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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2010, 12:44 PM
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Re: [ROM] 05/18/10 | Fresh Toast v2.1 | BFS + Overclock + EXT4 | Newest RUU

Originally Posted by bigfloppydb View Post
Any time I wipe to factory settings, I wipe my cache, and repartition my sd card (after backup of course). I don't know if I need to, but having had your same problem one time, doing this fixed it.
Yeah I'm doing the same thing.....I went through every wipe setting (except the SD card one) and re-flashed. I don't think the SD card needs to be formatted...I only use it to store files...not to install apps.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2010, 01:36 PM
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Re: [ROM] 05/18/10 | Fresh Toast v2.1 | BFS + Overclock + EXT4 | Newest RUU

Ok I wiped/formatted everything....this rom still freezes/reboots every few mins. This is without installing anything or even running anything.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2010, 03:44 PM
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Re: [ROM] 05/18/10 | Fresh Toast v2.1 | BFS + Overclock + EXT4 | Newest RUU

Update to my earlier post - I've been using the rom for about 17ish hours now and it is fast and smooth however I have started to experience the lockups when trying to turn off wireless tethering.

As a work around I tried using the wifi on/off widget to turn off the wireless tethering and that resulted in a freeze up too. Not sure if others experience that with their widget but just giving a heads up. Everything else is awesome!
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2010, 04:53 PM
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Re: [ROM] 05/18/10 | Fresh Toast v2.1 | BFS + Overclock + EXT4 | Newest RUU

Originally Posted by bee976 View Post
I take no credit for this, i found it on xda, thank avalaunch

it worked wonders for me

heres some help to get the most out of this rom. this is what i do and it makes this rom flyyyy.

1. use autokiller. i know everyone is still in mad about the location issue but idc at all. ill tell you where im at all the time haa. but i set auto killer to strict. 60 mbs free and nothing ever closes early.

2. use taskiller. although i know everyone says task killers are bad, you only need it for one thing.

3. use setcpu. now here comes the important part. to get the best stepping that i have found with both the oc widget and setcpu. when you start the rom, slide the min slider all the way up and down. now set MAX to 729600 and MIN to 245760. now touch the screen and it steps up to 729 perfectly. any higher it will stay at 480 99% of the time. even while sleeping. i get an entire day with this setting under heavy usage.

4. on boot kill all tasks. go into PEEP and disable auto update. this fixed the com.htc.bg issue for me. and this is important to stop lag.

5. with all this i CANT get the rom to lag. i did test this on this rom. i use my own rom based on zens slide. but these settings, apps, work perfect on anyrom with this kernel.

hope this helps!
I must say I was getting very frustrated with the lag while using this rom, I know it's not the rom, it's the sprint rom it's based off of but it was still very frustrating until...........................

I saw this post and now my phone is lightning fast, I absolutely love it!!! It's too early to tell for sure but my battery life even seems better and I am using the stock battery.

Thank you very much for sharing this info.
>>>>Hero >>>>> EVO>>>>>EVO3D
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2010, 09:34 PM
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Re: [ROM] 05/18/10 | Fresh Toast v2.1 | BFS + Overclock + EXT4 | Newest RUU

Originally Posted by BrettChaotix View Post
Update to my earlier post - I've been using the rom for about 17ish hours now and it is fast and smooth however I have started to experience the lockups when trying to turn off wireless tethering.

As a work around I tried using the wifi on/off widget to turn off the wireless tethering and that resulted in a freeze up too. Not sure if others experience that with their widget but just giving a heads up. Everything else is awesome!
Now that I think of it I do have WiFi enabled every time the phone crashed....but I enabled it through the settings menu.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2010, 02:08 AM
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Re: [ROM] 05/18/10 | Fresh Toast v2.1 | BFS + Overclock + EXT4 | Newest RUU

I have finally tweaked my phone to where it is working really well. A few days ago, I had issues with the phone app. I wouldn't be able to answer the phone in time, before it would go to voicemail. I have removed SetCPU, and left OC Widget as the only over clocking program on the phone. When the screen is on, I have it set to 614 mhz min and 768 max. With the screen off, it's 19 mhz min, and 248 max. I'm also not using the sense ui launcher. I'm using Launcher Pro, with 5 screens (I was never using the two on the end with sense, anyway). With these changes, my battery life seems much better, and the phone runs really well. Even the keyboard in landscape runs great. I still think this rom uses more battery in standby than previous roms, but I'll deal with it, as I'm using the extended battery (3500 mAh), so it's not a big deal. And I'm almost always near a charger. I'm a happy camper, overall. I could almost not get the evo, and use this phone all the time.....almost
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2010, 06:56 AM
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Re: [ROM] 05/18/10 | Fresh Toast v2.1 | BFS + Overclock + EXT4 | Newest RUU

Originally Posted by DarkManX4lf View Post
Now that I think of it I do have WiFi enabled every time the phone crashed....but I enabled it through the settings menu.
Never mind it crashed when I was going through the initial setup, when wifi wasn't even on.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2010, 01:11 PM
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Re: [ROM] 05/18/10 | Fresh Toast v2.1 | BFS + Overclock + EXT4 | Newest RUU

So now I'm having a few more problems....

In addition to the freeze when trying to stop wifi tethering and/or disabling the wifi via the widget I've also noticed that my data connection shuts down on it's own. I don't receive any notice, I just get an error the next time I try to use the data connection for anything (SMS, web, IM, etc....)

Sometimes I can kick it back in by toggling airplane mode on/off but other times I need to do a soft-reset to get it back.

I really love this rom but I'm considering going back to FT2.0 until it is a little more stable.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2010, 02:28 PM
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Re: [ROM] 05/18/10 | Fresh Toast v2.1 | BFS + Overclock + EXT4 | Newest RUU

Are we able to use the vanilla android lock screens? Or only the sense ui lock screen?
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2010, 01:39 AM
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Re: [ROM] 05/18/10 | Fresh Toast v2.1 | BFS + Overclock + EXT4 | Newest RUU

Originally Posted by BrettChaotix View Post
So now I'm having a few more problems....

In addition to the freeze when trying to stop wifi tethering and/or disabling the wifi via the widget I've also noticed that my data connection shuts down on it's own. I don't receive any notice, I just get an error the next time I try to use the data connection for anything (SMS, web, IM, etc....)

Sometimes I can kick it back in by toggling airplane mode on/off but other times I need to do a soft-reset to get it back.

I really love this rom but I'm considering going back to FT2.0 until it is a little more stable.
I had this SAME ISSUE with Fresh 2.1, so I went back to stock 1.5 that I had backed up via Nandroid. Great ROM, but I can't afford to always toggle airplane mode on and off for my data connection, especially when I'm connected via a laptop via wifi tethering and my phone is in another room...

so... functionality rules, and without this functioning properly, it does me no good, no matter how cool or pretty it may be... bummer, really want a 2.1 ROM that just works...
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