Originally Posted by fleezy
How about cooking in the Tachi Dailer? I see some roms(CDMA) are running it and say there are minimal issues
Well not being able to dial with the hardware key is a major issue for me

I'm sure that guy will figure it out. When he does, it'll be in the rom for sure.
Originally Posted by meanfishy
I am having trouble with this version freezing and when I try a soft reset it crashes and and I have to start from the beginning "tap the screen to setup your windows phone" I have had to do this 6 time today alone!!
I know it has to do with one of the cabs I am using, just not sure which one exactly b/c I have tried different combination and still have the problem.  
Thanks for any feed back
Do you HAVE to install that many cabs ? Lots of them are already in the ROM.
Originally Posted by piedra92
I figured it out. I reflashed and took time to reload and test each thing. Turns out it was the JMZ Manilla loader fix cab that would break the People Tab from working properly. So I will ask this, does anyone have a fix for the keyboard popping up when restarting Manilla? Not a big deal just annoying is all. Thanks.
I have a new loader that doesnt show the keyboard anymore. It'll be in today's release.
Originally Posted by jrmatics
not really an important question but, when u click the task bar and the menu comes up what is the timer for? when i go online it starts but is doesn't stop until i turn off data.
Hmmm... let's see. The timer starts when you connect a data call and then it stops when you disconnect it. HMM.. I really wonder what timer is for. LOL
Originally Posted by darnell
Is this ROM using the light sensor as a sort of proximity sensor during calls?
I've noticed that when I'm on a call when my face is near the headset the screen goes black, but when I pull it away from my face the screen lights up again. I'm used to having to press the power button once the screen goes dark if I want to use the screen again during the call. Like to use the on screen dialpad to delete VM and such.
I've never noticed a ROM before that worked like this one during calls. Either this is a great feature of this ROM which some others don't have, or something I never noticed in other ROMs including stock.
That is a neat feature, so I decided to cook in the application that controls it in the ROM. InCall Screen tweak

Or InCAll power manager... something like that..