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  #1281 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 01:58 PM
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.03 Updated 4/5/09

Originally Posted by gullzway View Post
I haven't seen this problem mentioned before. I am running 2.7.35 and loving it. I went to settings,personal,buttons, and the following screen comes up. It won't let me exit out and gives an error. Pretty much have to soft reset, if I go back to button settings it does the same thing. Not sure when this started happening, before I think it only showed the Send(hold) button mapped to Voice command. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks!
You should have only one button assignment... I imagine those extras are messing it up... May be something you installed?
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  #1282 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.03 Updated 4/5/09

Originally Posted by gullzway View Post
I haven't seen this problem mentioned before. I am running 2.7.35 and loving it. I went to settings,personal,buttons, and the following screen comes up. It won't let me exit out and gives an error. Pretty much have to soft reset, if I go back to button settings it does the same thing. Not sure when this started happening, before I think it only showed the Send(hold) button mapped to Voice command. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks!
Go into your registry and navigate to:

The only key you should have there under that is "40C6"
Try deleting the others if they exists.
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  #1283 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 03:17 PM
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.03 Updated 4/5/09

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
Go into your registry and navigate to:

The only key you should have there under that is "40C6"
Try deleting the others if they exists.
That fixed it! Thanks.
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  #1284 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 03:57 PM
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.03 Updated 4/5/09

Hey, been running this ROM for the past few hours and everything is running very smooth and fast. I set the PagePool to 12, what is most everyone else running theirs at? I did notice, and it may have already been adressed, that theres 2 live search icons under the all programs softkey. I also noticed the Rhodium menu enhancment only works on TF3D and not in the actual programs, is there any way to enable it all the time?

Also, is there any way to have a TF3D tab for footprints, I love this app, I used it all the time on my last Vogue ROM I used? I seen awhile back where there was some people working on it but I didnt know if they ever got it figured out.

Awesome job, I'm really liking this ROM!

If I helped you out,Hit the THANKS

Last edited by yearn; 04-09-2009 at 03:59 PM.
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  #1285 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 04:13 PM
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.03 Updated 4/5/09

I have another strange problem. I noticed my Programs page on TF3d had an extra (19th) icon at the bottom. When I clicked it to add a program, it added another empty icon, but no program icon. I now have 5 extra(unassignable) boxes on the program page, 23 total instead of the normal 18.
On the program page in TF3d config program they show up as <empty> but can't be removed. Can these be removed with a regedit? Thanks for all the help!
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  #1286 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 09:11 PM
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.03 Updated 4/5/09

Hey RSTG just wondering why when your roms boot up they have that gritty look to them. Not smooth black.
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  #1287 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 12:28 AM
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.03 Updated 4/5/09

Originally Posted by gullzway View Post
I have another strange problem. I noticed my Programs page on TF3d had an extra (19th) icon at the bottom. When I clicked it to add a program, it added another empty icon, but no program icon. I now have 5 extra(unassignable) boxes on the program page, 23 total instead of the normal 18.
On the program page in TF3d config program they show up as <empty> but can't be removed. Can these be removed with a regedit? Thanks for all the help!
Look here:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Manila\ProgramLaun cher\xx

Where xx is the program icon number. Manila starts counting them at zero, so don't forget to adjust for that...
Deleting the key should work, then restart TF3D.

Originally Posted by jjairal View Post
Hey RSTG just wondering why when your roms boot up they have that gritty look to them. Not smooth black.
It's from the .tsk file that I chose to fit the theme. I don't do art and hardly ever need to reboot, so it probably won't get changed. Unless we have someone that would like to fix the "HTC Black.tsk" that that get's included on your device with a flash...
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  #1288 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 01:44 AM
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.03 Updated 4/5/09

Hey Rstg, I love this ROM,Its great! I was wondering since Im running pretty low on storage memory if I could go into program files and delete the files I dont ever use, like quick menu and live search and certain games. then delete the shortcuts.
Would that completely remove the program and gain me some memory?
Im down to 11mb.
Iv got the PagePool set at 12, I guess I could also lower it back down to 6, Do you know how much that would gain me?
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  #1289 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 11:51 AM
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.03 Updated 4/5/09

Originally Posted by yearn View Post
Hey Rstg, I love this ROM,Its great! I was wondering since Im running pretty low on storage memory if I could go into program files and delete the files I dont ever use, like quick menu and live search and certain games. then delete the shortcuts.
Would that completely remove the program and gain me some memory?
Im down to 11mb.
Iv got the PagePool set at 12, I guess I could also lower it back down to 6, Do you know how much that would gain me?
Try running cleartemp first. Could be your caches.
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  #1290 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2009, 04:57 PM
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.03 Updated 4/5/09

anybody know the reason why?

i have been running v2.7.35. when i set my system volume to vibrate it no longer vibrates when i get a new email message. i almost positive that this has worked in previous weeks. just started happening the other day. i have tried soft resetting several times. no settings have been changed at all or additional programs loaded. just the way rstg left it. i am loving this rom but for the life of me can not figure this one out.
You live and learn....just hope you don't brick it!!!
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