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  #391 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 03:22 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Just made the mistake of locking the phone on the new beta... Couldn't find a registry edit that would work to unlock the device remotely so I hard reset... just an FYI....

If anyone has any input on a resolution to this, it may be helpful for those who end up making the same mistake.

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  #392 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 03:28 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Originally Posted by phattooth View Post
Is anyone using the black animated (tlr) manila theme and noticing super slowness in the tAlbume app?

its so slow for me i cant even use it!

anyone know of a good tweek to speed it up?

i hate to think im gonna have to change themes!
Originally Posted by TwoDawgs View Post
I was using the same theme. It was so slow in the album and email that I couldn't take it anymore and changed to a different theme.

If you find something that speeds it up let me know!
Originally Posted by thefiverivers
Ok so installed the TLR manilla. I noticed a lot of slowdown versus just the regular TF3D in the standard ROM, dunno if that is normal or not. I really love the flip clock! Will try the other themes as well. So as i am typing this there is a definite slow down in opening things and what not, almost like the stock ROM pre-flash, which is kinda weird. Did i do something wrong scotty? I soft reset too but to no avail. Im gonna uninstall and see if there is a difference.

Edit: Another thing i noticed with the TLR manilla was that the touch sensitivity was vasty inferior, even after i re-callibrated. It seemed like i had to push so hard with my finger and stylus. Do not know if i am just tired or that was really happening lol. Just uninstalled TLR and gonna see if things speed up and what not.

Nope you keyed in on it firs time.

TLS Manila is SLOW by far. No questions asked. Also reports of keyboard lag and all sorts of stuff..... Yeah, thats normal. Sad to say. Someone put up a new version that compressed all the files to make it faster. HOWEVER: If you cook it in its not as bad! Im not going to go into the Why's.... But just trust me on this ;c)

Dont uninstall.. Hard reset man... It will be faster and more stable

Hey fellas I had the same exact issue with TLR, it was EXTREMELY slow and had other effects as well. I quoted what I wrote and what scotty responded with. I uninstalled that real quick and loaded up vzw black theme which works great. Hope this helps! thanks!

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Last edited by thefiverivers; 01-25-2009 at 03:34 PM.
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  #393 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 03:33 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Originally Posted by libbycm View Post
ROM Version:Deluxe Rom
Very fast, much better than stock obviously.. been cooking since last feb with my xv6800; main reason I went for the xv6850 was the "open sourceness"

SSK Online!: Great idea..would like to see a download for the taskbar icon set you put in your original XV6850 roms.. I have found a few around the forums, but none seem as good as the ones you had in your original roms
Stability: Very stable... few bugs (maybe) see below..
Encryption: Good add, but not for me.. nothing I care enough about encrypting...

First of all, thanks for the great roms.. they are excellent! In this latest rom though, 3 possible bugs I have found. First one is when I send a text message, the outbound message seems to stay in my outbox and constantly resends itself a random amount of times. Especially occurs after a reboot, at which time all items I have ever sent (but not manually deleted from my outbox) keep getting recent. My g/f was getting irritated last night and was wondering why every txt I sent her was sent 15 times. I have noticed though if I go and manually delete all of the items from my SMS outbox, it doesnt do it (until I send more messages).

Second "bug" appears to be with the today themes... I dont really care of touchflo, so I just use a standard today screen, and when I select a today screen "theme" (including some of the ones you packaged in rom) the background wallpaper does not show up. Only happens on certain themes but it seems to be random. Also when I try using some 480x640 themes I downloaded online, the image is either so blown up as wallpaper you cant even make out the image or it doesnt show up at all.

Finally, when using the GPS, I have to use applications that allow me to specify a COM port for the GPS. If I try using an app that uses the windows GPS management I will never get a fix and it does not work, but If I point the application at com4, works great. GPS control panel applet is set correctly too, and VZ navigator functions correctly as well, which is odd b/c I thought it used the windows GPS managemetn as well. Maybe its a PRI thing or with the verizon GPS driver that everyone knows about and I shouldtn be making this point, lol, but I thought I would ask. AGPS seems to be working tho via COM4 as I get 7+ satellites within 5-10 seconds of a cold start, versus reg. GPS when you are lucky to get 4 sats in a minute or more. Just installed agps cab and setup AGPS settings in QPST.

Any insight you can give would be cool, otherwise I will just hold out for the WM6.5 rom. Keep up the good work and thanks!

Whats up man. I had the EXACT same issue after flashing with the text messaging bug and it got extremely annoying. I would soft reset so much and I was like what is goin on. I also had some other random issues happen after i flashed my phone. BTW i am running SSK standard.

So my solution was to hard reset. And it fixed EVERYTHING. The text messaging bug was gone, and some of the other issues i had were gone too. It runs smooth and perfect now. I would suggest you hard reset, and if you do remember to run active sync to back up anything you may want to keep as it will wipe you phone clean. Start->settings->system->memory->clear storage.

Hope this helps man! Thanks!
  #394 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 03:35 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Just updated to 1.2 Deluxe yesterday from SSK 1.0 Loaded, and unfortunately I was also having the duplicate text messaging problem mentioned by someone else earlier. Receiving messages was fine, but outgoing messages would be sent once initially, then again at a random time, sometimes half an hour or a few hours later. All my friends essentially told me I was spamming them with texts. I tried a hard reset, and something else strange happened... When I went to the messaging tab in TF3D, it shows the HTC TouchFlo3D loading page (like when the phone is powered on), then exits back to the Home page. Ironically, I could still send texts by using my Contacts list, and it no longer was sending duplicates. This morning I went back to stock then reloaded SSK 1.0, and everything is back to normal again. I truly appreciate all your hard work, and I'll be donating to your cause soon, but I just thought I should bring this issue up.
  #395 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 03:40 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Hey... can anyone tell me real quick, am I in any danger of permanently damaging the phone, if I take a ROM/XIP folder from a different kitchen, and replace the ROM/XIP in Scott's kitchen with it, to cook and flash with?
  #396 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 03:52 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Originally Posted by Detroit808 View Post
Just updated to 1.2 Deluxe yesterday from SSK 1.0 Loaded, and unfortunately I was also having the duplicate text messaging problem mentioned by someone else earlier. Receiving messages was fine, but outgoing messages would be sent once initially, then again at a random time, sometimes half an hour or a few hours later. All my friends essentially told me I was spamming them with texts. I tried a hard reset, and something else strange happened... When I went to the messaging tab in TF3D, it shows the HTC TouchFlo3D loading page (like when the phone is powered on), then exits back to the Home page. Ironically, I could still send texts by using my Contacts list, and it no longer was sending duplicates. This morning I went back to stock then reloaded SSK 1.0, and everything is back to normal again. I truly appreciate all your hard work, and I'll be donating to your cause soon, but I just thought I should bring this issue up.
So u hard reset and it didn't work huh. Mine worked perfectly after hard resetting. Did u let the phone boot up correctly and let customizations run and everything? Anyways at least u reflashed an it's up and running
  #397 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:00 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Originally Posted by djsiva View Post
Just made the mistake of locking the phone on the new beta... Couldn't find a registry edit that would work to unlock the device remotely so I hard reset... just an FYI....

If anyone has any input on a resolution to this, it may be helpful for those who end up making the same mistake.

OK Initial rage is gone... But I am really pissed. I asked in my email that this not be brought up in the thread.

Dude, I now see why other chefs get so pissy with people.

People never read!

Sorry if I came acros as mean earlier.... My sarcasm did not farewell with me after I read it. Yeah, I sounded like a ****!!!

You only human, IM only human. Sometimes I forget about little things like that and think I am working with machines all the time. The internet can really warp your perception of reality..... I think thats cool!

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Last edited by scrosler; 01-25-2009 at 05:16 PM.
  #398 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:06 PM
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Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} WM6.5 beta in testing!

Originally Posted by bast525 View Post
Hey... can anyone tell me real quick, am I in any danger of permanently damaging the phone, if I take a ROM/XIP folder from a different kitchen, and replace the ROM/XIP in Scott's kitchen with it, to cook and flash with?
No perma dam.
Worse case scenario.....

Phone wont boot
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  #399 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:08 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile 6.5 Beta is up

Originally Posted by TwoDawgs View Post
This is why I should never sleep again! Great things always seem to happen after I hit the rack! =D>
You diditnh get the pM?

**** man, I was so tired.........

Check PM and let me know...

IM sure i missed more poeple...

IF YOU HAVE DONE A BETA FOR ME BY MY REQUEST (meaning I asked you and you did nto ask me!) AND YOU DID NOT GET A PM last night THEN PM ME!
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  #400 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 04:09 PM
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Re: 23 Jan 09 - [VZW] SSK 1.2 now with 'SSK Online!' Technology {CE OS 21109} UC!

Originally Posted by oldman View Post
On the stock ROM, I used an app over on XDA that allows you to add cities. Here's the link and you can get the WeatherDatabase Editor from that site.
You open the editor, add the city that you want, then "Add Location" from TF3D and it will probably be at the bottom of the list.

I never had to do it with Scott's 3.0 because all my cities were there.

I just found this thread over on XDA that seems better the the WeatherDatabase Editor.....It will remember your cities after a reset and can be cooked in a ROM

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