphimg.nbh file on the root of your SD card. Hold down Power, Volume Down, and hit the Soft Reset button with your stylus. Keep Pwr/Vol down until the Tri color Bootloader screen flashes. Let go. It will only flash for a second. Wait for the screen to tell you to hit the power button again to flash. Wait for the Success message and soft reset to start the ROM load.
Some say flashing puts your SD card contents at risk for corruption so to be safe if you have a spare card put the .nbh file on that to flash.
Good luck, happy flashing.
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  #14716 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 07:51 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

Sup guys, I flashed to the NRG 1014 rom. I know some people were having problems with their GPS not working. Mine works its just off. I was wondering if there is any type of calibration or a cab to install to get it right. Thanks in advanced.
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  #14717 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 08:06 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

Hey, has i know now about the all the cab files offered since day one, but has anyone seen a thread that has LOTS of good registries yet? I wanted to add some good ones to my sashimi REG folder. I already made a few volume ones, and software left and right key registries, but i know there's been a lot mentioned, but any list made yet up to date?

I agree about the mentioned volume problem. I've tried various patches and registry tricks to get louder volume, and they seem to work fine with in call volume, but ringer volume still is not good, and some ringers i can't hear too well, even using the same ringers my friend put on his TP2 and is almost 2 times louder.
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  #14718 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 08:20 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

Originally Posted by Dubez View Post
Sup guys, I flashed to the NRG 1014 rom. I know some people were having problems with their GPS not working. Mine works its just off. I was wondering if there is any type of calibration or a cab to install to get it right. Thanks in advanced.
Mine works great, just found me within 30 meters inside my house, no tweaks. Read my post #14724 just a few up for the location of the GPS programs within the ROM, dont know if they will help or not.

Originally Posted by djdafreund View Post
Hey, has i know now about the all the cab files offered since day one, but has anyone seen a thread that has LOTS of good registries yet? I wanted to add some good ones to my sashimi REG folder. I already made a few volume ones, and software left and right key registries, but i know there's been a lot mentioned, but any list made yet up to date?

I agree about the mentioned volume problem. I've tried various patches and registry tricks to get louder volume, and they seem to work fine with in call volume, but ringer volume still is not good, and some ringers i can't hear too well, even using the same ringers my friend put on his TP2 and is almost 2 times louder.
Hey Bro, try this:
It's from May '09 and different tweaks do different things in different ROM's so have fun testing but always record the setting you change so you can change it back.
Both my ringer and my in call volume are fine, nice and loud
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  #14719 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 08:41 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

please another mirror
i can't download from hotfile
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  #14720 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 08:49 PM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) ** | Oct 25th | Manila 2.1

Originally Posted by mohammed52 View Post
please another mirror
i can't download from hotfile
lol, ok one u dont have to bold everything...and two his asked for his roms not to be mirrored several times.
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