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  #701 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 01:15 AM
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Re: (1-17-2009)*Updated* MERDIN'S ROM V2.9 { CE OS 5.2.21109 (Build 21109.5.0.0)}Blaz

Originally Posted by Merdinh View Post
Yea there sure is, its somewhere in the settings, its in my head but i just cant exactly remember. just play around in the settings i def know its in some program that will allow to save pic mail and email and all messages to sd card.
You da MAN! Thanks a bunch!
Want some popcorn?
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  #702 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 04:05 AM
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Re: (1-17-2009)*Updated* MERDIN'S ROM V2.9 { CE OS 5.2.21109 (Build 21109.5.0.0)}Blaz

Was uncalled for sorry.

Last edited by rjmjr69; 01-18-2009 at 10:36 PM. Reason: rjmjr
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  #703 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 04:52 AM
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Re: (1-17-2009)*Updated* MERDIN'S ROM V2.9 { CE OS 5.2.21109 (Build 21109.5.0.0)}Blaz

Originally Posted by rjmjr69 View Post
Is the pagepool unlocked? Can I use the changer thats floating around to adjust it dynamicly larger?

A few things. Under the internet tab you have a few icons missing looks weird.

The blue clock in my opinion looks like a child colored in white numbers blue and did a horrible job at it. Sorry just really takes away from the over all look

The Task manager still has green highlights with a blue theme

The phone shows up as a MOGUL 6800 for sprint powerdeck? no updates

WHY do you have a broken SLIDE TO ANSWER feature? When there is a real working one out based on the rom your using? That makes no sense to me such a nice rom and you use something incomplete and ugly? Is it for the curtain? Which in my opinion is useless anyhow. The phone screen shuts off when you put it to your ear what more can you ask for? a screen that stays on eats up the battery and burns your face and still has touch response?

Well those are my observations so far

Oh please dont take what I say as a slam or anything just what I've noticed and my opinions your work is greatly appreciated and highly regarded keep it up
Every single thing you stated right there is customizable, so if you want to have some fun, then start your customizations.
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  #704 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 01:12 PM
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Re: (1-17-2009)*Updated* MERDIN'S ROM V2.9 { CE OS 5.2.21109 (Build 21109.5.0.0)}Blaz

Originally Posted by rjmjr69 View Post

WHY do you have a broken SLIDE TO ANSWER feature? When there is a real working one out based on the rom your using? That makes no sense to me such a nice rom and you use something incomplete and ugly? Is it for the curtain? Which in my opinion is useless anyhow. The phone screen shuts off when you put it to your ear what more can you ask for? a screen that stays on eats up the battery and burns your face and still has touch response?

How exactly is it broken ? I've only taken 1 call since I've flashed the ROM but the slide to answer ... well it slid and answered. the curtain then went up and the screen shut off. I assume that's what it is supposed to do. Now since I was in the car and the phone was in its mount, I turned the screen back on. The curtain went up and down, and it seemed to function perfectly. If I'm missing something, let me know, I'm really curious what you feel is broken.

@Merdin So far I've found nothing but small cosmetic and personal choice things to change on this ROM, Thank you again for the hard work and the fast updates. And my activesync problem must have been from a bad flash because since the update last night, I've had no issues again. Bravo! =D> for a wonderful ROM.

Last edited by Athasian; 01-18-2009 at 03:06 PM.
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  #705 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 02:41 PM
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Re: (1-17-2009)*Updated* MERDIN'S ROM V2.9 { CE OS 5.2.21109 (Build 21109.5.0.0)}Blaz

Messaging tab menu button still doesn't work, but the manila fix posted earlier made it work again. Only thing I've found wrong with it so far...good job!
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  #706 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 04:49 PM
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Re: (1-17-2009)*Updated* MERDIN'S ROM V2.9 { CE OS 5.2.21109 (Build 21109.5.0.0)}Blaz

Nice work Merdin, but what's with the extra icons under the internet globe. I can't get those off. Also there is a problem with the scroll launcher settings program in the system settings menu.
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  #707 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 05:12 PM
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Re: (1-17-2009)*Updated* MERDIN'S ROM V2.9 { CE OS 5.2.21109 (Build 21109.5.0.0)}Blaz

hey is anyone having an issue with You Tubes playing videos
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  #708 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 05:25 PM
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Re: (1-17-2009)*Updated* MERDIN'S ROM V2.9 { CE OS 5.2.21109 (Build 21109.5.0.0)}Blaz

Originally Posted by Athasian View Post
How exactly is it broken ? I've only taken 1 call since I've flashed the ROM but the slide to answer ... well it slid and answered. the curtain then went up and the screen shut off. I assume that's what it is supposed to do. Now since I was in the car and the phone was in its mount, I turned the screen back on. The curtain went up and down, and it seemed to function perfectly. If I'm missing something, let me know, I'm really curious what you feel is broken.

@Merdin So far I've found nothing but small cosmetic and personal choice things to change on this ROM, Thank you again for the hard work and the fast updates. And my activesync problem must have been from a bad flash because since the update last night, I've had no issues again. Bravo! =D> for a wonderful ROM.
I dont know but that guy also has some wierd things to comment about, which is actually suppose to be like that, only thing he commented which i found to be true, was the internet globe shortcut icons under it.
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  #709 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 05:26 PM
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Re: (1-17-2009)*Updated* MERDIN'S ROM V2.9 { CE OS 5.2.21109 (Build 21109.5.0.0)}Blaz

Originally Posted by Scientific View Post
Messaging tab menu button still doesn't work, but the manila fix posted earlier made it work again. Only thing I've found wrong with it so far...good job!
Ahh man ,thanks for letting me know, i was too busy adding in all the updates, i forgot to add that.
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  #710 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 05:28 PM
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Re: (1-17-2009)*Updated* MERDIN'S ROM V2.9 { CE OS 5.2.21109 (Build 21109.5.0.0)}Blaz

Originally Posted by seanworks925 View Post
hey is anyone having an issue with You Tubes playing videos
no sir mine is working just fine.
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