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  #3561 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 03:43 PM
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Re: (May 15, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21046(Build 21042 MerdinH)UC

i dont understand the confusion, it clearly states that in the download link that this is a windows mobile 6.1 rom dated 05-15-09.
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  #3562 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 04:20 PM
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Re: (May 15, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21046(Build 21042 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by Merdinh View Post
i dont understand the confusion, it clearly states that in the download link that this is a windows mobile 6.1 rom dated 05-15-09.
Sorry, all I see in the link is winmo 4.5
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  #3563 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 04:32 PM
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Re: (May 15, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21046(Build 21042 MerdinH)UC

Hey Merdin, there still appears to be a bug in the text messaging just like last version, unless its my faults because I restored by settings using SPB Backup? (I didn't use overwrite in ROM upgrade mode).

When going to text messaging and selecting new SMS, when you start typing your contact's name in the To: field, you start to get a list that pops up of possible contacts to choose from that narrows down the more of their name you type, however.....

Upon selecting that name from the list, their name populates, and its chaos from there.
When trying to remove the name, you can't, there seems to be an underline that runs across the entire name (I'm thinking its the top part of the box that pops up with the possible choice of names that's hidden out of view this time), and when switching back to portrait mode from landscape mode, the phone freezes and stops responding....among other errors.
Can anyone duplicate this on this version or is this a bug on just mine that I may have accidently carried over from the previous version doing SPB Backup - even tho I selected ROM Upgrade Mode but didn't select overwrite files?
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  #3564 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 04:36 PM
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Re: (May 15, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21046(Build 21042 MerdinH)UC

A soft reset later, It seems I can't duplicate this issue so maybe it was temporary, and thus I'm happy yay.

Nope, sending a test to myself worked, but then after texting another friend and trying again....the issue remains.
It seems as though after selecting the contact name, as long as you dont try to remove it, the phone doesn't freeze....otherwise as soon as you press backspace to try to remove it, and then switch from landscape to portrait by closing the hardware keyboard, the phone becomes unresponsive, thus causing the need to do a software reset.

Last edited by jinzhen; 05-15-2009 at 04:40 PM.
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  #3565 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 04:38 PM
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Re: (May 15, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21046(Build 21042 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by jinzhen View Post
Hey Merdin, there still appears to be a bug in the text messaging just like last version, unless its my faults because I restored by settings using SPB Backup? (I didn't use overwrite in ROM upgrade mode).

When going to text messaging and selecting new SMS, when you start typing your contact's name in the To: field, you start to get a list that pops up of possible contacts to choose from that narrows down the more of their name you type, however.....

Upon selecting that name from the list, their name populates, and its chaos from there.
When trying to remove the name, you can't, there seems to be an underline that runs across the entire name (I'm thinking its the top part of the box that pops up with the possible choice of names that's hidden out of view this time), and when switching back to portrait mode from landscape mode, the phone freezes and stops responding....among other errors.
Can anyone duplicate this on this version or is this a bug on just mine that I may have accidently carried over from the previous version doing SPB Backup - even tho I selected ROM Upgrade Mode but didn't select overwrite files?
i just tried exactly as you stated in a new sms, when typing in a name, i selected a name from the list, and it places the name into the to box, and then i easily deleted the entire name by pressing the back button. Also no issue hear when swtiching between landscape and protrait. Thats why i use Pim Backup, its the best for me.
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  #3566 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 04:51 PM
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Re: (May 15, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21046(Build 21042 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by Merdinh View Post
i just tried exactly as you stated in a new sms, when typing in a name, i selected a name from the list, and it places the name into the to box, and then i easily deleted the entire name by pressing the back button. Also no issue hear when swtiching between landscape and protrait. Thats why i use Pim Backup, its the best for me.
I use SPB Backup in addition to PIM Backup. I use SPB Backup to restore my programs and settings so I dont have to do install and change every setting to my liking after each new rom version (laziness i know, but that's y SPB was created, for convenience for ppl like me )

You're right selecting the contact from the list does not cause any problems - as long as you select them from the list by touching their name...i, too can delete them with no problems.

Try this to see if you get an error. When starting to type their name in the To: Field, the box with the list of possible contacts comes up.....as well as choices in a black bar at the bottom of the screen. Instead of selecting the contact from the list, just hit the enter key on the hardware keyboad to select their name and try deleting again.....i get one of two things.....
Either it exits out of the texting screen and goes back to the touchflo 3d in landscape mode (since i have the hardware keyboard out when im starting a message) or it freezes when trying to delete the contact.
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  #3567 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 04:55 PM
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Re: (May 15, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21046(Build 21042 MerdinH)UC

Actually I have been having that same txt messaging issue for about 3 versions. Also I dont use SPB Backup to restore my stuff...

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  #3568 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 05:27 PM
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Re: (May 15, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21046(Build 21042 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by jinzhen View Post
I use SPB Backup in addition to PIM Backup. I use SPB Backup to restore my programs and settings so I dont have to do install and change every setting to my liking after each new rom version (laziness i know, but that's y SPB was created, for convenience for ppl like me )

You're right selecting the contact from the list does not cause any problems - as long as you select them from the list by touching their name...i, too can delete them with no problems.

Try this to see if you get an error. When starting to type their name in the To: Field, the box with the list of possible contacts comes up.....as well as choices in a black bar at the bottom of the screen. Instead of selecting the contact from the list, just hit the enter key on the hardware keyboad to select their name and try deleting again.....i get one of two things.....
Either it exits out of the texting screen and goes back to the touchflo 3d in landscape mode (since i have the hardware keyboard out when im starting a message) or it freezes when trying to delete the contact.
ok i see it now, when you do it that way, it also gets me back into touchflo, i never use it that way so i wouldnt notice until someone tells me.
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  #3569 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 06:31 PM
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Re: (May 15, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21046(Build 21042 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by Merdinh View Post
ok i see it now, when you do it that way, it also gets me back into touchflo, i never use it that way so i wouldnt notice until someone tells me.
Most of the time it freezes but every so often it gets me back to touchflo. I have other minor issues but since they are are so minor and I'm a perfectionist (I notice everything lol) its not important to list here. But this is how I add contacts all the time when texting so it was important enough to me to report.
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  #3570 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 06:54 PM
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Re: (May 15, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21046(Build 21042 MerdinH)UC

Im uploading a Windows Mobile 6.5 Beta, All testers, you know where to find it once it is done.
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