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  #2781 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 10:32 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 1/15

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
yeah, there's something that needs to be ported, as this was for WVGA.
Just copy the .xml's from a previous VGA ported version and it should work fine if you want to keep whatever version you are using. I've been using the version ported to VGA by programatix (link below). It works well and displays correctly. I believe it's the newest non-"Test" version that I have seen.

If anyone wants to fix it in their ROM without waiting for an update, just download the EXT package at the following link and copy the .xml's to /windows. It will probably display correctly then for VGA (if not, just delete the .xml's from /windows if it messes anything up and you'll be back to the ROM copy).

Last edited by mwalt2; 01-15-2010 at 10:37 PM.
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  #2782 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 10:36 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 1/15

Originally Posted by egriffin View Post
"copy your XML's to \Internal Storage\SASHIMI\Auto\XML"

Here is a real noob question, but where are my .xml files stored on the diamond?

Also, does sashimi load to main memory or to the storage card or can I control where it loads?
these would be XML's that you have made.....ie....I have one that creates all my pop3/imap/exchange accounts, creates my wifi connection.

when SASHIMI runs, and loads your cab's it will ask whether u want to install to memory or storage.

Originally Posted by dreamer3kx View Post
I must be going blind, where do you enable the lock slider?
go all the way to the right to Settings, Personalize, Manila Locker

Originally Posted by bobbenedetti View Post
What version of Manila in in this build?

2.5.....it's really all I work on now.
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  #2783 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 01:09 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 1/15

Hey guys just wanted to check back in after the purchase of my TP2. I must say though I was hesitant at first, I am really loving the new phone, been using it for about 4 days now. I loved my diamond and OMJ made it that much better, but if anyone is waivering on getting a tp2 or not I would def jump on it. I've been using Mighty's rom with it and it is amazing.

Coming from a TP1 it's not that much of an upgrade. I mean bigger screen and everything, but coming from a diamond it's huge. Everything is lighting fast and the screen is beautiful. The one main thing that I really notice is the touch screen is much more responsive. I would have to try and click on links in opera like 2 or 3 times before it would actually register, now it's so accurate and hassle free.

OMJ, you are one of my favorite cooks, when are you coming to the TP2? Come on, I'll even start an account where everyone can chip in a little and we'll buy one for you to tool with! Who's in? Probably the wrong thread, lol.

Hey, I still love my diamond. I must say though the only thing I miss from the diamond to the tp2 is the Dpad. That it.
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  #2784 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 01:39 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 1/15

billyapd: goddamnit we can't all get new phones all the time, and we lost enough chefs to the TP2 world - stop getting greedy
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  #2785 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 11:49 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 1/15

Originally Posted by billyapd21 View Post
Hey guys just wanted to check back in after the purchase of my TP2. I must say though I was hesitant at first, I am really loving the new phone, been using it for about 4 days now. I loved my diamond and OMJ made it that much better, but if anyone is waivering on getting a tp2 or not I would def jump on it. I've been using Mighty's rom with it and it is amazing.

Coming from a TP1 it's not that much of an upgrade. I mean bigger screen and everything, but coming from a diamond it's huge. Everything is lighting fast and the screen is beautiful. The one main thing that I really notice is the touch screen is much more responsive. I would have to try and click on links in opera like 2 or 3 times before it would actually register, now it's so accurate and hassle free.

OMJ, you are one of my favorite cooks, when are you coming to the TP2? Come on, I'll even start an account where everyone can chip in a little and we'll buy one for you to tool with! Who's in? Probably the wrong thread, lol.

Hey, I still love my diamond. I must say though the only thing I miss from the diamond to the tp2 is the Dpad. That it.
I'm holding a TP2 in my hands now , actually it's my wife's....I was very tempted to get one too, but I decided to hold off for a non-KB....rumor is something may be coming soon (hopefully)...I will agree though, it is alot faster & more responsive even on the stock rom. Even though is has the same cpu as the Diamond, it must be the extra ram & just better design.

I've been meaning to unlock & flash a custom to my wife's TP2, was thinking about Mightys, which one are you using? I'd cook one myself but I can't play too much w/ it.
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  #2786 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 12:33 PM
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Re: Microsoft Push email

On the 28014 builds I have noticed a difference in the way Microsoft push email works.
1) On setup I am no longer asked to accept the certificate from my Exchange server
2) In order to do the first sync I actually have to load active sync..previously it syncd automatically after I set up Poutlook
4) There is no togle for Microsoft push email on the settings it seems to be replaced by the Active Sync item on the Data Service Settings
5) What is peak and off-peak..I can't get the off-peak setting to change from every 60 minutes to on receipt. I can change it but it doesn't stick after I click Done.

I love this ROM so I hope this problem (for me) is just temporary..or perhaps I am missing something.
Bob Benedetti
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  #2787 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 04:14 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 1/15

i like the last two downloads. but i have 2 issues at precent with the latest:
-random rebooting. though it was related to using opera but from time to time the phone just reboots on its own(me not touching it) or while im using it.
-active sync seems to work( use it soley to sync with gmail) but for some reason today im not getting any off my emails...
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  #2788 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 06:39 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 1/15


One bug I noticed with version 1.5 of the 28014 rom is that when scrolling through facebook pics through manila contacts the phone freezes after you scroll through about 10
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  #2789 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 10:31 PM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense / Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21870 / 23504 / 28002 | 12/0

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
A quick question... is there some sort of voicemail or missed call notification somewhere other than the top bar? The old Manila used to have one just below the clock, but I haven't found anything in Manila 2.5.
Just wanted to revive this from a few weeks back - so far OMJ is awesome (I'm on 6.5.3 / Sense 2.5), but this seems a bit weird. Some better missed call notification would be great. I can't even really click on the tiny icon on the top bar with a finger :/

Manila Locker shows the missed call but of course since the screen is...well...locked you can't do anything with it from that screen
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  #2790 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 10:40 PM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense / Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21870 / 23504 / 28002 | 12/0

Originally Posted by AdamW View Post
Just wanted to revive this from a few weeks back - so far OMJ is awesome (I'm on 6.5.3 / Sense 2.5), but this seems a bit weird. Some better missed call notification would be great. I can't even really click on the tiny icon on the top bar with a finger :/

Manila Locker shows the missed call but of course since the screen is...well...locked you can't do anything with it from that screen
Install Max Manila 2.5 - v2.7 Main (beta).cab from here and you can have some icons that will display missed calls on the home screen. It changes the way some things look, but almost all of it is configurable by sliding down on the home screen. Make sure you slide down and change the resolution to VGA if you decide to install it. Read post #2 in the linked thread for what the different settings do.
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