Re: Wm 6.5.3 28002 rom 11/22/09
28002 ROM with standard titanium is on the first page! I forgot that Office 2010 beta was released... I'll have to add it when they disable the timebomb in it.
Last edited by da_reeseboy; 11-23-2009 at 12:20 AM. |
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Re: Kitchen Files
Re: Wm 6.5.3 28002 ROM|SYS 11/22/09
I was actually gonna start messing with that this week.Maybe I could cook that into a 21877 rom.
Re: Wm 6.5.3 28002 ROM|SYS 11/22/09
I played around with OMJs 28002 sense 2.5 and it was pretty cool. The only things that sucked (hoping you can fix it in yours) was that the animated weather wallpaper only worked like half the time and there was no programs tab for some reason, also the titanium was messed up because it couldn't recognize some of the mscr files after I installed CLauncher and CHome kept crashing and giving errors. Other than that it was pretty sweet. Opera 10 looks pretty good, the sense UI was surprisingly fast and smooth considering we're using the diamond processor and ram, makes me really excited about running it on the HD2's snapdragon with wvga.
see if those issues come up when you integrate it to 21877. I still don't really care for 6.5.3 because you have to do all of this craziness to get the HTC Task manager to work (hold start for 3 seconds and do something else) and it still didnt come up half the time, and I didn't like that I couldn't seem to change the keyboard. It looked like he was using ezinput 2.1, but there were no choices to change the keyboard type. Ideally it would have ezinput 1.5 integrated into it (or maybe touchpal) because I love ezinput 2.1 but You cant freaking switch from full qwerty to compact qwerty to phone keyboard without having to install a new cab every time unless you found a way to integrate touchflo into your roms (not sure if you do that or not, I don't thin calk does). So if you ever got ezinput 2.1 with the ability to switch keyboards then that would be awesome, if not I'd go with 1.5 (or I can just install it, but it adds like an extra 5 mbs on the device...) Also ezinput 1.5 seems to just type faster with less lag than 2.1 The only other issue is hopefully it will charge faster than the 21874 rom you had, which took like 5 hours to charge to full although it retained the charge very well. On calk's 21876 I got it to fully charge from empty in like an hour or 1.5 hours I think. I really like your roms because they are stable and clean as hell without added garbage and bugs. I'm gonna stick with calk's 21876 for now till you upload your 21877 with sense 2.5. Thanks. |
Re: Wm 6.5.3 28002 ROM|SYS 11/22/09
Wow... releases are coming out quick agaain. 28004 was uploaded to rombeta today so I'm snagging that. Also someone is mentioning 21882, but I haven't seen a download link yet.
@orangekid: If I get 21882 I'll work with that one instead. I really appreciate how specific you were in your requests - you gave me something specific to work towards. I'll see what I can do for ya there. @all: Did anyone see the screenshots over on xda of the new oem keyboard in 28002? I don't have it in my rom - it wasn't in the sys I downloaded, but Joe the Fro posted screenshots here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...postcount=8446 looks promising... |
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