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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 10:56 AM
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Re: ROM 1-26-10 Twisted BeginsV2 Sense 2.5 build 21876

Originally Posted by xmln3x@gmail.com View Post
I did this and I'm still unable to change wallpaper through sense through weather or animated... any help?

If the registry tweak didn't work then try this:
Thanks button? It's at the corner of this post.
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 02:30 PM
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Re: ROM 1-26-10 Twisted BeginsV2 Sense 2.5 build 21876

i installed the weather cab, no go, did the registry thing, also a no go... and i even installed the programs tab and i still get streaking in the start menu
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 02:48 PM
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Re: ROM 1-26-10 Twisted BeginsV2 Sense 2.5 build 21876

Originally Posted by noobynoob View Post
Twas a bad flash! Reflashed and flawless now. Dope!!
Good to hear!

Originally Posted by zolttt View Post
i installed the weather cab, no go, did the registry thing, also a no go... and i even installed the programs tab and i still get streaking in the start menu
Ok, the streaking in the start menu doesn't have anything to do with manila sense. It is a WM theme issue. Have you installed any themes other than what I cooked in?

Good News Album 3.2 with social networking successfully cooked in!


Last edited by twisteddan; 01-27-2010 at 02:50 PM.
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: ROM 1-26-10 Twisted BeginsV2 Sense 2.5 build 21876

i actually got the wallpaper working using the leave the album open trick, i havent installed anything at all besides g-alarm since flashing. the streakings not a huge deal i just favorite all the things i use anyways
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 03:09 PM
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Re: ROM 1-26-10 Twisted BeginsV2 Sense 2.5 build 21876

Originally Posted by twisteddan View Post
Good to hear!

Ok, the streaking in the start menu doesn't have anything to do with manila sense. It is a WM theme issue. Have you installed any themes other than what I cooked in?

Good News Album 3.2 with social networking successfully cooked in!

As for the streaking theme, I remember that I installed dusk evolution v.1.0. It is to note that this did change the start menu icons on the today screen. When I installed the programs tab it did fix this however for me.

As for the wallpaper it must be something to do with album that's currently cooked in, I'm looking forward to see what happens with the new version coming soon. I do have Album 2.5 currently installed and I have no problems with the wallpaper - well sometimes I have to click on home wallpaper twice when I'm trying to revert to default. In the future, I am going to install one thing at a time, carefully note the changes so I can pinpoint fixes better just so my helps are more productive.

Twisted, you are doing a great job. The battery is excellent. I know you are still ironing out the basic things, but I'm curious to know if you are going to address that some icons don't move from the start screen in the next update - like camcorder for example. Even though I move the icon to the multimedia folder, it still remains in the start screen and as a result it create two icons.
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 04:31 PM
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Re: ROM 1-26-10 Twisted BeginsV2 Sense 2.5 build 21876

I dont know if its just me being retarded or my chubby fingers but i cant seem to select text messages by dragging and highlighting them and i dont see a select all button. Whats the easiest way to delete all text other then 1 by 1.
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 05:39 PM
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Re: ROM 1-26-10 Twisted BeginsV2 Sense 2.5 build 21876

Originally Posted by zolttt View Post
i actually got the wallpaper working using the leave the album open trick, i havent installed anything at all besides g-alarm since flashing. the streakings not a huge deal i just favorite all the things i use anyways
It already has Galarm in it. Did you install a newer one?

Originally Posted by accessing View Post
As for the streaking theme, I remember that I installed dusk evolution v.1.0. It is to note that this did change the start menu icons on the today screen. When I installed the programs tab it did fix this however for me.

As for the wallpaper it must be something to do with album that's currently cooked in, I'm looking forward to see what happens with the new version coming soon. I do have Album 2.5 currently installed and I have no problems with the wallpaper - well sometimes I have to click on home wallpaper twice when I'm trying to revert to default. In the future, I am going to install one thing at a time, carefully note the changes so I can pinpoint fixes better just so my helps are more productive.

Twisted, you are doing a great job. The battery is excellent. I know you are still ironing out the basic things, but I'm curious to know if you are going to address that some icons don't move from the start screen in the next update - like camcorder for example. Even though I move the icon to the multimedia folder, it still remains in the start screen and as a result it create two icons.
You have been a BIG HELP....And I hope everyone using your help clicks the THANKS button.

Now the infamous DOUBLE TROUBLE Icons......I have tried for the longest time to figure this one out. It was pretty simple in Psyki's kitchen because I knew where to look for them. But, in Calk's kitchen I can't seem to locate them in order to relocate them.....I think I just had a brain fart......(idea).....I've got one last Idea and if it doesn't work I will have to seek outside help. As far as the new album 3.2 is concerned.....I think it works really well and it has a lot of nice options.

Originally Posted by nolangartzke View Post
I dont know if its just me being retarded or my chubby fingers but i cant seem to select text messages by dragging and highlighting them and i dont see a select all button. Whats the easiest way to delete all text other then 1 by 1.
The easiest way that I have found to do this is from the main manila messaging page...click on all messages (bottom left) and it should bring you to the stock WM messaging screen. You should be able to do what you want from there. Or just click Start and then click on messaging and then text messages.....then click menu (bottom right) then scroll down to select. You will see the option for all in there.

Last edited by twisteddan; 01-27-2010 at 05:50 PM.
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 08:02 PM
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Re: ROM 1-26-10 Twisted BeginsV2 Sense 2.5 build 21876

Ok I redownloaded the rom. Flash danced, and after 4-5 soft resets (the sense kept locking up) I am up a running again... however... the registry tweak, nor the cab file enables me to change my background again after the initial background change. I've tried keeping the album open while trying to change either weather or animated, and the screen flickers and I don't get the option to change. I'm I the only one still having this problem and if so... is there a fix.. because although I dig my background now.. I'm gonna want to change it at some point... and at this point.. the lack of that option bothers me.
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 08:18 PM
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Re: ROM 1-26-10 Twisted BeginsV2 Sense 2.5 build 21876

I had a problem. I can't get the drm music file to be played. Is it a bug? or is there a fix cab for it?
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 10:30 PM
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Re: ROM 1-26-10 Twisted BeginsV2 Sense 2.5 build 21876

Originally Posted by xmln3x@gmail.com View Post
Ok I redownloaded the rom. Flash danced, and after 4-5 soft resets (the sense kept locking up) I am up a running again... however... the registry tweak, nor the cab file enables me to change my background again after the initial background change. I've tried keeping the album open while trying to change either weather or animated, and the screen flickers and I don't get the option to change. I'm I the only one still having this problem and if so... is there a fix.. because although I dig my background now.. I'm gonna want to change it at some point... and at this point.. the lack of that option bothers me.
One of my buddies had this issue and what I did as a work around worked for him each time. After selecting your initial background, if you wanna change it, open htc album *make sure some pix start to load*, head back to home tab, select change homepage wallpaper, this should open up your pix, select your pic, *it will not change automatically* hit the start menu (top left corner) then close it. Your background should change accordingly. Once again, this has worked for him and seems to be the only way for him. I know it is a lot but he feels it is worth the extra steps bcuz he's diggin this rom.
Hope this helps.
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