Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.1 | 21870 / 23504 | 11/12/0
I agree, it's up to you on cooking it in or not. if it's easily installed via cab post flash then I would lean towards leaving it out. Thanks.
Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.1 | 21870 / 23504 | 11/12/0
But those are just the base files. There are many dependencies that you can find in this link. The fun involves finding what you need & what will cause issues in your rom, lol. I flashed countless times trying to weed out which packages were the culprits. Once I narrowed it down, mwalt gave me his MASD & that is what finalized a working rom. The problem is, it's just not that easy to give you the files, my windows folder that has all my ppc files is a complete mess, lol. Once I get the kitchen straight (I'll be working on it tonight as long as it's slow @ work) it will be much easier to "stare & compare" what I'm using. here is my MASD, it may not 100% acturate, it's from 11/9, but it will show you what I am using: Code:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OEM\MASD] "AdobePDF"="2_5_1_0_404840_01" "AdvancedPowerManagement"="1_5_18193426" "Album"="3_0_19192033_0" "AppointmentEditor"="1_0_19192832_0" "AudioBooster"="2_2_19131926_2" "AutoRun"="4_31_6_0" "AutoShortcut"="1_1_2_0" "Boot_Launcher"="1_0_19181525_1" "BTBPP"="1_9_3_0" "BTFTP"="1_2_33309_91" "Camera"="6_22_34164_0" "CheckAutoRun"="2_18_0_0" "CMBandSwitching"="2_2_1_1" "CMBluetooth"="1_1_4_0" "CMCallBarring"="1_3_1_0" "CMCallerID"="1_4_0_0" "CMCallForwarding"="1_4_4_0" "CMCallWaiting"="1_2_0_0" "CMInternetSharing"="1_1_1_2" "CMPhone"="1_1_0_0" "CMPhoneVMSetting"="1_5_0_0" "CMPin"="1_3_0_0" "CommManager"="2_9_5_0" "Concurrence_Mgr"="1_5_19191120_00" "Contact_Picker"="1_0_19202622_00" "Contact_Utility_Engine"="1_1_19201730_00" "DeviceInfo"="2_7_0_1" "DigitalCompass"="1_0_19201933_1" "DRM_Middleware"="1_5_19162824_00" "Dshow"="2_0_19163429_00" "Email_Setup_Wizard"="2_3_19202831_10" "EPST"="4_65_0_0" "EPSTLab"="4_14_0_0" "Facebook_Engine"="1_1_19201832_00" "FingerKeyb"="2_1_408" "FlashLiteShareDLL"="1_0_19191932_0" "FMRadio"="1_6_18174024_1" "Footcam"="1_26_19201125_01" "Footprints_Engine"="1_1_19202521_1" "FootprintsThumbViewer"="1_0_19201728_0" "FootPrintsVE"="2_0_19192610_00" "Fuart"="1_14_0_1" "Full_Screen_Player"="1_7_19164025_00" "GoogleLocationService"="1_0_1_21" "GPS_GMM"="3_2_116_1" "GSensorCalibrator"="1_0_18212730_0" "HTCAnimation"="1_3_4_0" "HTCBirthday"="1_2_0_0" "HTCBookmark"="1_0_19192728_00" "HTCFDN"="1_5_2_0" "HTCFontLink"="1_0_19132133_1" "HTCFramework"="1_1_19193427_00" "HTCGeoService"="1_0_19192827_00" "HTCGesture"="1_0_32356_0" "HTCMessaging_Client"="1_1_19191615_00" "HTCNaviMgr"="1_0_19192529_00" "HTCScroll"="1_0_1914_2726" "HTCScroll2"="2_0_19173130_00" "IE6Enhancement"="1_0_19192925_00" "IME_Engine_Western"="2_1_19171325_00" "IME_EzInput_Western"="2_1_19171325_00" "IME_Tutorial"="1_0_19162927_00" "JbedJava_5_1"="0_0_20090217_51R2" "LockStreamDRM"="1_1_081216_O9_08" "Manila_Calendar"="1_0_19202625_0" "Manila_Core"="2_5_19202525_0" "Manila_Footprints"="2_5_19202929_0" "Manila_Home"="1_0_19202625_0" "Manila_Internet"="2_5_19202527_0" "Manila_Mail"="2_5_19202430_0" "Manila_Message"="2_5_19201731_0" "Manila_Music"="2_5_19201628_3" "Manila_People"="2_5_19203325_0" "Manila_Photo"="2_5_19203023_0" "Manila_Settings"="2_5_19202526_0" "Manila_Stock"="2_5_19202521_0" "Manila_Twitter"="2_5_19202430_0" "Manila_Weather"="2_5_19202521_0" "Media_Tool_kit"="1_2_19201926_0" "Menu_Enhancement"="1_0_19193526_00" "Message_Enhancement"="1_2_19193230_01" "mHub"="6_57_090121_E1" "mHub_VO"="1_7_090813_0" "New_Contact_Card"="1_1_19202528_00" "NewMailAccount"="1_11_0_1" "Notification_Enhancement"="2_0_1920_1124" "OMADM_UI"="2_0_19172730_0" "Opera_Browser"="9_50_17658_0" "PhoneCanvas"="3_50_35846_0" "Power"="3_5_0_1" "PowerOffWarning"="2_9_0_0" "Quick_GPS"="1_3_19202423_00" "Random_Access"="4_2_19183026_0" "Resource_Proxy"="1_0_19162229_01" "SensorSDK"="3_3_18182326_0" "Settings_Improvement"="1_0_19202927_00" "Shared_Modules"="1_01_19193330_00" "SharedResource"="1_0_19201926_00" "SmartTouch"="1_0_32417_1" "Social_Networks_Engine"="1_1_19202926_00" "SprintDM_DMClientApp"="1_1_024_SPCS_R1" "SprintDM_DMClientLib"="2_15_0_0" "StartIconLoader"="2_5_19201224_0" "Streaming_SDK"="2_7_19182725_00" "StreamingMedia"="3_1_19141226_00" "TaskManager"="2_1_19183631_17" "Teeter"="1_6_19142724_00" "TimeZoneAutoFix"="1_0_19203033_00" "USB_To_PC_Pop_Up"="2_3_19192730_12" "VBookmarkMgr"="1_0_19202626_00" "VideoTelephony"="2_5_33904_0" "VolumeControl"="1_6_18201829" "Wi-FiWizard"="1_7_3_0" "YouTube"="2_6_19192824_00" "zlibce_m"="1_2_3_1"
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This post has been thanked 2 times. |
Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.1 | 21870 / 23504 | 11/12/0
Whats the difference from Arcsoft MMS, and HTC MMS? jw
Check me out: www.TheChip.com
"Observation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement on Supraquantum Structures By Induction through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal of Extremely Long Wavelength (ELW) Pulse from Mode-Locked Source Array." - from Half Life 1 |
Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.1 | 21870 / 23504 | 11/12/0
ok, I have just figured if arcsoft was needed to use MMS, then I might as well include it.
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.1 | 21870 / 23504 | 11/12/0
That works too. Either way, completely up to you. |
Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.1 | 21870 / 23504 | 11/12/0
Yeah I say cook another version up then using Arcsoft and that reg edit from JMZ then. I like it! And can you do something to free up some storage space on the device memory? I'm down to 5MB free and have to install everything to the Internal Storage. I've tweaked it as much as I can too but I need .NET 3.5 since it's not cooked in anyway.
Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.1 | 21870 / 23504 | 11/12/0
Can you add .NET 3.5 to the ROM?
Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.1 | 21870 / 23504 | 11/12/0
Another bug...when adding a new appointment through the HTC interface, the numbers on the spinwheel for the appointment time just mash and overlap each other, can see them.
Also, is everyones weather and facebook integration updating automatically? Mine only updates when it feels like it, not the time I specify. |
Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense UI aka Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.1 | 21870 / 23504 | 11/12/0
Thank you! I found that one this morning! And yeah, my weather and facebook doesnt always update...itll go whenever it wants to. xD
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