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  #13691 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 09:50 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

you guy are out of control.


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  #13692 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 09:55 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by ClevelandWheeler View Post
you guy are out of control.
Out of control is the person who keeps thanking us... Hhaha....

Too much. Gonna go get my drink on.
Good Luck and Happy Modding.

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  #13693 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 09:56 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

I did update my rom,

It's unfortunate that it's not tailored to your needs.

That being said.

Discussion over.
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  #13694 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 10:02 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

Ok I got one for ya MM I have flashed several of your ROMS but I just updated to the 5.24 and my computer said congrats phone flashed black screen and nothing, it wont come on or anything.
  #13695 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 10:04 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

On a brighter note, HOLY F ING crazy rom, this 5-24 rom is great, battery life is out of this world. Sorry people above cry but If they kept up on the thread they would know whats up, I check in here daily. I sure wish everyone had my experience with this rom, So AWESOME!!!
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  #13696 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 10:04 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

ur phone is le tired.

it wants to sleep

no seriously throw it in bootloader, and try flashing again!
  #13697 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 10:05 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

never mind it was wired but like10 min after my flash the phone came on...pwweeww. Thanks!
  #13698 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 10:05 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

What is this "ish" Im only 27 but am I to that point of not understanding new lingo? Ish, pfft
  #13699 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 10:06 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.24.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21234 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by mightymike View Post
Windows® 21725 Build 21725

Hey guys,

After such success with Project Copper, I have decided to create a ROM dedicated towards the light user.

This is an extremely LIGHT ROM!

What that means is the following:

No HTC Bloatware, except for Task Manager. That's about it.
All additional applications such as album, opera, youtube, manila, etc have been completely removed.

This is a NON-Supported ROM. What that means is that this is just a fun little project I created tonight to pass the time away.

I urge everyone to give it a shot. It's very lightweight, fast, and easy to use.

Here are the package contents:

HTC Task Manager
HTC Ezinput 2 (Juicy)
Windows Live
Microsoft Widgets (Live, Money, Weather)
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, One Note)
Voice Command
Quick GPS


[ Click Here To Download MightyROM5_05.28.09_Herman.exe ]

Man... According to this post I happened to stumble upon...

Its not an updated Rom. Its not even supported.

This is a "New ROM" that is just a "fun little project I created tonight to pass the time away - Mighty".

Man Mike... I didnt know you were above a suggestion from a faithful follower...
  #13700 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 10:07 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by temperbad View Post
On a brighter note, HOLY F ING crazy rom, this 5-24 rom is great, battery life is out of this world. Sorry people above cry but If they kept up on the thread they would know whats up, I check in here daily. I sure wish everyone had my experience with this rom, So AWESOME!!!
X2, just moved from stock rom to this, this afternoon and am loving it!
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