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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 04:31 PM
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Re: Cooking roms with another rom

My rom is optimized to show that it's not the SYS, it's what a chef puts in the OEM folder (stuff added).... I've tried a couple of different sys's and I don't beleive it's there that slows it down. But the registry edits and programs you add to your rom will make the difference. Every time you add a program/shell that runs in the background, it's gonna eat up cpu cycles checking for the program trigger point and doing what it's supposed to. I didn't notice until after I released my rom, but it seemed like the defining factor of a rom in this forum was the SYS. Other than that you had the same set of OEM's in each rom, same skins, and instead of tweaking the OEM directory (programs), the roms authors were consumed by where is my next newer sys coming from.

Juicy uses the 20764 SYS in the rom he released before the sprint rom got leaked. Shouldn't the new build's on that SAME SYS yield similar results? What is causing newer roms to be slower than an old rom.
The sys is all gonna be roughly the same, unless you count build numbers. It's what a chef adds to a rom, program wise, and combo of registry edits that makes a rom slow or fast, and good or ok.
The sprint leaked rom is fairly slow. With my rom I changed some registry entries, fixed a couple other things, upgraded manila, added in some WOW (games, sounds, custom start menu, etc.) and it's zippy enough and is very functional so I can enjoy my $200 PDA phone.

I'm not here to spend 3 hours a day updating the version numbers of everything in my rom, I'm here to WOW it up a little! For those that have tried my rom, they can see that I have truly customized my rom. For the most part rom authors do great work here, but cooking a rom is more than dropping someone else's OEM into your kitchen and pressing "play".

I'm rambling, I'll shut up before I get to that "orange" and "free components" speech...
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 04:32 PM
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Re: Cooking roms with another rom

threefiftyli thats a good question. Everyone is obviously all about speed compared to looks and stability. Thats why im trying to cook my own rom. Have it be unique, but elimate the things i don't need to hopefully increase speed and save space. As far as the themes go, If i convert that .cab file into a oem file. I shouldn't have a problem with throwing it into my rom and cook it right? Also, i know this is a long shot, but is there any emulator out there that you can simulate the rom on your desktop. With so many rom's out there, and when you cook your roms you might have to make a small minor change, but need to reflash your phone once again. Life would be so much easier and better for the end users and the chefs if there was just a program that could simulate the rom. Anything like this out there or in the development?

Last edited by hasseye; 02-03-2009 at 04:34 PM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 04:51 PM
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Re: Cooking roms with another rom

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
My rom is optimized to show that it's not the SYS, it's what a chef puts in the OEM folder (stuff added).... I've tried a couple of different sys's and I don't beleive it's there that slows it down. But the registry edits and programs you add to your rom will make the difference. Every time you add a program/shell that runs in the background, it's gonna eat up cpu cycles checking for the program trigger point and doing what it's supposed to. I didn't notice until after I released my rom, but it seemed like the defining factor of a rom in this forum was the SYS. Other than that you had the same set of OEM's in each rom, same skins, and instead of tweaking the OEM directory (programs), the roms authors were consumed by where is my next newer sys coming from.

The sys is all gonna be roughly the same, unless you count build numbers. It's what a chef adds to a rom, program wise, and combo of registry edits that makes a rom slow or fast, and good or ok.
The sprint leaked rom is fairly slow. With my rom I changed some registry entries, fixed a couple other things, upgraded manila, added in some WOW (games, sounds, custom start menu, etc.) and it's zippy enough and is very functional so I can enjoy my $200 PDA phone.

I'm not here to spend 3 hours a day updating the version numbers of everything in my rom, I'm here to WOW it up a little! For those that have tried my rom, they can see that I have truly customized my rom. For the most part rom authors do great work here, but cooking a rom is more than dropping someone else's OEM into your kitchen and pressing "play".

I'm rambling, I'll shut up before I get to that "orange" and "free components" speech...
Thanks for taking the time to respond to me. I guess since its dependent on the combination of oem's and registry edits that turn a piece of work into a masterpiece, using a kitchen maybe worse than just using a prebuilt rom.

But overall, then it means that upgrading to higher versions on the different components in the rom may not be better for speed.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 05:02 PM
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Re: Cooking roms with another rom

Originally Posted by threeFiftyLi View Post

I recently started using spb benchmark to get a "real" reading on whether I was upgrading or not. And for the most part I found that the rom's were not getting any faster. I have tried some rom's (not yours yet, I was waiting for a new clean version with original taskbar icons) and compared them with an old benchmark (juicy 4.4) and found that juicy's did about 80-100 points better. My question is:

Juicy uses the 20764 SYS in the rom he released before the sprint rom got leaked. Shouldn't the new build's on that SAME SYS yield similar results? What is causing newer roms to be slower than an old rom.
I've come to the conclusion that the benchmarking is bogus. I've tested the same rom 3 times and gotten three very different results. The external conditions which it is tested under seem to have more impact than the rom itself.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 05:07 PM
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Re: Cooking roms with another rom

Originally Posted by threeFiftyLi View Post
Thanks for taking the time to respond to me. I guess since its dependent on the combination of oem's and registry edits that turn a piece of work into a masterpiece, using a kitchen maybe worse than just using a prebuilt rom.
Not necessarily, you just got to tweak your stuff and make it unique.

Originally Posted by threeFiftyLi View Post
But overall, then it means that upgrading to higher versions on the different components in the rom may not be better for speed.
Exactly. Most of the components upgraded round here were originally found in the OEM directory of a different rom.

Edit: They end up in the SYS directory when the rom is decompiled, but that doesn't make it part of M$'s original Sys....

Last edited by rstoyguy; 02-03-2009 at 05:10 PM.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 05:08 PM
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Re: Cooking roms with another rom

Originally Posted by indagroove View Post
I've come to the conclusion that the benchmarking is bogus. I've tested the same rom 3 times and gotten three very different results. The external conditions which it is tested under seem to have more impact than the rom itself.
Agreed. My benchmarking is can I make it through the day without a reset/battery dying...
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2009, 09:44 PM
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Re: Cooking roms with another rom

I use GrooveROM, and Indagroove has made his ROM available in kitchen-friendly form here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...64&postcount=2
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 05:41 PM
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Re: Cooking roms with another rom

heyy guyss whats goin on?? correct me if im wrong, but u use prepit to decombile the .nbh file into all the sub category folders correct?? Im trying to decompile the newest offical rom, but every time i use prepit it goes into a temp folder and and then has 3 other files. OS.nb.extra, os.nb, and os.nb.payload. Im decompiling the RUU_signed.nbh to...and i doing something wrong?? I've done it a 100 times be4, now if i try just a regular cooked rom and try to decompile it i get the same thing
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