Originally Posted by rileyd5
funny the 59% meter is back with the older icons. Oh well, I tried switching out the opera and this and I back down under 20mbs. I'm flashing as is which I probably should have done in the first place..thanks 
Same post 2nd attachment are the original ones. tsowenstaskbarv2.cab if I remember right...
Originally Posted by treedog5
Just noticed the post count was at 666 so i had to make a comment to change that. this ROM is not evil it's GOOD. LOL
We need to start a ppcgeeks support group for flash-a-holics.....lol.
Originally Posted by itek
Have to concur about the storage requirement... when I cleared up some space so there was +/- 15 Mb of free space, my phone started acting wonderfully again. And Google Maps will eventually eat up all your free space, if you let it...
You can delete \Application Data\GoogleMaps, then re-install the googlemaps.cab to the storage card. This will also cause it to cache to the storage card. A couple days ago I tried to do it flashing, but it's a no go. There is also StartMenu-Programs-Utilities-ClearTemp. I have tweaked it so that several choices/programs are selected by default. 2 big ones are GoogleMaps and Opera cache's...
Originally Posted by itek
Catching up on posts...
I like the VistaInspiredBasicVolume, Blue, and VistaGreen, in that order. Honestly I just want a color that matches the ROM colors, which, well, is anything but ORANGE.  (Or Hot Pink.)
But, I'll take it how it comes.
If I get some more votes on a specific color, I'll change it. Personally I don't care.
And a "Did you Know Tid-Bit":
To make the QuickMenu Menu Choices bigger, goto StartMenu-QuickMenu-Options...
Select the "View Tab". Change the "Menu Edge Item:" value. Smaller number equals smaller menu, larger number equals larger more finger friendly menu's!