Originally Posted by threeFiftyLi
I recently started using spb benchmark to get a "real" reading on whether I was upgrading or not. And for the most part I found that the rom's were not getting any faster. I have tried some rom's (not yours yet, I was waiting for a new clean version with original taskbar icons) and compared them with an old benchmark (juicy 4.4) and found that juicy's did about 80-100 points better. My question is:
Juicy uses the 20764 SYS in the rom he released before the sprint rom got leaked. Shouldn't the new build's on that SAME SYS yield similar results? What is causing newer roms to be slower than an old rom.
I've come to the conclusion that the benchmarking is bogus. I've tested the same rom 3 times and gotten three very different results. The external conditions which it is tested under seem to have more impact than the rom itself.