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  #2661 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 05:53 PM
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Re: [060309] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) -- Kitchen [060209]

Thanks again indagroove! wm 6.5 has been great!!!!...so far :P
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  #2662 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 06:17 PM
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Re: [060309] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) -- Kitchen [060209]

Originally Posted by willysp View Post
Are you at some point going to upload a new kitchen with the new keyboard? Or, maybe just post the package?

Thanks for sharing your work!
I can post the OEM if it's ok w/inda.
It's actually in rstoguy's OEM thread...here.
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Last edited by Trident; 06-03-2009 at 06:24 PM.
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  #2663 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 06:21 PM
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Re: [060309] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) -- Kitchen [060209]

Originally Posted by willysp View Post
Are you at some point going to upload a new kitchen with the new keyboard? Or, maybe just post the package?

Thanks for sharing your work!
yup, I'm upping the new kitchen now. For some reason, my internet connection has been kinda spotty lately. Rapidshare connection dies at 85% complete, starting over now..

btw, at this point I don't really plan build updates to continue at the rate they have been lately.

gR5 is pretty much where I want it to be right now. I know that there are a few tiny bugs, but everything important (to me at least) seems pretty stable right now. I'll update with new sys builds, and any major oem developments as well, but short of that grooveROM 5 is pretty much in a semi-final oem state (baring new major bug finds).

Also, before anyone asks me, "hey groove have you checked out the new tachi dialer, it looks sweet. are you gonna use it in your rom?"

Answer: yes, I have checked it out. It's not fully functional yet. A few minor but very important bugs are still present. Also, the duttons are smaller, and it doesn't skin as cleanly (I hade it all skinned and cooked into my personal yesterday). Since I've fixed the major bugs in the stock Diamond HTC dialer (history corruption, menu pop-up for incoming call, etc..) and I personally think my skin looks better than anyother dialer out there -- the long answer is, no I won't be updating grooveROM with the tachi dialer.

[end rant]

Enjoy grooveROM 5.

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  #2664 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 06:28 PM
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Re: [060309] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) -- Kitchen [060209]

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
I can post the OEM if it's ok w/inda.
It's actually in rstoguy's OEM thread...here.
I saw that it was posted there, but I'm not using that one, and I haven't looked at it. There were a couple of things that I did to my package that were more than a simple package creator conversion. I modulated the ezinput dll and mui, and added SIPGT_app.exe. I also make mine so that compact qwerty would be the default input module, instead of the standard full qwerty.
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  #2665 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 07:58 PM
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Re: [060309] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) -- Kitchen [060209]

Originally Posted by indagroove View Post
I saw that it was posted there, but I'm not using that one, and I haven't looked at it. There were a couple of things that I did to my package that were more than a simple package creator conversion. I modulated the ezinput dll and mui, and added SIPGT_app.exe. I also make mine so that compact qwerty would be the default input module, instead of the standard full qwerty.
Cool, then I will download this as well.
One thing I noticed with this SIP... the disappearing first letter is back when typing text. Does the stuff that you do fix any of that?
If not, then I'll probably go back to one of the rhodium kbs.
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  #2666 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 08:06 PM
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Re: [060309] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) -- Kitchen [060209]

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
Cool, then I will download this as well.
One thing I noticed with this SIP... the disappearing first letter is back when typing text. Does the stuff that you do fix any of that?
If not, then I'll probably go back to one of the rhodium kbs.
I've only seen it once or twice myself. This version was supposed to fix that. It is improved from Merdinh's previous versions, but really the issue is with the ezinput version itself, which has been modified to make the white letters on full qwerty. The modification doesn't cause it, it's native to that unmodified version. So, no I can't fix it.

I wish we could be a black version of he original sprint sip, and I've asked Merdinh how to modify the dll in the past, but the answers have been cryptic at best.

Also, the new kitchen is up in post 2.
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  #2667 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 08:10 PM
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Re: [060309] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) -- Kitchen [060209]

Originally Posted by indagroove View Post
I've only seen it once or twice myself. This version was supposed to fix that. It is improved from Merdinh's previous versions, but really the issue is with the ezinput version itself, which has been modified to make the white letters on full qwerty. The modification doesn't cause it, it's native to that unmodified version. So, no I can't fix it.

I wish we could be a black version of he original sprint sip, and I've asked Merdinh how to modify the dll in the past, but the answers have been cryptic at best.

Also, the new kitchen is up in post 2.
I was thinking the same thing. was going to pm Merdinh to see if he could do the same thing with the original sip with larger keys! that would be really nice. I am going to give the kitchen a go again. just downloaded .net framework 3.5 to the desktop, hoping this was the problem. Thanks again Groove.

Kitchen question: noticed there were two opera versions in the oem folder, should we just select one and remove the other? thanks. by the way, stupid pc gave the os.nb.payload error again. ugh. oh well.

Last edited by Riley; 06-03-2009 at 09:18 PM.
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  #2668 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 08:49 PM
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Re: [060309] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) -- Kitchen [060209]

Originally Posted by indagroove View Post
btw, at this point I don't really plan build updates to continue at the rate they have been lately.

Enjoy grooveROM 5.

This version is really great. It was so good that I thought it was done a couple of versions ago. I did update to 060209 (the future version!) and I will probably stay here for some time to come. THANKS!
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  #2669 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2009, 11:08 AM
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Re: [060309] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) -- [ROM & Kitchen]

I must say that i have been running the latest rom since the download link was made available, and that this is one of, if not the BEST rom i have EVER used !!!!

It run fast, smooth, and i have not had to do any softresets at all with this one!!!

so if anyone is yet to try 6.5 i really think that this rom is the best one out there!!

that just my 2 cent's!!!
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  #2670 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2009, 12:45 PM
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Re: [060309] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) -- [ROM & Kitchen]

One question? Regarding the Ultralite/grooveROM 5 WM 6.5 dialer when I install the BT cab file to enable the dialer and soft reset my phone, the dialer shows but when someone tries to call me the sliders do not show up for me. Instead the old windows mobile White box pops up and says answer or ignore. How can I get the cool neat lookin sliders to appear?
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