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  #1301 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 12:13 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]

i havent posted in a few days been to busy just caught up by reading 15 pages ha.. Thoughts on ROM its great!!! The battery life is just about the same for me as the last one maybe a little better, but for some reason my gf keeps having battery issues with the roms. I even swapped her batterys and still same problem, her battery doesnt give me any problems? Maybe im beginning to think its the device?
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  #1302 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 01:15 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]

have u tries flashing her radio? the radio can have a big effect on battery life because of how it uses the various radios in the phone. better yet are both your phones running the same radio?

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  #1303 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 01:49 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]

Originally Posted by LncGmz View Post
i havent posted in a few days been to busy just caught up by reading 15 pages ha.. Thoughts on ROM its great!!! The battery life is just about the same for me as the last one maybe a little better, but for some reason my gf keeps having battery issues with the roms. I even swapped her batterys and still same problem, her battery doesnt give me any problems? Maybe im beginning to think its the device?
It could be that she's spending more time in low coverage areas and the phone is looking for service more often, or maybe her battery was poorly conditioned. Try running it as completely dead as possible before putting it on the charger a few times, instead of always charging it all the time. A battery will hold a charge longer if it charges from zero than if it always charges from 50%.

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  #1304 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 01:57 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
It could be that she's spending more time in low coverage areas and the phone is looking for service more often, or maybe her battery was poorly conditioned. Try running it as completely dead as possible before putting it on the charger a few times, instead of always charging it all the time. A battery will hold a charge longer if it charges from zero than if it always charges from 50%.
yea, like i said i have her battery in my phone and it doesnt give me a problem. She has my battery in her phone now which didnt give me a problem but still doesnt do good for her. We have about the same coverage since we are almost always together. She usually charges it when the battery is almost completely drained.
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  #1305 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 02:20 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]

I love the transparency of this rom. I have a picture set as the background and it is on all of the tabs. Now..when I add the attached date fix, the picture shows on the home tab...but only a white box appears in the top left corner of the screen on the other tabs.

Attached Files
File Type: zip US.Formated.Slash.Date.zip (15.3 KB, 7 views) Click for barcode!
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  #1306 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 02:37 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]

Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
Try this to fix your answering issues HKLM/Comm/ConnMgr/Planner/Settings/SuspendResume,
change GPRS or somthing... to #777... http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=40427

For Google Maps, go menu>options>GPS settings>set manually=com 4... I always use com 4 57600...

Let me know if it helps!

Thanks for your help.

Re: GPS. I did your fix yesterday and it magically worked long enough to get my location, then it pooped out again. It's odd. I've never had a GPS issue before on any ROM or any Radio.

The registry edit seemed to clear up my other problem. Gracias.
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  #1307 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 02:47 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]

Originally Posted by hessien View Post
I love the transparency of this rom. I have a picture set as the background and it is on all of the tabs. Now..when I add the attached date fix, the picture shows on the home tab...but only a white box appears in the top left corner of the screen on the other tabs.

The fix you applied does not work with alltabsbg, try these I made myself, there are two variations as shown below, one is MMM d, the other is MM/dd.

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  #1308 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 04:44 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]

Anyone have a prob starting up Sprint Navigator? When I start it I get the first flash screen then the dialog that say starting up it stays at 0% for about 50 seconds, then starts the increasing of %, it then takes another 40 seconds or so before I get the screen telling me not to use it while driving. I don't recall it ever doing that in the version 3 rom and I know for sure it did not do it in the stock rom. Also I notice it seems to take a while to initiate an internet connection. For instance I check my mail manually and when I hit send / receives it takes about 40 seconds before it connects to my mail server....any ideas?

This ROM came with a radio I assume? Is there any out there thqat might be better?
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  #1309 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 09:00 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]

I hate to say this, Psyki, but I'm going to flash back to your last ROM. I can't get this one to perform well. It's slower than v3 on almost every task, even after increasing the page pool to 24MB. I gave it more than a day to see if it would speed up, but it hasn't.

One of the deciding factors for me was that starting with this ROM, I can't use the black carbon theme I've been using all along. I realize that theme isn't make for this Manilla port, but it's worked flawlessly for all previous versions of your ROM and every other ROM. Not this one... the tab graphics don't show up properly.

Last edited by bigray327; 06-03-2009 at 09:04 PM.
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  #1310 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 09:48 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]

Originally Posted by bigray327 View Post
I hate to say this, Psyki, but I'm going to flash back to your last ROM. I can't get this one to perform well. It's slower than v3 on almost every task, even after increasing the page pool to 24MB. I gave it more than a day to see if it would speed up, but it hasn't.

One of the deciding factors for me was that starting with this ROM, I can't use the black carbon theme I've been using all along. I realize that theme isn't make for this Manilla port, but it's worked flawlessly for all previous versions of your ROM and every other ROM. Not this one... the tab graphics don't show up properly.
Cool. I think this rom is a lot faster than v3 and has better battery life. I'm at 30% after 14 hours which is pretty awesome. I'll check out that theme when I get home and see what the issue is.
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