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  #7161 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 02:53 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Warhawk' (23016) ** | Built Aug 11 | w Manila 2

damn i was just going to download it lol
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  #7162 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 02:56 PM
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Talking Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Warhawk' (23016) ** | Built Aug 11 | w Manila 2

for those complaining about manila mods that don't work, I have found 3 that do.

1. Although Showaco's BBExtreme doesn't work, His Series 5 Glass clock does

2. Rotostrain's Pantoside panoramic wallpaper is an awesome solution for wallpaper on every tab

3. Retracting slider works great too.

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  #7163 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 02:59 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Warhawk' (23016) ** | Built Aug 11 | w Manila 2

Originally Posted by S/\NDM/\N View Post
it works fine for me hows it not workin for u
nope doesn't work for me. i tried to change the volume control to Ring and System, but it gives an error

Sprint Fair and Flex 500mins - unlimited; text, data, N&W@6pm (perks) - Sprint Pick 3, Unl Incoming Mins
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  #7164 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 03:00 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built 8/6th || Manila 2.1

Originally Posted by dallasjim View Post
Here is a totally black wallpaper for NRG's Aurora. I can finally read my sms preview in Manila without glasses . Age sucks! Try the wallpaper program from the link. It is way cool and easy!
Nice Very Black

Attached FilesVery Black
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Black plain 8-11.jpg (59.5 KB, 74 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg Very Black applied 8-11.jpg (41.1 KB, 141 views) Click for barcode!
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  #7165 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 03:08 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Warhawk' (23016) ** | Built Aug 11 | w Manila 2

Originally Posted by twe90kid View Post
nope doesn't work for me. i tried to change the volume control to Ring and System, but it gives an error
witch build of this rom r u runnig
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  #7166 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 03:10 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Warhawk' (23016) ** | Built Aug 11 | w Manila 2

Originally Posted by S/\NDM/\N View Post
Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Warhawk' (23016) ** | Built Aug 11 | w Manila 2

ya not to be rude bro but there is a fix.cab a few post back all you have to do is read like all of us but ill give it to u here thanks to J.eremy.

Manila 2.1 Weather Editor
Updated 8/10/2009

I have put version 1.1 here.
It fixes some issues with the new city not appearing immediately.
It also reduces the size of the manila file by calling the sqlite method vacuum.
It now immediately promts for the filename.
And it has a name and an about box.
Added a link for help, but have not done that yet.

I spent last night writing a simple program to edit the Manila 2.1 Cities.
It works and I originally posted it in the thread for Energy ROM Raphael, because that is what I am using.

It's post 3379 in the Raph Energy ROM Aurora thread.


I belive it will work for anyone using Manila 2.1.

For those of you that have upgraded to Manila 2.1 ither directly or by flashing a custom ROM with it and would like to be able to edit or add cities for your weather. I have made a small program to do so. It's not super polished, but does the job.

You can edit, delete, and add entries.

I also included a normalize data button which just gets rid of any gaps and sorts the added ones into the data.

It is not a mobile app, but one that runs on the desktop. Figured that editing is not done that frequently.

Just copy your 2330fc3c_manila to your computer. Edit with the program. Then copy back to your device and then use total commander to put it in the windows folder. You will ned to stop TFL3D and th rstart TFL3D for the change to takee effect. Settings - Today - Items. Or just do a soft reset.

To add, go through the list, find a city in your timezone.
Use the edit fields and press add.

To delete, a row, press the button to delete it.

And to just edit the selected row, make your changes, the same as add, but press commit edits. This will update the row.

Then press normalize data.

I didn't make an install package. It's just 1 exe and 1 dll. I've zipped them up and attached them. Just unzip them into a folder and it's ready to run.

I plan to do some enhancement, such as a drop down for the timezone, instead of using the msid. It just comes from the registry.

I am thinking of also making a conversion program to make a 2.1 file from a 2.0 file.

If you like what I've done and want to donate (buy me a beer or a coffee):
Attached FilesJVHWeatherEditor.zip (446.2 KB, 183 views)Manila21WeatherCityEditor1.1.zip (447.9 KB, 65 views)
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  #7167 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 03:12 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Warhawk' (23016) ** | Built Aug 11 | w Manila 2

For those wanting the Data Roaming Allow, since it seems that it will never be cooked in again:


Add the following DWords and their values:
AllowRoaming (value 1)
DataCallLock (value 0)
DataRoamGuard (value 1)
DataRoamNeverAsk (value 1)
RoamingAlert (value 0)
ShowDataRoamDefault (value 1)
ShowDataRoamGuard (value 1)
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  #7168 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 03:12 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Warhawk' (23016) ** | Built Aug 11 | w Manila 2

Ok, so, I'm not a frequent flasher. I went from 6/13 to 8/9 and I would really love it if somebody could tell me how to either increase the font size on the messaging tab or make the font bold face, that would be great! The font on the 8/9 build is so thin that it is barely readable no matter what wallpaper I use.
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  #7169 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 03:13 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Warhawk' (23016) ** | Built Aug 11 | w Manila 2

Originally Posted by ycats View Post
For those wanting the Data Roaming Allow, since it seems that it will never be cooked in again:


Add the following DWords and their values:
AllowRoaming (value 1)
DataCallLock (value 0)
DataRoamGuard (value 1)
DataRoamNeverAsk (value 1)
RoamingAlert (value 0)
ShowDataRoamDefault (value 1)
ShowDataRoamGuard (value 1)
Cab or .reg file?

If I Helped you, Press Thanks!-------------|
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  #7170 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 03:17 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Warhawk' (23016) ** | Built Aug 11 | w Manila 2

Originally Posted by jdm627 View Post

Manila 2.1 Weather Editor
Updated 8/10/2009

I have put version 1.1 here.
It fixes some issues with the new city not appearing immediately.
It also reduces the size of the manila file by calling the sqlite method vacuum.
It now immediately promts for the filename.
And it has a name and an about box.
Added a link for help, but have not done that yet.

I spent last night writing a simple program to edit the Manila 2.1 Cities.
It works and I originally posted it in the thread for Energy ROM Raphael, because that is what I am using.

It's post 3379 in the Raph Energy ROM Aurora thread.


I belive it will work for anyone using Manila 2.1.

For those of you that have upgraded to Manila 2.1 ither directly or by flashing a custom ROM with it and would like to be able to edit or add cities for your weather. I have made a small program to do so. It's not super polished, but does the job.

You can edit, delete, and add entries.

I also included a normalize data button which just gets rid of any gaps and sorts the added ones into the data.

It is not a mobile app, but one that runs on the desktop. Figured that editing is not done that frequently.

Just copy your 2330fc3c_manila to your computer. Edit with the program. Then copy back to your device and then use total commander to put it in the windows folder. You will ned to stop TFL3D and th rstart TFL3D for the change to takee effect. Settings - Today - Items. Or just do a soft reset.

To add, go through the list, find a city in your timezone.
Use the edit fields and press add.

To delete, a row, press the button to delete it.

And to just edit the selected row, make your changes, the same as add, but press commit edits. This will update the row.

Then press normalize data.

I didn't make an install package. It's just 1 exe and 1 dll. I've zipped them up and attached them. Just unzip them into a folder and it's ready to run.

I plan to do some enhancement, such as a drop down for the timezone, instead of using the msid. It just comes from the registry.

I am thinking of also making a conversion program to make a 2.1 file from a 2.0 file.

If you like what I've done and want to donate (buy me a beer or a coffee):
Attached FilesJVHWeatherEditor.zip (446.2 KB, 183 views)Manila21WeatherCityEditor1.1.zip (447.9 KB, 65 views)
wow thats alot to go throught J.eremy made the a easy and simple cab just install, open, add city, use zip code, then add city to tf3d2.1 im run te lastest build and it works perfect no problems at all....

but props to u bro if u can come up with something better DO IT!!!!!!!!
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