Re: [4-6-09] ** grooveROM 4 ** wm6.1 & wm6.5 versions -- (21038.1.6.0) & (21202.5.0.0
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=63811 |
Re: [4-6-09] ** grooveROM 4 ** wm6.1 & wm6.5 versions -- (21038.1.6.0) & (21202.5.0.0
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.
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Re: [4-6-09] ** grooveROM 4 ** wm6.1 & wm6.5 versions -- (21038.1.6.0) & (21202.5.0.0
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Re: [4-6-09] ** grooveROM 4 ** wm6.1 & wm6.5 versions -- (21038.1.6.0) & (21202.5.0.0
bingo, its touchlock pro. i used to run that app. just click on the box and it should bring up the settings page
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Re: [4-6-09] ** grooveROM 4 ** wm6.1 & wm6.5 versions -- (21038.1.6.0) & (21202.5.0.0
How can I get the red and black keyboard for texting from your earlier ROM builds(6.5)? I think it was build 8. btw, I tried 6.5 just to see what it was like but thought it would be too "beta" to use but now I won't go back. great job. also, I tried one of the other 6.5 ROMs but had too many problems (freezing up, slow...)
I figured that much, somehow TLP had made is way into my Sashimi folder and instaled itself, the problem is that nothing ever came up if I clicked on the box, so it took more digging around to figure what it was. I use sensor lock and wisbar to lock my phone, so I don't even know how this one made it to my phone, but oh well, problem solve. Thanks for the hints everyone. =D>
Re: [4-6-09] ** grooveROM 4 ** wm6.1 & wm6.5 versions -- (21038.1.6.0) & (21202.5.0.0
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thanks.. btw do donations go to a certain person or does it go to the PPCGeeks site? and one more issue. im trying to get back to your rom (from jonrom or whatever) but im hung up on the "HTC - preparing your device for first use.." screen. I don't have any rom on the internal memory so can't go to boot up screen and jump to a diff rom from there. i've tried mult times to hard reset but always hangs there. i've waited like 15 min but nothing. do I have any options from here?
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