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  #1591 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2009, 06:05 PM
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Re: 5-27-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-9 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21725]

Originally Posted by dimensi0n View Post
Bonz... I am getting really sick of this GrooveROM... Where's 3.0??? And yes I am impatient, but Grooves ROM is I-Iella slow
Did mommy let you borrow her computer for a few minutes? Yes she did! Yes she did! Who's on mommy's computer? Who on mommy's computer? Are you on mommy's computer? Yes yooo arrrrreee...

Last edited by WarAxe; 06-02-2009 at 06:07 PM.
  #1592 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2009, 06:08 PM
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Re: 5-27-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-9 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21725]

OK, that's enough of that... 3.0 is uploading now, peeps... stay tuned.
  #1593 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2009, 06:20 PM
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Re: 6-2-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ v3.0 - gadgetfreak edition [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 217

First post updated.
  #1594 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2009, 06:35 PM
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Re: 6-2-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ v3.0 - gadgetfreak edition [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 217

I have updated the first post with the download link for version 3.0.

This version has been dubbed the "gadgetfreak makeover edition" due the the hours that gadgetfreak put in working on a great looking new taskbar which is currently exclusive to this rom. He has done an awesome job and it was really fun working with him. You guys should really go through the thread and thank like the last 10 of his posts because he worked really hard on this.

Version 3.0 has a lot of other changes, including a great new sys... 21728 (thanks Indagroove!), and the default dialer is now a fully skinned WM dialer that allows full use of the lockscreen and WM 6.5 slide2answer. If you press the "lock" softkey on the homescreen it will now call the WM lockscreen and then shut off the screen. If you want to call the lock screen and leave the screen on you can press the lock softkey in the start menu. The lockscreen still starts a little slow the very first time you call it after a soft reset, but after that it works really well. There is a skinned and working bluetooth icon even though we are using the WM dialer, and the ##/911 codes are now working with the WM dialer. The WM volume control has been skinned with the SetVolume app, and everything is working well as far as I can tell. I will continue to work to improve the WM dialer and lockscreen as much as possible in furture version as well.

OK, so it's a big release. I hope you guys all enjoy it, and that it was worth the wait. Please let me know what you think.

No lurking!
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  #1595 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2009, 06:49 PM
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Re: 6-2-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ v3.0 - gadgetfreak edition [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 217

The sprint users are pretty spoiled by DryBonz

looks like it will be another great release
  #1596 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2009, 06:50 PM
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Re: 6-2-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ v3.0 - gadgetfreak edition [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 217

Originally Posted by higher diamonds View Post
The sprint users are pretty spoiled by DryBonz

looks like it will be another great release
There's a couple Telus guys using it if you want to give it a try. Can't promise anything.
  #1597 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2009, 07:03 PM
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Re: 6-2-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ v3.0 - gadgetfreak edition [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 217

Of all days for mega shares to be crawling, I am so looking forward to 3.0, only 17 minutes to go . That offer for a ftp server is still available if you are interested. Cant wait to install this. Thanks for the great ROM.
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  #1598 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2009, 07:04 PM
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Re: 6-2-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ v3.0 - gadgetfreak edition [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 217

Downloaded and Flashed 3.0 successfully! Will give a real report once I have had a chance to play with it.

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  #1599 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2009, 07:04 PM
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Re: 6-2-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ v3.0 - gadgetfreak edition [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 217

Thanks DB! I appreciate the acknowledgement, and I will definitely have to say that it has been a treat working with you to get a taskbar the just works with the ROM and overall theme. I had a blast doing this, and I'm looking forward to hearing what all of you think.

Guys I have to tell you that we are privilaged to be working with, IMHO, a very talented, very dedicated ROM chef who really does listen to what we bring to him. He and I have spent a lot of late nights bringing the taskbar together, and I can tell you that Drybonz is as crazy as I am, with a lot of 3 or 4 in the morning nights testing out taskbar and icon variations, at the same time he's cranking out updates. It's a lot to juggle, but he made it look easy!

Thanks, man!

WM 6.5 Taskbars | GadgetROM for Touch Diamond

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  #1600 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2009, 07:06 PM
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Re: 6-2-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ v3.0 - gadgetfreak edition [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 217

Drybonz;950954]I have updated the first post with the download link for version 3.0.

This version has been dubbed the "gadgetfreak makeover edition" due the the hours that gadgetfreak put in working on a great looking new taskbar which is currently exclusive to this rom. He has done an awesome job and it was really fun working with him. You guys should really go through the thread and thank like the last 10 of his posts because he worked really hard on this.
Hey Bonz, this looks totally awesome! A million thanks as well to GadgetFreak, now it's time to find some of his posts!

forgot to mention, flashing now!!!!

Last edited by Riley; 06-02-2009 at 07:13 PM.
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