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  #1221 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2009, 10:59 AM
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Re: Wm 6.5.3 28014 & 21882 ROM|SYS 12/17/09

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
yeah that video is pretty crazy, in reality you type about as fast as you would with compact qwerty I think, but it flows better and I'm starting to get faster with it.

not sure where the ext package for the vga port is, but it shouldn't be hard to find.
Probably gonna be hard to find.

We see you have re-packaged our software and are distributing it. We are glad to hear that you guys like Swype, but we are obligated to state that we don't condone such activity nor support the result. Naturally those of you asking for new languages and features should wait until we launch a device in your market. Obviously, we won't support unlicensed versions of our software. One might ask why we don't just release the .cab file ourselves and save everyone the hassle. The reason is that we have spent seven years building Swype and we want to try to make a living selling our software. That means someone needs to pay for it. Thus far, our business model is OEM licensing. We do plan to get to direct-to-consumer distribution but it is a different sort of business and thus it is hard to say when. In the meantime, enjoy using Swype and please look out for a better, more integrated, and legal version coming soon to a phone near you.

The Swype Team

PS. Our lawyer has asked us to remind everyone about copyright infringement and to inform you that Swype reserves all of its rights.

Thats how sweet the signal is in my office!!
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  #1222 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2009, 11:02 AM
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Re: Wm 6.5.3 28014 & 21882 ROM|SYS 12/17/09

Originally Posted by kbussen View Post
Probably gonna be hard to find.

We see you have re-packaged our software and are distributing it. We are glad to hear that you guys like Swype, but we are obligated to state that we don't condone such activity nor support the result. Naturally those of you asking for new languages and features should wait until we launch a device in your market. Obviously, we won't support unlicensed versions of our software. One might ask why we don't just release the .cab file ourselves and save everyone the hassle. The reason is that we have spent seven years building Swype and we want to try to make a living selling our software. That means someone needs to pay for it. Thus far, our business model is OEM licensing. We do plan to get to direct-to-consumer distribution but it is a different sort of business and thus it is hard to say when. In the meantime, enjoy using Swype and please look out for a better, more integrated, and legal version coming soon to a phone near you.

The Swype Team

PS. Our lawyer has asked us to remind everyone about copyright infringement and to inform you that Swype reserves all of its rights.


this doesn't come right out and say that we can't cook an already ported version into our roms though, just that they don't condone it and won't support it and that we can't make any money off of it?
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  #1223 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2009, 11:04 AM
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Re: Wm 6.5.3 28014 & 21882 ROM|SYS 12/17/09

Originally Posted by kbussen View Post
Probably gonna be hard to find.

... In the meantime, enjoy using Swype ...


see, its ok
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  #1224 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2009, 11:16 AM
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Re: Wm 6.5.3 28014 & 21882 ROM|SYS 12/17/09

Kbussen, thanks for the heads up. Where did you find this post at?My favorite part is this -
Thus far, our business model is OEM licensing.

So that means that its only thru a device manufacturer that we can get it, right? Which manufacturer has it?

In the meantime, enjoy using Swype and please look out for a better, more integrated, and legal version coming soon to a phone near you.

He (or she) is realistic and apparently knows its gonna be used anyway...

PS. Our lawyer has asked us to remind everyone about copyright infringement and to inform you that Swype reserves all of its rights.

Still made sure they put the legal info in the post, but without going on the "I will hunt you down" power trip you normally see - whoever posted this, I think we'd get along great. In fact, I'd be willing to bet they have taken part in their own "greymarket" software testing and therefore understand (not condone, just understand) the motivation behind all of us playing with all this software ourselves - which is why the reminder of legalities was in such a friendly manner.
- Jesse
My Diamond wm6.5 ROM
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  #1225 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2009, 11:18 AM
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Re: Wm 6.5.3 28014 & 21882 ROM|SYS 12/17/09

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post

this doesn't come right out and say that we can't cook an already ported version into our roms though, just that they don't condone it and won't support it and that we can't make any money off of it?
The lawyer part about how swype "reserves all its rights" would cover it, they were just trying to be nice.
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  #1226 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2009, 11:23 AM
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Re: Wm 6.5.3 28014 & 21882 ROM|SYS 12/17/09

Originally Posted by da_reeseboy View Post
Kbussen, thanks for the heads up. Where did you find this post at?My favorite part is this -
Thus far, our business model is OEM licensing.

So that means that its only thru a device manufacturer that we can get it, right? Which manufacturer has it?

In the meantime, enjoy using Swype and please look out for a better, more integrated, and legal version coming soon to a phone near you.

He (or she) is realistic and apparently knows its gonna be used anyway...

PS. Our lawyer has asked us to remind everyone about copyright infringement and to inform you that Swype reserves all of its rights.

Still made sure they put the legal info in the post, but without going on the "I will hunt you down" power trip you normally see - whoever posted this, I think we'd get along great. In fact, I'd be willing to bet they have taken part in their own "greymarket" software testing and therefore understand (not condone, just understand) the motivation behind all of us playing with all this software ourselves - which is why the reminder of legalities was in such a friendly manner.
Got it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=598633

Yeah i dont see a problem cooking the current version. I actually have the original posted cab for it before it was taken down.

I think this: Thus far, our business model is OEM licensing.
Means they are gonna be trying to get it worked in with Phone companies to have as the stock keyboard when the phone is released.

Last edited by KBZL; 12-24-2009 at 11:26 AM.
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  #1227 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2009, 11:44 AM
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Re: Wm 6.5.3 28014 & 21882 ROM|SYS 12/17/09

Orangekid, have you tried this one before?
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  #1228 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2009, 12:20 PM
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Re: Wm 6.5.3 28014 & 21882 ROM|SYS 12/17/09

Originally Posted by da_reeseboy View Post
The lawyer part about how swype "reserves all its rights" would cover it, they were just trying to be nice.
hmm, that quote, well yeah but I mean why even say all the other stuff then.
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  #1229 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2009, 12:24 PM
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Re: Wm 6.5.3 28014 & 21882 ROM|SYS 12/17/09

Originally Posted by da_reeseboy View Post
Orangekid, have you tried this one before?

wow, the swype guy shoulda sent his lawyer warning to this company who totally hijacked his product

looks awesome but not free

btw the swype is currently on the omnia2 only as far as i know
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  #1230 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2009, 12:40 PM
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Re: Wm 6.5.3 28014 & 21882 ROM|SYS 12/17/09

hi on the 28014, i am trying to switch keyboard, but i t keep defaulting to full keyboard. any one has a solution?
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