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  #4711 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 12:24 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 7 - Build 090530 (21725.5.0.2) [UC]

Wohoo! Made it up to n00b from Lurker with that last post!!
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  #4712 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 12:32 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 7 - Build 090530 (21725.5.0.2) [UC]

Originally Posted by Juicy47 View Post
its a button id issue. htc tachi (twin) has two send buttons (one cdma and one gsm) which send diff "codes" to the dialer.... we have a diff code being sent.... this is different than the slot code which has been fix. someone needs to fix this before i implement in rom/kitchen format.
Hey Juicy, not that it matters, it's your ROM, but I completely agree with you on this one. It's definitely not stable enough to put in a ROM you are attaching your name to and handing out to people. Fortunately you are kind enough to publish your kitchen, so anyone wanting to cook it in for their own purposes can do that...or just install the cab, as I've done. Except for the specific Sprint pieces, your ROMs are perfect for me. I prefer to just throw the Sprint stuff and this new dialer in my sdconfig, that way I can grab your new ROM without having to recook my customizations. I was just playing around with your kitchen and was curious how well it played in an OEM so I tried it out. Thanks again for letting us all benefit from your fantastic work!
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  #4713 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 12:34 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 7 - Build 090530 (21725.5.0.2) [UC]

This is gonna sound like a newb question, but idk to much about flashing ROMs, but will this rom's touchflo3d rotate with the phone before going to its submenu?

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  #4714 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 12:56 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 7 - Build 090530 (21725.5.0.2) [UC]

Does anyone have a problem about the ringtone, any ringtone, playing in very low volume when receiving a call?
the phone's volume is on max, and when I play songs regularly, the play in the volume they should, and when I test the ringtones, they also play at high volume. But when I actually get called, it's like the volume is halved.
Anyone knows why? And is there any fix? Thx.
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  #4715 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 12:57 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 7 - Build 090530 (21725.5.0.2) [UC]

Originally Posted by BrianPAdams View Post
Sprint killed the ability to send MMS with Arcsoft. The story I heard was that Verizon contracted with Arcsoft to develop the MMS app. It happened that it worked for Sprint as well so people started using it and Sprint turned a blind eye. They got threatened with a lawsuit from Verizon or Arcsoft, or both so they shut it off. That's the story I got, don't know if it's true, but they have rolled out "Picture Mail" in its place. This is an additional service that, depending on your contract, you'll have to pay for (probably the real story to killing Arcsoft is in the fee for Picture Mail). Anywhoo, assuming you have Picture Mail on your account, you can install the cab below.

As a side note, I've also attached Sprint Navigation and SprintTV cab files below. These are also services that you may need to add to your account, depending on your contract. These are the main customizations I've set up in my sdconfig. Enjoy!
Arcsofty works fine, there was an issue with Sprint blocking it last year but recent versions of Arcsoft are great!
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  #4716 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 01:32 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 7 - Build 090530 (21725.5.0.2) [UC]

Originally Posted by dutchman71 View Post
Arcsofty works fine, there was an issue with Sprint blocking it last year but recent versions of Arcsoft are great!
You are using this on Sprint? I've tried multiple times, as have several buddies of mine, and still no dice... Weirdness!
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  #4717 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 02:09 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 7 - Build 090530 (21725.5.0.2) [UC]

Originally Posted by BrianPAdams View Post
You are using this on Sprint? I've tried multiple times, as have several buddies of mine, and still no dice... Weirdness!
Yep, it works fine for me.

Also, please don't triple post like you did before. Your posts have an edit button for a reason If you have something more to add immediately, just edit your last post.

It's been said you need to go into the server settings and change something, but I forget what. It's in the Arcsoft thread.

Open messaging app, go to sms/mms inbox... Menu -> Pics/Video Options -> Servers tab -> Tap Sprint -> Change "Connect via:" to "The Internet" or the connection of your choice... The Internet is a catch-all that will work via evdo or wifi.
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  #4718 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 04:03 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 7 - Build 090530 (21725.5.0.2) [UC]

I can still send receive picture Mail with Arcsoft MMS on Sprintwithout problems. Really Loving Kitchen THANKS
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  #4719 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 08:10 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 7 - Build 090530 (21725.5.0.2) [UC]

Over at xda they fixed the send key in the Tachi phone canvas http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...499076&page=88 I tried it and works flawless, I can now make calls manually
Attached Files
File Type: cab Tachi_Phone_Canvas_Knop_v2d.cab (2.08 MB, 46 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by gutrrob; 06-03-2009 at 08:12 PM.
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  #4720 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 08:16 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 7 - Build 090530 (21725.5.0.2) [UC]

I just installed Juicy7 and I must admit that it is pretty awesome. I had some questions about the ROM and I apologize if these questions have already been answered earlier.

1. Is there anyway to change the green highlight that occurs when on the menus in TF3D2?

2. When you look under Contacts, is it possible to get back the vertical set of letters on the right side of the screen which let you jump through your contacts from A-Z?

3. Sometimes the Keyboard wont open when I press the icon on the screen. Is there a fix for this? Also, the haptic feedback isn't working for me either...

4. Do earlier versions of the HTC Weather program work without crashing the TF3D2?

I realize that these are a lot of questions but I would appreciate it if you could answer them.
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