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  #10361 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 07:32 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by lordshadowz View Post

What happens is the notifications sounds work the 1st time after a reset. Then on the second message or email you hear nothing and no vibration either. When you go to settings/sounds/notifications you see it working and then when the screen loads you click on say the phone ringer, it pauses then says file is corrupt. please select another. It does this for every sound file in all notification categories. Soft reset and the files come back and work again for 1 to a few times and does it again. Oh and one other thing. When the notification sounds stop working, the ringtone will always play when you get a call. the ringtone always sounds. But the other notifications wont. You can then go to notifications as I described above and bam. corruption! Its gotta be something with titanium or would having a pagepool at 8 cause an issue?
Not a pagepool issue i'm having the same problem and havent touched the pagepool.
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  #10362 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 08:10 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by rquinn19 View Post
Not a pagepool issue i'm having the same problem and havent touched the pagepool.

Ok I might have something here.. Possible cause.

Like Mighty Mike when theres a bug I can't stop until I figure it out lol.

So thismorning I get home, Activesync my device. Load my other software.. No games. I get a text message and BAM corruption.

I went through everything else.. I have no taskbars installed. No Nue Drivers. Nothing.

So something dawned on me.. Last night I reported that upon a fresh install after installing Voice command Notifications first stopped working. I went into Microsoft Voice command and DEselected everything except Phone and Contacts. Soft reset.

Notifications work and have kept on working. I sent myself, 14 text messages via the web and 11 E-mails all 1 after another... Notifications worked everytime. I went and checked NO file corruption after each message.

So the question is.. if your getting the Corruption issue do you have MS voice command installed ?

I'm really trying here guys..

EDIT- Damn nope. Not it. I went and logged into MSN messenger.. sent a few messages... Noticed a system slowdown.. Went to notifications/settings and BAM... Corruption. So MS Voice command aint it.

Gettting agitated..

Billy a.k.a. LordShadowz
Verizon HTC Touch Pro
Running Mighty Rom 5 (5/8/09)
Running Telus Radio 1.04.05v

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VERIZON TOUCH PRO USERS, go [HERE] for Help Installing and tweaking MIGHTY ROM4 R3BORN AND MIGHTY ROM 5 with ADDED RAM, NATIVE VzW apps, Tips, Bugs with fixes, GPS Issues and essential apps attached! Updated regularly with new Info. Last Update 5/13/09

Last edited by lordshadowz; 04-23-2009 at 08:20 AM.
  #10363 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 08:28 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Well, here's something you may want to look into... If any of you are installing the In Call reorder, it is going to break your sound. I haven't quit figured out which .dll is causing it, but I know for a fact, it will break your sound...
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  #10364 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 08:36 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by LilRico View Post
Well, here's something you may want to look into... If any of you are installing the In Call reorder, it is going to break your sound. I haven't quit figured out which .dll is causing it, but I know for a fact, it will break your sound...
I've never installed that I don't even have the cab. So for me thats not it.

Its gotta be something with titanium.. I can't think of anything else.. I've tried everything I can think of..

Sometimes before everything goes corrupted I will be doing something like using IE and the system will slow down bigtime and on the screen for a moment up where it says start it will say "messaging" and the X will be in the upper right hand corner.. almost as if its trying to launch the Messaging program.. Its weird.. then everything goes corrupted.
  #10365 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 08:37 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by LilRico View Post
Well, here's something you may want to look into... If any of you are installing the In Call reorder, it is going to break your sound. I haven't quit figured out which .dll is causing it, but I know for a fact, it will break your sound...
The call recorder built into MightyROM 5 works, so perhaps any additional call recording installations might cause conflicts?
  #10366 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 08:40 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Just about 100,000 views away from 1 million. Once that milestone is reached, can this thread please be archived and a new one started? (So large, which in some ways is beneficial when searching for some things and in other ways a pain.)
  #10367 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 08:49 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by lordshadowz View Post
I've never installed that I don't even have the cab. So for me thats not it.

Its gotta be something with titanium.. I can't think of anything else.. I've tried everything I can think of..

Sometimes before everything goes corrupted I will be doing something like using IE and the system will slow down bigtime and on the screen for a moment up where it says start it will say "messaging" and the X will be in the upper right hand corner.. almost as if its trying to launch the Messaging program.. Its weird.. then everything goes corrupted.
Do you have ATContacts installed?
Originally Posted by darnell View Post
The call recorder built into MightyROM 5 works, so perhaps any additional call recording installations might cause conflicts?
Exactly.... I ended up re-installing it to see if I can re-plicate the issue and boy did it F it!
  #10368 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 08:53 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

We need a new thread dedicated to just the bugs/solutions or the post Mighty has reserved on the first page. The thread is moving to fast to get solutions.

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  #10369 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 08:53 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by lordshadowz View Post
Ok I might have something here.. Possible cause.

Like Mighty Mike when theres a bug I can't stop until I figure it out lol.

So thismorning I get home, Activesync my device. Load my other software.. No games. I get a text message and BAM corruption.

I went through everything else.. I have no taskbars installed. No Nue Drivers. Nothing.

So something dawned on me.. Last night I reported that upon a fresh install after installing Voice command Notifications first stopped working. I went into Microsoft Voice command and DEselected everything except Phone and Contacts. Soft reset.

Notifications work and have kept on working. I sent myself, 14 text messages via the web and 11 E-mails all 1 after another... Notifications worked everytime. I went and checked NO file corruption after each message.

So the question is.. if your getting the Corruption issue do you have MS voice command installed ?

I'm really trying here guys..

EDIT- Damn nope. Not it. I went and logged into MSN messenger.. sent a few messages... Noticed a system slowdown.. Went to notifications/settings and BAM... Corruption. So MS Voice command aint it.

Gettting agitated..
Msvoice command i have posted, just gives me an error when installing, but works..
all my notifications work...
everything is working great for me, my emails... texts... voices....
try not changing none of the alarm sounds.. leave it to default...
only changed ring tone for me...
everything is working since day 1... of this release... hmmmm...
dont put none of those twosen taskbars...
I tried to leave it as simple as possible...
I did only change 2 things for titanium... weather and contact favorites.. thats all...
OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs

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Dont forget to hit Thanks, if I helped.

Last edited by mdiaz33685; 04-23-2009 at 09:14 AM.
  #10370 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 08:57 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by DiamynzNPearlz View Post
We need a new thread dedicated to just the bugs/solutions or the post Mighty has reserved on the first page. The thread is moving to fast to get solutions.
We need a new sub-forum just for MightyROM
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