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Old 01-21-2009, 09:43 AM
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.RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.05 + Kitchen 5/14/09

This is my custom ROMs based on the new leaked Sprint 2.00 ROM. My ROMs have carrier customization removed & user customization added, so yes, let it run.

Insert bold colored disclaimer here about how it is not my fault
if you mess up your phone
lose sleep
after Flashing this Rom...

Before flashing this ROM, you MUST be Unlocked!!!
How To: Unlocking, Relocking, and Flashing

(actual rom may vary slightly from images below)

rstg_Diam_v2.7.30 +

.. ..

TF3D Tabs
Home, People, CallHistory, Messages,
Mail, Calendar, Internet, Photos, Music,
Weather, Settings, Programs, Profile, Communications

.. ..
.. ..

Rom Download Links:

rstg_Diam_3.7.05 ........................... Full Version

Kitchen_rstg_Diam_3.7.05 .............. Full Kitchen Version

rstg_Diam_2.7.33_Clean ................. Clean, none of the apps below in purple

rstg_Diam_v2.7.33_nospr_mms ...... Full, without SprintTV, SprintPicMail, TeleNav, and No MMS

See Post #2 for ChangeLog...

Here is what's inside my Diamond Rom Series:
Badboy8813_Audio_Fix-_(Full_Volume) .................... Tweaked AudioPara3.csv
Clear Temp .................................................. ..... Clear Temp
Diamond Tweak .................................................. Diamond Tweak
KDKobes_Footprints ............................................. FootPrints
FM Radio 1.6.1816.4032 ....................................... Fm Radio
galarm_v1.4.6.1 .................................................. G-Alarm v1.4
GPS_GoogleMaps_v3.0.0.2 .................................... Google Maps w/Latitude
HTC_Album_+_SocialNetworksEngine ....................... YouTube and FaceBook Uploads
HTC GPS Tool .................................................. ... HTC GPS Tool
InboxMenuExtensibility .......................................... Add's "Mark All Read" to pOutlook
In Call Recorder .................................................. . ICR
OEM_HTC_GPS_Tool_v1.2.2.11 ............................... GPS Util
LiveSearch_v4_1_2029_1 ...................................... Live Search
Opera9_15306_VGA .............................................. The version packed with the Rom, w/My tweaks...
PictureMail_0_1_16_4 ........................................... Sprint Picture Mail
QuickMenu_2_8_410_w6 ....................................... QuickMenu
Schaps_Adv_Config_Tool_v3.3 ............................... Advance Config, Device Tweaker
Skins - Black WMP Skin ......................................... Windows Media Player Skin
sMMS_full_v0.6.3.44593 ........................................ Alternative Picture Mail
Sprint_Teeter .................................................. .... Teeter, G-Sensor Game
sprint-navigation-htc-diamond-2_1_7 ...................... Sprints TeleNav from leaked Rom
SprintTVVGACab_PPC_1_6_4_76665 ........................ Sprint TV from leaked Rom
TCPMP-0_72RC1-ARM-PPC-recomp-03 ..................... Media Player
TF3D_Main_v1.2.35091.2_1813.6 ............................ TF3D Graphic User Interface
TF3D_Theme_MobileMatt_FuzeBerry_v5_0_0 ............. The GUI's Skin
TF3D_Configuration_v0.6.7 .................................... The GUI's Customizer
TickerTape_v0.5.1 ................................................ Nice Stock Program
TodayTheme_HTC_Black ........................................ Theme for Device
TouchPal_v3_5_wm6_1_VGA ................................... TouchPal v3.5 VGA
TouchRescponse_v0.3.2 ........................................ Disabled by default
UCAutorun .................................................. ......... User Customization OEM
Voice Command .................................................. .. Microsoft Voice Command


Tip: Programs listed above in Purple are not in the clean version.

Misc Rom Notes:
Stock Cab's in the rom:
\\Windows\OMC_PROD_SDK_HTC_SPRINT_v0.9.917.cab <----- Run if you are having internet problems...

TF3D Tabs - Home, People, CallHistory, Messages, Mail, Calendar, Internet, Photos, Music, Weather, Settings, Programs, Profile, Communications

UCAutorun - Installs netcfv3.5 to maintain the stock volume control, then UC will run your \Internal Storage\sdconfig.txt. I'll add a link later...

This is Stock-ish - Working Sprint Music Store, Sprint TV, TeleNav all pre-installed...

Additional TF3D Icon Downloads:
12aon_Buuf_Icons_+_Tabs_1.5.cab ................... Popular Buuf icons

For eleven more icon sets from this author, visit 12aon's thread @ xda : Buuf Icon + Tabs

Archive Downloads:
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

Last edited by rstoyguy; 05-14-2009 at 09:19 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 09:44 AM
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Re: RSTG Leaked v2.0 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/21/09

What's inside the following OEM Notes:
Battery_Enh_v1.5 - battery polling tweak, and other misc battery tweaks.

Includes the following 17 Games:
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games ........................DopeWars, Kevtris, Pocket Sand, Pocket Video Poker, Tripzee.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Arcade ..............PacMan, Ms. Pacman, Frogger, , GemSwap, ICBM, Distant Galaxies.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Card Games ........Freecell, Hearts.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Strategy ............MasterMind, Rubik Cube, Chess, Pocket Sudoku, Crosswords.

--- Total Commander w/Tweak for 2 window mode, "\" and "\Storage Card\". And sorted by name.
--- PHM RegEdit
--- KeePass Password Manager
--- PIMBackup v2.8
--- Spb Screen Shot
--- Pocket Rar v3.71

zzz_My_Files_Dia_OEM - Custom Boot screens

zzz_My_Registry_OEM - I wonder...

zzz_My_Sounds_OEM - Customized Rom Sounds
- Ringer: Third Rock from the Sun Theme
- ActiveSync Connect: "Device Connected to activesync"
- ActiveSync DisConnect: "Device Disconnected from activesync"
- Text Messages: "You have a text message boss.."
- New Email: "New Email has arrived"

zzz_My_Start_Menu_ppcKitchen_v2.0_OEM - Customized Start Menu Sorted

How to setup User Customization Links:
For UC here are a couple good threads: User Customization setup
and the original over at xda: [App] ROM Flashing Junkies: User Customization is here
and...Post Your SDconfig.txt, provisioning.xml, etc. Files Here!

Change Log:
Upcoming Enhancements/Fixes v2.7.xx
- Research messaging time stamp issue
Version 3.7.03
- Upgraded LiveSearch v4.5.3129.0- Upgraded Opera v9.5.15954
- Upgraded googlemaps v3.0.1.4
- Improved Weather
-- US Weather cities back in
-- Weather DataBase Editor 100%
- No Touchpal 
-- (51M free)
- Replaced program launcher icon #1, G-Alarm
- More Start Menu tweaks
- misc other fixes
Version 3.7.03
- Rebuilt from Sprint Official Release
- Removed FootPrints
- Fixed Voicecommand/ICR
- Menu needs some rearranging
- Treat it as a new build.
Version 2.7.35
- Fixed "Mark all as Read" in messaging...done.
Version 2.7.34
- Tweak on sorted StartMenu-Programs-Utilities...done.
- Changed battery icon, same look, to address 59% level...done.
- Switch to Arcsoft MMS
-- From calcu's kitchen 
-- Replaced notification icons
-- Replaced notification sound "a new message has arrived" 
- Replaced bootup sound, Yoda "strong am i with the force"...done.
- Added Web Video Downloader...done.
- Upgraded to TCPMP-0_72RC1-GF5500Edition-Alpha4...done.
Version 2.7.33
- Upgrade Weatherdatabase to include WA and LA...done.
- Set ActionScreen MMS to camera...done.
- Removed box in SMS so you can scroll...done.
- Added Tweaks to Diamond TF3D Config "Tweaks" Tab...done.
- Optimized some more OEM's for more memory...done.
- rstg_Diam_v2.7.33_nospr_mms.nbh 
-- No Sprint Applications, No TV, TeleNav, PicMail...done
Version 2.7.31
- Repost more current pictures in first post...done.
- Upgrade to SprintTVVGACab_1_6_4_74603_11_19_2008...done.
-- Connect to vision prompt remains, saves other settings.
- Fixed Footprints application not opening camera...done.
- Reverted to sprint-navigation-htc-diamond-2_1_7...done.
Version 2.7.30
- Fixed DST issue. Sprint was sabotaging the leaked rom...done.
- Disable DateFolders in camera...done.
- Set TeleNav OEM so it will be auto-included in future builds...done.
- Tweak SIPChange delay from 35 to 3, much quicker TF3D load's...done.
- Set SendKey(hold) to voice command for all...done.
- Revert to tsowens taskbar v3.1.4...done.
- Removed Distant Galaxies. Not VGA-friendly...done.
Version 2.7.26
- Update G-Alarm v1.5.1...done.
- Changed Volume Control Skin to Vista Blue Dots...done.
- Added 17 misc camera theme backgrounds...done.
- Added 7 misc ringers from stock rom...done.
- Added 6 misc alert sounds from stock rom...done.
- Tweak on camera
-- Enabled ALL Camera Modes  
--- 1. Photo,  2. Video, 3. Panorama(4 stitches), 4. MMS Video, 
--- 5. Contacts, 6. Burst,  7. Picture Theme, 8. Sports, 
--- 9. Video Share, 10. GPS Photo....done.
-- Figured out using Camera. Post "Quirks" for users.
- Upgraded Weather DBase, US Cities only now from ppckitchen....done
- Added Weather DBase editor...done.
- Added MS DST2008 patch...done.
-- You still need to turn off network syncing!
Version 2.7.23
- Added StartMenu-Settings-System-Flip-It, disabled by default...done
- Reverted back to original Opera 15306...done.
- Tweaked TF3D and Opera Shortcuts...done.
-- ppcgeeks.com, Opera:Config, xda-developers.forums.com.
- Added psShutXP, mapped to MECHANICAL power button...done. (don't break it...)
- Added PeekPocket, wifi sniffer....done.
- Switched to misfortunes v1 taskbar icons...done.
- Misc memory savings. Now 49.6MB free on flash!...done.
-- Excluded extra sounds from build...done.
--- Use the CPY1: and CPY2: commands in UC links in post #2...done.
--- Extra sounds download link here...done.
Version 2.7.20
- Incorporate new files from official rom and rebuild...done.
- Include New Opera 15954 from official rom...done.
- Include New SprintTV 77516 from official rom...done.
- Added Battery Monitor back in...done.
- StartMenu-Favorites now associated w/opera from flash...done.
- Other minor tweaks...done.
- Better battery life...done.
- xT9 first word bug fixed...done.
Version 1.7.19
- Added tsowentaskbar3v1_4 to fix notification icons...done.
- Added SMS window tweak, you can now see 4 lines instead of 2....done.
- Added box around SMS input window so you know where to type...done.
- Removed settings in provxml's to allow tethering fix to work...done.
- Replaced boring calculator with HTC Calc from TouchPro2...done.
- Tweaked on start menu some more...done.
---If you can't find it, it's still there.  I like a clean menu system...
Version 1.7.18
- Added How to setup User Customizations links to post #2...done.
- Added SendSpace folder link so you can browse everything. Like my OEM directory links :) ...done. 
- Fixed Weather Problems...done.
- Added Tethering fix...done.
Version 1.7.16
- Deleted Weather Database Editor and ArcSoft Pic Messaging...done.
- Deleted Battery Monitor, we don't need it anymore...done.
- New Manila database for weather...done.
- Fixed Clear Temp link...done.
- Added back in Sprint Pic Mail...done.
- Added back in sMMS pic mail...done.
Version 1.7.15
- Tweak In Call Recording to record to \Internal Storage\Recordings...done.
- Add HTC Action screen. 9 buttons and skinned to match TF3D...done.
- Added Weather Database Editor v1.2...done.
- Added Arcsoft_Sprint_MMS_5_0_69_44 as a option...done.
Version 1.7.14
- Set Opera Gsensor to "don't rotate fool", rotate now via "long send key Press"...done.
- Added Clear Temp w/common settings tweak. StartMenu-Programs-Utilities..done.
- Messages Tab +/- images back in...done.
- Added In Call Recording...Done.
- Populate Program Tab w/programs...done.
- Discontinued updating Buuf Rom, added links to icon cabs in 1st post...done.
Version 1.7.11
- Removed Visibility of the +/- in the Messages tab....done.
- Changed Internet tab graphic back to globe....done.
- Added FM Radio...done.
- Tweak - Hide Data Connection Bubble...done.
- Re-Installed Diamond Tweak. Not sure where it went....done.
- Fix Opera Rotating.
- Restore G-Alarm Link...done.
Version 1.7.09
- Upgrade TF3D Skin:
---[THEME] [1.31.09] MobileMatt FuzeBerry TF3D Skin v7.5CFC w/ HD Contacts Tab...done.
- Upgraded LiveSearch_v4_1_2029_1...done.
Version 1.6.08
- Eradicate false CooTek App-To-Date notification...done.
- Reinstalled VistaHide battery guage...done.
- Removed FlashVideoBundle and links...done.
- Stock Ringers back in...done.
- Upgraded G-Alarm to v1.4.6.1...done.
- Added FootPrints, tweaked to work w/GoogleMaps...done.
Version 1.6.06
- Hide "Start" (TF3D executable) in QuickMenu...done.
- Added Batti v2.4, and tweaked it...done.
- Removed VistaHideBatteryGuage...done.
- Upgrade to tsowens taskbar v3.13...done.
- Added more voices - "Warning, Low Battery" at Low-30% and Critical-10% levels...done.
- Added voice ringer (not default) for recesssion, for fun: Wng-CCCo.mp3 - "Warning, Extreme Danger. It's your Credit Card Company calling"...done. 
- Upgraded to Google Maps v3.0.0.2 (w/Lattitude Feature)...done.
Version 1.6.04
- Tweaked Spb Screenshot...done.
- Added PocketVideoPoker_0_4_Beta...done.
- Fixed Sprint Picture Mail...done. 
- Added _Buuf Theme as an alternattheme...done.
Version 1.6.03
- Added v7 CFC Compression for Manila (saves about 13 megs)...Done.
- Restored original 10% battery drivers. If you want 1%, install this FInixNOver Battery Icon.zip...Done.
- New Transparent/white Clock to go better with theme...done.
- Add 6 background wallpapers for TF3D to \My Documents\Fuzeberry, set it in the Settings Tab of TF3D...done.
- Added tweak to opera for max of 7 pages instead of 3...done.
- Added tsowens Custom taskbar icons....done.
- Version numbers now reflect builds just like Opera.
-- First number ??, Second number=Manila change, and third number is mods/builds I've done to test...Done.
Version 1.5.15- Added PHM Reset, StartMenu-Programs-Utilities...done. 
- Added TouchResponse v0.3.2, disabled by default...done.
- Changed "Reply All" to "Reply" in messaging...done.
Version 1.5.13
- Fixed Opera Download options...done.
- Added SipChange v1.1 to maybee address xt9 problems...done.
Version 1.5.12
- Updated to Opera_v9.5_Build_15306...done.
- Added Opera Tweaks:
-- Add tweak to fully exit Opera...done. thanx to calkulen and rileyd5.
-- Add tweak so ppcgeeks.com shows on internet tab in TF3D...done.
-- Add tweak so Opera opens Internet Favorites in registry. They show up in QuickMenu's "Start Menu-Favorites"...done.
-- Changed GSensor Idle time to 1400...done.
- Added Stock cabs for those not pre-installed. See Rom Notes in Post #1...done.
- Removed PictureMail_0_1_16_4...done
Version 1.4.1
- Add Adobe Flash Lite from ppckitchen_oem_vga...done.
- Added PIE Favorite - PPCGeeks - CDMA HTC Diamond Upgrades...done.
- Move personal alarm settings to my personal OEM...done.
- Disable xt9 predictive text...didn't make it, Killed the HTC SIP's....
- Apply keyboard lag fix...done.
Version 1.3 
- Add Social Networking from xda...done.
- Add TouchPal...done.
- Kill Transcriber SIP...done.
- Kill Block Recognizer SIP...done.
- Kill Letter Recognizer SIP...done.
Version 1.2 
-- Initial Release
Known Issues:
- Can't change settings in Spb Screenshot (qvga version)
- Starting w/v1.5.12, You must open opera manually before the rom will open StartMenu-Favorites Links...

- None needed...

Rom Quirks and How To:
Get rid of ASync Killer : Delete \windows\startup\ASyncKiller.lnk, reboot.

Get rid of QuickMenu : Delete \windows\startup\QuickMenu.lnk, reboot.

Get rid of VistaHide Battery Guage : Delete \windows\startup\VistaHide Battery Guage.lnk, reboot.

Last edited by rstoyguy; 04-13-2009 at 02:33 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 09:44 AM
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Re: RSTG Leaked v2.0 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/21/09

My Notes:

Many of you know from the Vogue Arena, this is my crack at the Diamond. It's based off the new leaked sprint rom. I just speeded it up and added what I use. I go for stable, I don't go for a "Higher Version Number". So if you are looking for hyped-aku-cpu-etc...Not here.

There is still a little bit of a learning curve with this new device, I got it a month ago and didn't have time to play with it until this week. So if you know of a tweak that I need to add, program you would like to see, something in here doesn't work, LET ME KNOW and I'll fix it!

Enjoy the rom, I don't know why Sprint can't release something like this.

Thanks To:
PPCGeeks - All of it's members!
Calcu - My other kitchen has a size limitation so I'm using his kitchen he put together.
MChapman - His Manila Theme v5.0

And I see no need to apply "Rom-Protection" on my stuff, I don't care if you see what I did, whose stuff I borrowed, etc...
If you have any specific questions about rom building, dumping, or questions about my methods, pm me those specifics...

Any questions ask!

*** Caution: My Ethical Thoughts & Other Legal Stuff

Just because you can find a program in another rom you've downloaded, it doesn't make it free. Cell phone carriers pay a licensing fee to have a program like AdobeFlashv3.1 in their roms. One reason I stay away from the "cutting" edge. In a younger life I wrote software, and I will abide by the code and if I see a takedown notice on another site, I'm gonna error on the side of caution. xda was aproached by the legal staff of Adobe and asked to take it down, I extend that legal notice to my work.

I don't want a multi-million dollar company taking the shirt off my back and I don't want to bring any trouble to ppcgeeks.com. So if you hear me say "Refer to post #3", this is why.

Last edited by rstoyguy; 01-22-2009 at 10:35 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 10:33 AM
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Re: RSTG Leaked Sprint v2.0 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/21/09

Congrats, Don......nice work!
"Wise men still seek Him ... "
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 11:06 AM
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Re: RSTG Leaked Sprint v2.0 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/21/09

yeah, lookin good right now. i will report back all my findings. thanks for the early release.
Sprint Sero 500
Sprint Lovers Rom
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 01:52 PM
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Re: RSTG Leaked Sprint v2.0 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/21/09

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
This is my custom ROMs based on the new leaked Sprint 2.00 ROM. My ROMs have carrier customization removed & user customization added, so yes, let it run.

Insert bold colored disclaimer here about how it is not my fault
if you mess up your phone
lose sleep
after Flashing this Rom...

Before flashing this ROM, you MUST be Unlocked!!!
How To: Unlocking, Relocking, and Flashing

(actual rom may vary slightly from images below)

TF3D Tabs - Home, People, CallHistory, Messages, Mail, Calendar, Internet, Photos, Music, Weather, Settings, Programs, Profile, Communications

Download Link: RSTG_v1.2

Here is what's inside my Diamond Rom Series:
Battery Monitor
Skins - Black WMP Skin
VistaHide Battery Gauge

Misc Rom Notes:
TF3D Tabs - Home, People, CallHistory, Messages, Mail, Calendar, Internet, Photos, Music, Weather, Settings, Programs, Profile, Communications

UCAutorun - Installs netcfv3.5 to maintain the stock volume control, then UC will run your \Internal Storage\sdconfig.txt. I'll add a link later...

This is Stock-ish - Working Sprint Music Store, Sprint TV, TeleNav all pre-installed...

I'll pretty it up over the next couple of days when I have time...

Welcome to the Diamond Forum, I've used all of your ROM's when I had My Sprint Touch, i only got my Diamond 2 weeks ago. I will be flashing your ROM tonight for sure. I'm sure its going to be great.
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Old 01-21-2009, 02:13 PM
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Re: RSTG Leaked Sprint v2.0 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/21/09

Any chance of adding the new Camera, Social Networks Engine, Phonecanvas (S2A dialer) and the New Youtube, Full Flash Support, just asking, these are pretty much what most people are looking for. Downloading Now.
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Old 01-21-2009, 02:22 PM
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Re: RSTG Leaked Sprint v2.0 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/21/09

Originally Posted by nkawal View Post
Any chance of adding the new Camera, Social Networks Engine, Phonecanvas (S2A dialer) and the New Youtube, Full Flash Support, just asking, these are pretty much what most people are looking for. Downloading Now.
Being based off the new rom S2A is in there, a working Youtube as I use it often for work. And flash I can add, but since I've never used it which version do you want? I'll also look into the SNE as well, I just saw that somewhere last night...
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Old 01-21-2009, 04:06 PM
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Re: RSTG Leaked Sprint v2.0 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/21/09

wow man, great rom. this is the 4th one i've installed in the past 48hrs and it's definitely the one for me. I'll be sticking with this one from now on

You rock man!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 08:58 PM
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Re: RSTG Leaked Sprint v2.0 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/21/09

I have enjoyed your tutorials and quality oems...I expect this rom to be top shelf. Glad to have you with the Diamonds.=D>
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