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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2010, 12:52 AM
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Re: MikROM (with and without updated radio and removable apps)

How do you uninstall the installed apps? I only see the uninstall option from stuff I got from market. I installed the full one with the radio. I have all my contacts and installed apps. Was I supose to clear it somehow?
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2010, 09:53 AM
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Re: MikROM (with and without updated radio and removable apps)

Originally Posted by dschoenike View Post
just flashed my very first android rom lovin it so far. only had one hiccup, which was all of a sudden my memory card was unreadable. nothing was there according to astrofile. did I possibly do something wrong, or something? a reboot later and all is well, but I guess I got a little concerned. thx for this rom. its perfect.
im not sure which version u r on... but as soon as u got your evo u should have formatted the sdcard to avoid issues like that.
im only speaking from experience... cuz it happened to me on the stock rom and after i formatted the sdcard once... never seen it happen again.

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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2010, 09:57 AM
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Re: MikROM (with and without updated radio and removable apps)

Originally Posted by SEmerson View Post
How do you uninstall the installed apps? I only see the uninstall option from stuff I got from market. I installed the full one with the radio. I have all my contacts and installed apps. Was I supose to clear it somehow?
if u installed the rom that also updates your radio i hope u did it while having the old radio on and not the new one on already.
as far as uninstalling apps... the list of apps u can unistall are up in the first page of the thread.

u can use an uninstaller or just go to settings/applications/manage applications and then uninstall click on the app u want gone and push uninstall.
but remember that it applies only to the apps that i have on the list in the first page and to the versions that include it (not the light or latest version).
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2010, 10:02 AM
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Re: MikROM (with and without updated radio and removable apps)

after running my latest version on the phone for a few days now im happy to say its really good.
fast, and after adding in ATK i get batt life of about 2 days with the phone without charging.
right now im at 57% and the phone has been unplugged for 1 day and 6 hours.
and i got friendstream running, fring, a callerid program to know who is calling and from where and a few other apps that are always on... so good results here.

i have been gone out of the forums for a little bit... i need to catch up on some new things i see.
school keeping me busy... ill update the rom again once i have time to do it.
i think ill stick to a minimized rom with less things on it so u guys can just install what u want... probably a better choice than putting everything up there for u guys to uninstall... im gonna do what i did with my diamond rom... no skinning yet cuz i dont have time, but ill make sure to give u guys the exact rom that im personally using and hope u like it.

Last edited by amikam; 06-17-2010 at 10:11 AM.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2010, 03:21 PM
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Re: MikROM (with and without updated radio and removable apps)

Originally Posted by amikam View Post
im not sure which version u r on... but as soon as u got your evo u should have formatted the sdcard to avoid issues like that.
im only speaking from experience... cuz it happened to me on the stock rom and after i formatted the sdcard once... never seen it happen again.
I hadnt formatted the card, but you were right. A different 4gb card has been working perfectly since switching. thanks for the tip.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 02:09 AM
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Re: MikROM (with and without updated radio and removable apps)

I have been having problems with programs hanging on a su request. I did a reset and it seem to just change what programs have problem. I am running wifi rom manager now. wifi always get itn as does my oer clock program. but rom manager or a su icon press will hang. before the factory reset rom manger worked but the over clocker never did.
Any ideas?
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 03:11 PM
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Re: MikROM (with and without updated radio and removable apps)

Originally Posted by SEmerson View Post
I have been having problems with programs hanging on a su request. I did a reset and it seem to just change what programs have problem. I am running wifi rom manager now. wifi always get itn as does my oer clock program. but rom manager or a su icon press will hang. before the factory reset rom manger worked but the over clocker never did.
Any ideas?
best bet to get it working would be to reflash again only this time make sure u wipe.
if u did wipe before flashing... than i really dont know whats wrong.
as far as permissions and such... everything with su works for me, the window always pops up and asks me unless i marked it to always allow, then i dont need to give permissions again.
ill try the overclock apps in a few and let u know if its working for me or not... im hoping u mean the one from the market.

btw... on the latest version... i got 2 days and 12-13 hours of batt life.
i didnt make much phone calls and such... but a lot of Pandora radio, texts, pics and emails, web browsing and games.
i almost dont wanna update the rom so i wont miss out on the batt life i got going.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 03:27 PM
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Re: MikROM (with and without updated radio and removable apps)

Im having issues downloading from the market. It says I have no memory. Running new radio ROM. Any ideas? Thanks
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 09:36 PM
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Re: MikROM (with and without updated radio and removable apps)

Originally Posted by aman1127 View Post
Im having issues downloading from the market. It says I have no memory. Running new radio ROM. Any ideas? Thanks
mmm... i didnt flash the version with the radio in a long time...
im not sure why it would't work for u, but if u had the new radio before flashing it that might just be it.

i would recommend to flash the latest version just because its the most updated one and the versions with uninstallable apps and with/without the radio are not updated... i know i should update them... or at least make a new one with the radio included but i really dont have much time to do so.

i will probably find time during this weekend to update things.

thanks for adding me to the roms thread.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 05:26 AM
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Re: MikROM (with and without updated radio and removable apps)

Theres 4 files listed for download which are which?
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