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  #801 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 08:25 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] <!--PsykiROM v3--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by wizdumb View Post
To tell you the truth I never liked S2U2 but never uninstalled it since I never knew how do uninstall it properly. The only time I ever used it was to fix the "contacts not showing up when I receive a call" problem I had. But even then if I did a soft reset the problem would come up again and the only way to fix it is to "set" the caller id setting again in "S2U2 settings" I would prefer it not to be in your next rom seeing it would most likely solve my problem and conserve battery life. Good discovery on that Psyki
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which version of ScratchLive are you using
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  #802 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 08:29 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] <!--PsykiROM v3--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1] [UC]

Hey there, been looking real hard at your ROM for my new TP. I come from a mogul that had a custom rom on it and I liked it very much. My question is, do you have any screen shots of what it looks like all done? Also a list of what is on your rom and what you set out to achieve with it.

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  #803 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 09:01 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] <!--PsykiROM v3--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by appzattak View Post
Hey there, been looking real hard at your ROM for my new TP. I come from a mogul that had a custom rom on it and I liked it very much. My question is, do you have any screen shots of what it looks like all done? Also a list of what is on your rom and what you set out to achieve with it.

Well manila looks like manila except there are blue highlights throughout the ROM. I also have included theme cabs to install ruby red, smoke, or green themes, and the themes change manila colors, menu enhancement colors, volume, checkboxes, the works. I have a few screenshots in the v1 thread linked on the first post, the only difference is that I have the white flip clock installed by default. I also included several other clock cabs in the ROM you can choose from

As for programs it's right in between light and loaded. There's a full list in the v1 thread, except for the changes noted on the first page of this thread. I'll update the first post with a complete list, I've been meaning to anyway.

I built the rom to be stable, fast, and completely functional out of the box. For the last 6 hours I've been running with all the apps I can think of pushing about 86% memory usage and manila still zips around like butter and opera browses and scrolls totally fine. None of the typical rhodium bugs are present in this rom, everything works flawlessly. The 21046 SYS is from a t-mobile Rhodium device I ported to the touch pro myself.

Since I ultimately built the rom for myself the only thing I have to install after flashing is TomTom, Resco Explorer and run my own xml customization. All I can say is flash it and see for yourself!

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  #804 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 09:45 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] <!--PsykiROM v3--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
What happens if you slide open the keyboard and then hit menu->reply?
I tried it a few times that way and it didn't do it.

Also note: when it does rotate back to portrait, it seems to lose focus from the messaging app for 2-3 seconds, then does the rotation. It's almost like when it would lose focus and think you're typing in a contact search, which was a problem a few versions ago.
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  #805 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 09:46 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] <!--PsykiROM v3--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1] [UC]

Psy, would you be kind to share your sys and xip?
Two Evo's 3D's Running CleanROM 1.2 -8/12/11
BaseBand | PRI 1.16_003 | PRL 21080 |HWv002
If I helped you, please hit the button.

Last edited by mikee4fun; 05-13-2009 at 09:49 PM.
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  #806 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 09:46 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] <!--PsykiROM v3--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1] [UC]

One thing I miss is using finger circles around the D-pad to control the size of fonts in the messaging app. Is there a way to re-enable that?
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  #807 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 09:58 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] <!--PsykiROM v3--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1] [UC]

I've tried a few other ROM's and I have to say this ROM has to be the best yet. Super fast and stable. Very few bugs. Great work
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  #808 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 10:20 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] <!--PsykiROM v3--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by bigray327 View Post
One thing I miss is using finger circles around the D-pad to control the size of fonts in the messaging app. Is there a way to re-enable that?
Frankly I don't know... The gscroll works in other apps like Opera and Iris browsers so I don't know why it doesn't in messaging. Please let me know if you find out how!
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  #809 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 10:20 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] <!--PsykiROM v3--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by mlr_90 View Post
I've tried a few other ROM's and I have to say this ROM has to be the best yet. Super fast and stable. Very few bugs. Great work
Thank you! And great first post on the board
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  #810 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 10:24 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] <!--PsykiROM v3--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by mikee4fun View Post
Psy, would you be kind to share your sys and xip?
I keep meaning to package that up and release it heh, I just got really sidetracked releasing v3, then silence and I had a little side competetion speed showdown lol. I'll boot it up one more time to make sure it's good, rar it up and make a new thread for it.
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