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  #18021 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 10:04 AM
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Question Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

did you try the regestry edit that Maxnix wrote in his thread up a 2 or 3 spots? let me know. i am going to try it this weekend. i have found that i get error when i try to sync as well. worked fine with original rom. mightyrom way better though, worth changing over even if there are a couple of bugs.
  #18022 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 12:09 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

Originally Posted by har226 View Post
I am now officially in the club with people having keyboard probs.... It just dies when you really need it.... really fustrating... but the rom is still going strong...
My friend had his enter key die after awhile (verizon phone) but I reflashed it again and it fixed it. Sometimes its actual hardware and sometimes it just might get garbled and need to be reflashed, I don't know.
  #18023 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 02:22 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

Steps for a succesful flash:
1. Go back to STOCK ROM.
2. Flash a clean Mighty Rom(redownload a new one is recommended)
3. Clear storage.
CAB Fixes & Tutorials

##DEBUG# password = 183729

3 column start menu = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=33112&d=1242950804

Advanced configuration tool = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=38142&d=1248396973

Arcsoft MMS = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=37036&d=1247232900

Backlight Issue = start > Settings > System > Power > Advance Menu

Customize Titanium = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=73959

Disable word count = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=73005

Games Fix = http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=201267&d=1246545535

GPS Verizon Unlock = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=49933

HTC Notifications = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=36758&d=1246991510

Latest PRL = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21121&d=1232088432

Low in-call volume = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=37217&d=1247423931

Metro PCS DATA/MMS = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=744411&postcount=14

Pandora = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=36892&d=1247080330

Picture Mail & Arcsoft Remover = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26769&d=1237565795

RevA Icon = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=35679&d=1245705413

SIP Change = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=36901&d=1247085777

SMS 160 Characters = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=37731&d=1247943691

Sprint connection issues = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=36905&d=1247087570

Sprint Telenav = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=38134&d=1248390696

Stock SMS Count = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=37701&d=1247900595

Titanium Weather Fix 1 = http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=195237&d=1244886497

Titanium Weather Fix 2 = http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=481379

Unlock camera modes = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=37751&d=1247962311

Wide Scroll Size = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=36913&d=1247092042


How come there is no DL link on the front page?
MightyMike has created his own site for his ROM and now the front page will link you to it. www.MIGHTYROM.com would be the URL.

Is MyPhone included on the MR6?
MyPhone is currently as the default backup program on MR6. To locate it go to Start > Settings > Microsoft MyPhone

How do you mantain a DATA connection while connected to ActiveSync?
File > Connection Settings > Check mark "Allow wireless connection on device when connected to the desktop"

How do you get the old system lock back?
Start > Settings > Lock > Display > Windows Default

How do you align screen?
Start > Settings > System > Screen

How do I turn notifications on/off?
Start > Settings > Sounds & Notifications > Notifications tab

How do I adjust the text to be bigger/smaller?
Start > Settings > System Tab > Screen > Text Size Tab

How do I select multiple e-mails/text messaging?
Menu > Select Messages > Several or all

How do you make DATA to always run?
Using Advanced configuration tool. Menu > More Settings > Connections > DATA. Change "Enable" to "Always On

How do I flash using my SD card?
-Rename the custom ROM NBH file from RUU_Signed.nbh to RAPHIMG.nbh
-Copy RAPHIMG.nbh to the root of your microSD Card.
-Hold the Volume Down and Power button simultaneously. While you're still 
holding those 2 buttons, press the reset button with your stylus.
-When your Touch Pro tells you to do so, press the power button to begin
the flash process. If you do not get the message to press the power button 
to flash, there is a mistake in the name of the NBH file or you do not 
have the file at the root of your microSD card.
-When flashing is complete, perform a soft reset.

What devices is MightyROM made for?
HTC Touch Pro(Raphael), HTC Diamond.

What is a soft and hard reset?
Soft reset is to restart your device without the loss of any saved information. 
Hard reset is to format the phone to factory defaults. 
To perform a hard reset you can either use the clear storage link found in
Start > Settings > System Tab - Clear storage or with the device powered off, 
press and hold volume down plus the action button (the center of the d-pad)
and then press and hold the power button and you will get the dialog box
to clear your data.

Why do I have to hard reset after I flash the MightyROM?
It is known to resolve some minor issues that may occur while flashing your
device.  It isn't mandatory, but is a recommended to make sure there's no 
issues after the ROM has been loaded

Can I use the themes on another ROM?
No, LilRico has created them specifically for use with the MightyROM TouchPro
and Diamond series ROMs and cannot guarantee them to work else where.

Are there any basic requirements before I flash to a custom ROM?
Backup your data on your phone, restart your computer, just to ensure that
nothing is running in the background that may hinder the flash. Sync your 
device using ActiveSync(XP) Windows Mobile Center ( Vista & Windows 7).  Make
sure there is a 50%+ charge on the battery. Then your set to load the ROM 
Update Utility.

What is a MightyROM Hotfix?
It's a small fix to resolve any sort of glitch that wasn’t found through the 
BETA testing phaze.

Does MightyROM work on a GSM devices?
No it does not. It only works on CDMA devices.

Why doesn’t MightyMike have some of the leaked stuff on his ROMs?
MightyROM's aim to be 100% stable. Everything that is pre-loaded into the ROM,
must be tested to work to its full potential without hindering performance
or stability.

Is there a kitchen for this ROM?
No there is not.

Do ## codes work on MightyROM?
Yes they do.

Where do I find the files I need to unlock the phone and be able to flash?
Go to the CDMA HTC Touch Pro Upgrades section and read the stickies on top.
How To Flash Your Touch Pro

Is TV out application included on MightyROM?
Yes it is!

Any thoughts on a 21XXX build?
It will be tested, reviewed, and checked to see if 21XXX builds meet MightyROM 

Are there any Registry editors pre-loaded on the ROM?
You can access it through the Task Manager application. Start > Programs.

Is there an achieve of the CABS or files that have been posted?
In the CDMA HTC Touch Pro Upgrades section, look for the MightyROM thread. 
On top of the rating(stars) you will see “Files” click it and browse.

I just installed Arcsoft but its nowhere to be found. Where did it go?
Arcsoft is integrated with the text messaging. Create a new text, then Menu >
Insert > choose what you desire to include on the MMS.

What is PRL(Preferred Roaming List)?
PRL is when you're roaming, It tells the phone what tower to aim at for the
best reception depending on your carriers agreements. It lets the phone know
which towers to hit if more then 1 is available for service.

What is the difference between "DATA" and "Use phone as modem"?
Using DATA will use your DATA for tethering. If you have unlimited DATA then it'd be free. During a phone as modem session, you will be charged since it is a service that it is charged for.


Contacts getting replaced by single number during a text:
-"DisableIMEContextInAddressFields"=dword:00000 000

Active Sync does not connect:
-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services]

What are the registry entries needed for the 7 bar signal indicator to work 
on TSOwen's taskbar:
-"SignalStrengthLevel" value="5"
-Change the "5" to "7"

How do you get 4-row icons:
-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\IconCo nfig]


Disable DCIM:
HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\General\EnableDCIM set value to 0.

Revert the size of the scrolls to their default size:
-Set both values to 13.

SMS 160 Alternate Fix:
-HKCU\Software\Microsoft\SMS\TextShared\IS637MaxAsc iiCharacters]
Change value to 160.
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  #18024 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 02:29 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

Originally Posted by har226 View Post
I am now officially in the club with people having keyboard probs.... It just dies when you really need it.... really fustrating... but the rom is still going strong...
Yeah that sucks. I've had to replace mine twice. Sounds like you will be going down to the sprint store really soon.
Please remember to click if someone helps you!

  #18025 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 02:40 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

my keyboard doesn't work either, does anyone know of a online guide or something that can show you how to open the phone, and check if the keyboard is connected correctly to the phone circuit board, or something??

i have the screwdrivers to open this phone...

but my keyboard has gone COMPLETELY dead!
and i have tried SEVERAL ROMS including this one, and the stock, it's dead now.

my other TP phone's keyboards work fine on this rom.
  #18026 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 03:21 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

Originally Posted by alfredo-x View Post
my keyboard doesn't work either, does anyone know of a online guide or something that can show you how to open the phone, and check if the keyboard is connected correctly to the phone circuit board, or something??

i have the screwdrivers to open this phone...

but my keyboard has gone COMPLETELY dead!
and i have tried SEVERAL ROMS including this one, and the stock, it's dead now.

my other TP phone's keyboards work fine on this rom.
Take it to your phone service provider. I took mine to Sprint. Had to wait 30 minutes and then got a brand new phone

As for dissembling the phone http://www.pdacenter.ru/razborka/htc-touch-pro/

Amazing what a simple google can do
  #18027 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 04:45 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

Originally Posted by Cochoz View Post
Take it to your phone service provider. I took mine to Sprint. Had to wait 30 minutes and then got a brand new phone

As for dissembling the phone http://www.pdacenter.ru/razborka/htc-touch-pro/

Amazing what a simple google can do

amazing what a simple ppcgeeks search can do...
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MordyT is right.
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  #18028 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 04:48 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

Originally Posted by alfredo-x View Post
my keyboard doesn't work either, does anyone know of a online guide or something that can show you how to open the phone, and check if the keyboard is connected correctly to the phone circuit board, or something??

i have the screwdrivers to open this phone...

but my keyboard has gone COMPLETELY dead!
and i have tried SEVERAL ROMS including this one, and the stock, it's dead now.

my other TP phone's keyboards work fine on this rom.

the keyboard issues have been an on-going problem with a lot of folks. This is a hardware issue. You can open it up as I did to check the connection but eventually it will go out. I did not have insurance on my TP but took it to a sprint service center anyway because it was still covered under warranty. Replacement TP 1 and 2 had the same problems but this is my 4th and no problems yet. One thing to remember is that if you go through Sprint for the warranty replacement, you void your manufacturer's warranty with HTC (at least thats what HTC told me.) GOOD LUCK!

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  #18029 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 04:48 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

Originally Posted by Cochoz View Post

Latest PRL = http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21121&d=1232088432

What is PRL(Preferred Roaming List)?
PRL is when you're roaming, It tells the phone what tower to aim at for the
best reception depending on your carriers agreements. It lets the phone know
which towers to hit if more then 1 is available for service.
A PRL doesn't tell it which towers to locate. It's list of SIDs that your phone can use as native service and roaming service, it also included the associated channels.

Newer is not always better. For instance with Sprint that have that stupid fake SID that causes a rescan that kills roaming in some areas, that started around 60613 I think. In some areas they also removed EVDO roaming on Alltel, even though the native EVDO comes from Alltel and not Sprint. Smart eh? 60610 is what I run and works very well.
  #18030 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 05:04 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Mobile 6.5]

Any Mighty Mike sightings???
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