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  #491 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 12:29 AM
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Re: 3/17/09 Conflippers Touch Pro ROM (5.2.21032 Build 21032) UC

work on other carriers?
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  #492 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 12:56 AM
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Re: 3/17/09 Conflippers Touch Pro ROM (5.2.21032 Build 21032) UC

yeah, works on all carriers, i believe i have Sprint MMS in there, but i am using Alltel has default
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  #493 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 08:30 AM
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Re: 3/17/09 Conflippers Touch Pro ROM (5.2.21032 Build 21032) UC

great, going to give it a shot, but probably not til tomorrow or the next day, busy day today.

Thanks Conflipper.
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  #494 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 12:39 PM
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Re: 3/17/09 Conflippers Touch Pro ROM (5.2.21032 Build 21032) UC

Just flashed but when viewing pictures, it does not completely cover the screen.

Please hit "Thanks" if I helped you.
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  #495 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 06:39 PM
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Re: 3/17/09 Conflippers Touch Pro ROM (5.2.21032 Build 21032) UC

some settings are hard coded into album, that is one of those, there is about 80 px of black sapce showing at the top, but that is how it will have to stay there. its hard coded into the program.
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  #496 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 07:13 PM
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Re: 3/17/09 Conflippers Touch Pro ROM (5.2.21032 Build 21032) UC

All Alltel Users please read this.

I got a letter today from Verizon, saying that my full serivce will change on October 17 2009 to verizon. but with that I also got something called "Additional Details of your Verizon Wireless Plan.

Picture and Video Messaging
Effective September 24,2009, when you send a picture or video message to mulitple recipients, you will be charged once for each recipient. If you already have a message pack, these messages will apply toward your pack allowance. If you are on a Pay-As-You-Go plan, or exceed your message pack allowance, you will be charged pre recipient according to your plan.

Long Distance Calling and International Roaming Rates
Verizon Wireless will now be your domestic and international long distance carrier. For Verizon Wirelss international long distance and roaming rates, please visit verizonwireless.com. These rates are effective September 24, 2009.

Verizon International Roaming

Link to Alltel Internataional ROAMING

Canada Data Charges
Beginning September 24, 2009, data usage in Canada will be billed at $.002/KB ($2.05/MB), based on the amount of data transmited rather than based on the amount of time the data transmission required.

Link to Alltel Canada Data Charges

If I am looking at everything, it looks like Verizon is changing our contracts that are set forth by Alltel, and when you signed your contract that is what you signed, verizon has no right to be changing this, if you do not accept these new changes to your contract, you may be able to drop verizon and go to a new company because verizon is breaking your contract. It will not matter if they are doing this cheaper or anything, they are still breaking this. It also looks like verizon roaming rates are $.45 /min, and my alltel contract states that I am to pay $.40/min, but on Sept 24, this will be changing and verizon will be incharge of that. So If you are looking for a way to get out of your contract, right here is your chance to do that.

Please Spread the word, and tell any Alltel user about this, Verizon is not a good company, they over price stuff and it just is not good. i am looking to switch, and I will use this here to get out of the ETF. I am planning on buying an HTC Leo when I can, and going to ATT. I am not going to be staying with Verizon at all.

Link on my site with Same Info

Images of Letter

Last edited by conflipper; 09-18-2009 at 10:03 PM.
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  #497 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 07:19 PM
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Re: 3/17/09 Conflippers Touch Pro ROM (5.2.21032 Build 21032) UC

Sprint SERO FTW!
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  #498 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2009, 04:27 AM
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Re: 3/17/09 Conflippers Touch Pro ROM (5.2.21032 Build 21032) UC

can you hear me now?

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