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  #401 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:11 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Originally Posted by phattooth View Post
yeah man, i dont know what it is, but i really like this theme! ill poke around for something and if i find it ill be sure to post back!

driving through Iowa right now, and service is shotty... might not be for a while though!
Its just an old theme.... They stopped with all that animation for a reason. Its on the site for educational purposes only.

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  #402 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:11 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
No perma dam.
Worse case scenario.....

Phone wont boot

Yep... tried it... phone got stuck in a look, kept rebooting, getting to the Verizon splash screen, rebooting...

Scott I know you're kinda miffed right now, but seriously when you get a chance can you please take a look at my posts on the previous page, about the graphics drivers? I really think you could do something awesome with that....
  #403 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:20 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

ROM Versioneluxe Rom
Speed: Very fast, much better than stock obviously.. been cooking since last feb with my xv6800; main reason I went for the xv6850 was the "open sourceness"
Did you run my R4R ROM on your 6800?
SSK Online!: Great idea..would like to see a download for the taskbar icon set you put in your original XV6850 roms.. I have found a few around the forums, but none seem as good as the ones you had in your original roms
Consider it done! This is what we call teamwork!

First of all, thanks for the great roms.. they are excellent! In this latest rom though, 3 possible bugs I have found. First one is when I send a text message, the outbound message seems to stay in my outbox and constantly resends itself a random amount of times. Especially occurs after a reboot, at which time all items I have ever sent (but not manually deleted from my outbox) keep getting recent. My g/f was getting irritated last night and was wondering why every txt I sent her was sent 15 times. I have noticed though if I go and manually delete all of the items from my SMS outbox, it doesnt do it (until I send more messages).
Totally random and driving us all nuts. Hard reset has solved for nearaly everyone. Use the clear storageoptin in the control panl. Report back please.
Second "bug" appears to be with the today themes... I dont really care of touchflo, so I just use a standard today screen, and when I select a today screen "theme" (including some of the ones you packaged in rom) the background wallpaper does not show up. Only happens on certain themes but it seems to be random. Also when I try using some 480x640 themes I downloaded online, the image is either so blown up as wallpaper you cant even make out the image or it doesnt show up at all.
Nah, thats not a bug...... Sounds like you got some jacked up themes? How about the ones I included. They work fine. The touchflow "issues" you have is not an issue. DAMN I HATE TOUCHFLOW!!! People think its part of the OS and dont realzie its a today thme PLUG IN ONLY. Changing the theme on touchflow has NOTHING TO DO WIHT THE WINDOWS MOBILE THEME! Im not yelling at you,I jus want everyone to see this. You dont know how many times I have said this. Thats why I wanted to put an FAQ on the SSK Online porta. I just dont want to waste time and have no one read it ;c(
Finally, when using the GPS, I have to use applications that allow me to specify a COM port for the GPS. If I try using an app that uses the windows GPS management I will never get a fix and it does not work, but If I point the application at com4, works great. GPS control panel applet is set correctly too, and VZ navigator functions correctly as well, which is odd b/c I thought it used the windows GPS managemetn as well. Maybe its a PRI thing or with the verizon GPS driver that everyone knows about and I shouldtn be making this point, lol, but I thought I would ask. AGPS seems to be working tho via COM4 as I get 7+ satellites within 5-10 seconds of a cold start, versus reg. GPS when you are lucky to get 4 sats in a minute or more. Just installed agps cab and setup AGPS settings in QPST.
**Not a bug either. Its how the GPS isset uyp until Veruizon unlocks it. Youshoudl read that int he GPS thread man. read read read

Oh, btw that is NOT aGPS.... You need to go t the GPS thread and start at post #1... You need to catch up on how the GPS is working. ITs as expected.

Thanks for taking thetim to post htis man. THis feedback is great and I hope I helped you withthe answers. Take them all wiht a greain of salt. Im not perfect and I can be wrong... Welll, in thoery anyways ;c)
  #404 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:22 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Originally Posted by bast525 View Post
Yep... tried it... phone got stuck in a look, kept rebooting, getting to the Verizon splash screen, rebooting...

Scott I know you're kinda miffed right now, but seriously when you get a chance can you please take a look at my posts on the previous page, about the graphics drivers? I really think you could do something awesome with that....
Yep, did not make it that far yet.... Tired, just woke up.

You know me... I respond to every post.... No matter what the question is....

Wifey just got back with lunch.... BBL

BTW: Thanks for all the donations! We are having lunch on you all today!

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  #405 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:41 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

crap, I thought I had the duplicate text message thing fixed by going back to SSK 1.0 but it's still doing it... any suggestions on what might be causing this?
  #406 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:42 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Originally Posted by bast525 View Post
SCOTT - I'm hoping... man I hope to God I can get you to take a look at this. One thing I have HATED about the Touch Pro since I got it, and even your ROM didn't fix, is that for whatever reason, the graphics drawing/rendering in Landscape mode is FAR worse than when the phone is in Portrait mode. I had noticed it in Opera Mobile and Mini and a few other apps, and then confirmed it using some benchmarking software (the Bitmap Draw test in SK Tools in particular). The phone renders some 30% slower in Landscape mode! This is noticeable as a drop in frame rate and as Vsync tearing.

At any rate, I ran across a thread on XDA that is about this specific issue, and a few people posted how a new custom ROM from Da_G specifically for the AT&T Fuze, had new drivers that finally fix this problem. Not only is it claimed to fix the Landscape redraw, but it is supposed to be a nice boost in overall graphics performance. I sent him a PM to ask about getting the drivers, but he said the main file which fixes this, ddi.dll (which is from new Diamond official ROMS, and he also apparently uses some Blackstone/Touch HD files), is now part of the XIP and is not a file you can simply post for people to write over their existing driver with. He did say that the file is easily extracted from his XIP for cooking into other custom ROMS.

I wanted to ask... no... BEG... if there is any possible way you can get this ddi.dll (and other graphics drivers such as d3dm_ati.dll and disptools.dll) into your kitchen so that we too can enjoy the increased graphics performance, and, more importantly, no more huge loss in performance in Landscape mode. Is there ANY way you can do this? I would be glad to beta test this... until now I basically treat my TP like a Diamond... I never use the hardware keyboard because the performance in landscape is so bad!

Oh, here is the link to the ROM/Kitchen: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=446652

And here is the thread where everyone is talking about how bad the redraw is in Landscape: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=443466

Scott, if you don't want to mess with this XIP or ddi file, can you tell me how I might be able to incorporate this into your Simple Kitchen, at least to be able to try the drivers out and see how they work? I dont' know if it's as easy as dropping an OEM folder into the kitchen or what....
I will look today but this is very low priority for me. I have already moved onto win mo 6.5... 6.1... old news....
  #407 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:44 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Originally Posted by Detroit808 View Post
crap, I thought I had the duplicate text message thing fixed by going back to SSK 1.0 but it's still doing it... any suggestions on what might be causing this?
Hard reset using clear storage. somethig is hanging up during flash. YEah, sounds crazy huh? Anyone ever flash an Apache? **** like this happaned. It was mandatory to hard rest that puppy after flashing...

I think these phones have more "issues" than we realize....

But we have what we have...

Start . Settings -> System -> clear storage.
  #408 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:52 PM
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My apologies to djsiva

My apologies to djsiva

Sorry I snapped at you in the post a page or two back,

I just realized something grandios..... Im only human... Your only human.

Sorry for flipping out the way I did. The post has been edited. Itwas only up for about 15 miuntes until I re-read it and realzied that was a bd mix of sarcasm and anger and it never helps to be angry at peole./

Sorry man. Didint mean to loose it for a second. **** happens.

Anyways, lets move on....

I got really good news but I dont thikn anyone cares because I didint get **** for thanks on the 6.5 beta....

Oh well...
If anyone cares.... read next posting by me....
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  #409 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:56 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Just got the OK to release a full 6.5 kitchen for us ;c)


Im using the files on my own personal kitchen.... Not the one you all get from my site. I use a peraonl kitchen that has just a "few" more goodies and I am not talking about OEM's either. Im talking about super user tools.

If I cant get this ported over to style I want you may have to just suffer wiht the most powerful kitchen on the face of the planet.....

YEah, that woudl really suck, huh! Especially with it being based on 6.5... Booohooo poor you ;c)

PS been wanting to release this ktichen for a while... Its so poewrful you could actually brick your phone wiht this!!!!! YES I'm serious!... Thats why I put out the SIMPLE kitchen... you cant screw up anything perma with that.

Ok, you can really brick you rphone with ANY kitchen... But I thought that sounded really cool!
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  #410 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:57 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
Hard reset using clear storage. somethig is hanging up during flash. YEah, sounds crazy huh? Anyone ever flash an Apache? **** like this happaned. It was mandatory to hard rest that puppy after flashing...

I think these phones have more "issues" than we realize....

But we have what we have...

Start . Settings -> System -> clear storage.
Okay, trying that right now... I've narrowed down when it sends duplicate messages. It seems to be fine when viewing messages on the TF3D Messages tab, but when you press "All Messages" to go to the Windows Mobile conversation view then it starts resending messages. I'll let you know how the hard reset goes, I'm crossing my fingers...
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