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  #1551 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 09:25 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.8 | Eclair | *Updated | 7/18/10*

Originally Posted by kyler911 View Post
As seen all over xda and in ppcgeeks they are starting to prefect the froyo rom for evo. I think the latest is that they have the cameras working. Hopefully that means it wont be long till the first OMJ Froyo rom.
dont hold your breath, I'm waiting for a official release

Originally Posted by rezistrat View Post
How bout the HTCFMradio APK? Some roms don't include it and I'd be interested in adding it ( I know why would you want that)
see attached

Originally Posted by TurboX2 View Post

Can this ROM include bluetooth HID and mouse pointer support in the future?? I would like to see this implemented in the future. (Like in Cayenogen 6)

I really haven't seen anything about this....gotta link?

Originally Posted by jelive View Post

ROM Manager Premium does not show your rom...get an error. Is this just temp issue ? Also can your new deodexed 1.8 with apps2sd be used with stock card...assume you'd have to save to desktop, then use apps2sd, then reload contents of card back ?

I'll check on ROM Manager......not sure about app2sd, I dont have it setup.....but I will say Dodge_Longhorn has confirmed it is working
Attached Files
File Type: apk HtcFMRadio.apk (1.43 MB, 6 views) Click for barcode!
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  #1552 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 10:20 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.8 | Eclair | *Updated | 7/18/10*

Is anyone else having an issue with WiFi tether?
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  #1553 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 10:31 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.8 | Eclair | *Updated | 7/18/10*

Originally Posted by travisr528 View Post
Is anyone else having an issue with WiFi tether?
what kind of issue? my internet was out today, so I used wifi tether for many hours....I did have to restart the app a couple times, but other than that, it was hummin along....
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  #1554 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 10:50 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.8 | Eclair | *Updated | 7/18/10*

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
what kind of issue? my internet was out today, so I used wifi tether for many hours....I did have to restart the app a couple times, but other than that, it was hummin along....
My computer would not find android tether. I down graded to wireless tether 2.0.2 and it is moving along. Also 4g is not connecting but it probably nothing because it's been fine all day. This rom is very nice and fast. Thanks

Edit: Quick reboot, and 4g is running again.

Last edited by travisr528; 07-19-2010 at 11:01 PM.
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  #1555 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 11:19 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.8 | Eclair | *Updated | 7/18/10*

Tether works fine here.
I do have issues with sense fc a lot.
Doesn't mater as I use Launcher Pro Plus now.
Sense is nice on EVO but it keeps fc.
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  #1556 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 11:24 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.8 | Eclair | *Updated | 7/18/10*

Thanks... Everything has been running great all day.. I haven't flashed the v1.8 rom yet cuz I wanted to do it via ROm Manager. I haven't done one like that because I never had that part II root done. Just realized that in the last couple of days of crash course rooting...

Quick noob question: what exactly is deodexed? I noticed There are 2 roms that OMJ put out and 2 of them has the deodexed?

Thanks again for your help..

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
@richarc-no prob, glad you got it.
You shouldn't have an issue with the data.img. I know plenty of people use that method and I did it earlier today and it's running fine.

Depends. What kind of back ups did you do before the flash?
If you did a nand backup then jump to OMJ's Post #2 and find out how to restore just the data.img from your back up.
If you didn't, hopefully you at least synced with gmail to backup your Contacts and Calendar.
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  #1557 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 11:34 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.8 | Eclair | *Updated | 7/18/10*

Originally Posted by richarc93 View Post
Thanks... Everything has been running great all day.. I haven't flashed the v1.8 rom yet cuz I wanted to do it via ROm Manager. I haven't done one like that because I never had that part II root done. Just realized that in the last couple of days of crash course rooting...

Quick noob question: what exactly is deodexed? I noticed There are 2 roms that OMJ put out and 2 of them has the deodexed?

Thanks again for your help..
I'm no expert on deodexing, but here is a good bit of info I found when I googled, what is deodexing?

Apk files have respective odexes that devs use to supposedly save space. Deodexing means you convert it back to a .dex file and put it back inside the apk. This allows you to easily replace files (not having to worry about odexes), but the main point was to deodex services.jar so that you can change all text to different colors (such as the clock color to white) and to deodex services.jar, you need to deodex everything.
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  #1558 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 11:35 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.8 | Eclair | *Updated | 7/18/10*

I tried cyanogen's ROM out of curiosity but I had to come back to this one. I still like the sense widgets better and the facebook integration with contacts etc. It may be bloated but HTC did it right. The only thing I noticed that the Froyo rom did better was with the calendar syncing with my google apps account. It showed my shared calendars where the current ROM's don't.

I'll just wait on OMJ to get ahold of the official HTC froyo release when it finally rolls around.
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  #1559 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 11:37 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.8 | Eclair | *Updated | 7/18/10*

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
Tether works fine here.
I do have issues with sense fc a lot.
Doesn't mater as I use Launcher Pro Plus now.
Sense is nice on EVO but it keeps fc.
Never seen one. Must be that ginormus battery-it broke Sense it's so heavy! LOL

Originally Posted by richarc93 View Post
Thanks... Everything has been running great all day.. I haven't flashed the v1.8 rom yet cuz I wanted to do it via ROm Manager. I haven't done one like that because I never had that part II root done. Just realized that in the last couple of days of crash course rooting...

Quick noob question: what exactly is deodexed? I noticed There are 2 roms that OMJ put out and 2 of them has the deodexed?

Thanks again for your help..
Happy to help.
Deodexed is a way of organizing files (mainly apk's?) that allows for easier theme-ing and makes the apk's more portable. It takes up less space in /system but more space in /data.
If you are not interested in messing with the theme (look) of the ROM then just stick with the odex'd builds.
Im just learning this stuff but that's what I've picked up so far. Hope that helps.

EDIt: Dammit! OMJ beat me again!! I gotta learn to type faster

Last edited by iknowsquat; 07-19-2010 at 11:40 PM.
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  #1560 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 11:38 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.8 | Eclair | *Updated | 7/18/10*

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
dont hold your breath, I'm waiting for a official release
lol, I did a little flashing today including the latest nightly build for cm6 and deck's latest. what I learned is I really like sense alot. htc email is reason enough as far as Im concerned. Im just not feeling the stock android email look and feel. Decks froyo alpha is great and was very fast. linpack score of 38mflps. pretty cool and Im sure once everything works, we will see a nice improvement in speed. keep up the great work!
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