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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 02:22 AM
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Re: Obviously Stable ROM | Updated 11/25 | All Carriers | 21876 | 25MB PP

Originally Posted by etski View Post
very interesting indeed!

I hadn't seen before that advance config allowed you to enable/disable the dialer skin. I now like using that better and somehow the contact card pulls up properly when the skin is enabled from there, go figure. The contacts soft key still doesn't work from the Rhodium dialer, so it's no skin for me! That works fine with no bugs!

The battery stuff is interesting though. I looked into it more and found battery saver applies
001 HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\GSensor\PollingInterval 0000FFFF REG_DWORD
002 HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCSensor\GSensor\CheckingTime 0000FFFF REG_DWORD
003 HKCU\ControlPanel\BackLight\BrightNess 00000004 REG_DWORD
004 HKLM\Software\Opera\GSensor\IdleTime 0000FFFF REG_DWORD
005 HKCU\Software\HTC\BootLauncher\Services\HTCSensor\ Module REG_SZ

while normal applies

001 HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\GSensor\PollingInterval 000003E8 REG_DWORD
002 HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCSensor\GSensor\CheckingTime 000003E8 REG_DWORD
003 HKCU\ControlPanel\BackLight\BrightNess 00000005 REG_DWORD
004 HKLM\Software\Opera\GSensor\IdleTime 000003E8 REG_DWORD
005 HKCU\Software\HTC\BootLauncher\Services\HTCSensor\ Module \Windows\HTCSensorService.dll REG_SZ

I thought it was interesting because I always thought the big battery fix was supposed to be


which is 20000 decimal and in this rom it's set to 25000, so my limited knowledge led me to test the gsensor with battery saver settings on and what I found was

1) with battery saver on, opera no longer auto rotates the screen


2) teeter still works and still does the gsensor in mobileshell carousel mode, but not nearly as smoothly (I think)

so it's back to normal battery settings for me!

I still wonder about the charging settings though. I agree with you that trickle charging is better, so I don't understand why nobody has come up with a way to limit the charging mA from the AC adapter like they do from the usb! I'll look into this, but I think it might be beyond my current knowledge. If you or anyone else has any ideas, I think that could be a fix to help slow charge and save our batteries!
Those battery saver regedits were made by calkulin originally (put the cab in the rom) and it basically disables light sensor, g-sensor, etc (or makes it really long time between polling). Those hardware features are polled at a certain interval (like the battery is), and the theory is that you will save battery if you do not poll them. That also means they do not function anymore, so that's why opera won't rotate. It may be that teeter and mobileshell turn on the g-sensor automatically when the program is started (my best guess as to why they work). If you want to use the light sensor or g-sensor for opera, touch-in-call-screen-tweak, etc., you should not use the battery saver cab.

The battery polling of 25000 vs 20000 should in theory give you better battery life if you believe decreasing the polling time (making the time between checks longer). The number is polling time in some unit (not sure if it's milliseconds or what). After a certain value, I'd think you'll see diminishing returns (like setting it to 50000).

For charging, HTC charges at ~800-900 milliamps from a wall socket. Some older usb ports cannot put out 800-900 mA, and may malfunction if you try. That is why HTC limits usb charging to 500 mA. As your battery nears 100%, the rate is reduced. It will make absolutely no difference if you use the 'fast charge driver'. It just makes it so your battery charges at HTC's wall socket rate (800-900 mA) from a usb port. As long as your usb port can handle it (ie not an older computer), you will have no ill effects. It's all within spec of the battery's charging rate as designed by HTC.

Last edited by mwalt2; 12-05-2009 at 02:34 AM.
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 03:34 AM
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Re: Obviously Stable ROM | Updated 11/25 | All Carriers | 21876 | 25MB PP

Ah yeah you're right about the USB ports. My bad I was incorrect but you are correct mwalt2. But I was correct about trickle charging from a low percentage (say 20%) actually gets a better charge and saves the battery.
Disclaimer: The truth is obvious.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 11:53 AM
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Re: Obviously Stable ROM | Updated 11/25 | All Carriers | 21876 | 25MB PP

Originally Posted by MrObvious View Post
Ah yeah you're right about the USB ports. My bad I was incorrect but you are correct mwalt2. But I was correct about trickle charging from a low percentage (say 20%) actually gets a better charge and saves the battery.
If that's really true, then I repeat, can one of you come up with a slow charging tweak? My car is probably the only place I wouldn't want slow charging, everywhere else, time is on my side!

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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 03:44 PM
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Re: Obviously Stable ROM | Updated 11/25 | All Carriers | 21876 | 25MB PP

I'm pretty sure HTC's engineers know how to design a charging circuit for the battery in their phones (more than anyone here most likely ). Lithium ion batteries do not need to be trickle charged and chargers do not trickle charge them (which actually means charging at a batteries self-discharge rate). Trickle charging only applies to ni-cad and nimh batteris. If you feel charging slower is better for you, you either need to only charge from a usb port with normal battery driver or re-write the battery driver for your diamond to charge slower from the wall socket. It slows down when it nears full charge, which is important to maintaining li-ion battery life from what little I've read.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2009, 09:07 PM
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Re: Obviously Stable ROM | Updated 11/25 | All Carriers | 21876 | 25MB PP

Anywho, any other feedback? I think I will post the SPB ROM on page 1. But I need 28004 beta testers.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 02:25 PM
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Re: Obviously Stable ROM | Updated 11/25 | All Carriers | 21876 | 25MB PP

Mr O,

Been loving your rom, but not sure why I'm burning through battery. Very stable though!

Hopefully you will strip out titanium before you post the spbms rom. If you do, I'll load it and test it. I'm actually not using the mobileshell at this point because I'm trying to figure out if that's what's draining my battery. Version 3.5.1 might be worse on the battery than 3.5 was. It fixed bugs, but definitely seems worse on battery (but there are other variables as well, different rom....). I also deleted in startup phcvanga (and mobileshell, maybe something else too, I can't remember, g-alarm, that was it) because I'm trying to increase battery life. I'm using HTCHOME2 (found here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=42150 as my home page, it's not pretty or sexy but extremely functional and efficient. Looks like others have prettied it up, but I just use the basic. I don't unfortunately have a quick way to recustomize my favorite contacts, programs and settings with it, that's its one drawback when switching roms!

as I said before, a registry editor would be a nice addition, so would 1% increments on battery status. Do you use Sashimi? Some people load it's stub on the rom so it's ready to go. Sashimi really saves time, I just use it now for owner info, email setup and quick reinstall of my favorite cabs. It could do much more, but I haven't at this point. If I look at xml provisioning of regedits for personal settings, that would be my next step! The only other things I've installed on top are lockdevice v1.6 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=542482 and my gps exercise program sportypal http://www.sportypal.com/Downloads/winmo/SportyPal.CAB. If you try them and like them, you might want to add them to your rom as well. They both work very well!

ok, I guess I load spb backup as well, I don't know why except that I own it and I'm super paranoid about backup, but I just recustomize and activesync. I really don't like restoring after different roms, too many unknowns. I would probably only use it if I somehow lost my outlook database or activesync capabilities.

There, now you have my entire configuration except my emails and personal settings.

I'll keep my eye out for your rom & report back after I load it. The only thing that would really help me is the space from not having titanium (or manilla) on the rom. Without that, it's hard for me to justify re-flashing. Since I disabled the rhodium skin, I haven't found a single bug. Just trying to tweak performance and battery at this point.

thanks again for all your work! I like what you've put out there
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 02:35 PM
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Re: Obviously Stable ROM | Updated 11/25 | All Carriers | 21876 | 25MB PP

Oh, I thought the quickmenu that's on omj's rom is pretty slick too! Didn't use it enough to vouch for it's stability though!
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 08:52 PM
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Re: Obviously Stable ROM | Updated 11/25 | All Carriers | 21876 | 25MB PP

Did you turn off automatic screen adjustment?
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 10:23 PM
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Re: Obviously Stable ROM | Updated 11/25 | All Carriers | 21876 | 25MB PP

I'm using the SPB Rom and I don't believe I'm having battery issues. I didn't have any on the other version either.

I did disable Titanium, but that is about it. I'll know more about battery this week and let you know.

One thing I've discovered, battery life can be finicky depending on where you are. There's several places I visit where I KNOW my phone is gonna drain. It's usually in a building or area where it's switching to 1x. Then my activesync keeps trying to keep a connection.

Generally I turn my phone off in these areas, when I leave, I turn it back on.

Mr. O's original ROM was the best battery life I've ever had. At the end of the day, I was at 70% (5pm is end of day for me), which is unheard of. I used to be happy if I made it to lunch with 70%.

I don't think I noticed much difference in the SPB, I'll let you know.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2009, 12:47 AM
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Re: Obviously Stable ROM | Updated 11/25 | All Carriers | 21876 | 25MB PP

It's probably an obvious setting. I loved the battery life too but I had to play with Sense 2.5 since I have a 3000mAH battery hehe.
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