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  #7631 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 11:45 AM
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Re: [ Jun 30 ] [ 23001 \ 21051 ] [ v5 ] Calkulin's Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by mjhuffer View Post
Calkulin.....could you please remove the other rhodium/topaz keyboards and use the ones from this guy in you 6.1 kitchen. This is the best one and he has no lag even with the sound selected. I don't know if they work with 6.5 and that might want to be checked up on. Please test them out and see what you think. I

It's not the SIP, it's the eT9ime.dll that is the issue. 2.0 ones are faster in typing but break the TP keyboard, so I had left a older version on there and since I really don't use any HTC keyboards, I really didn't notice the slowness in typing but I'll go ahead and update them on the Diamond kitchen since we do use the onscreen keyboard more than the TP users
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  #7632 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 11:47 AM
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Re: [ Jun 30 ] [ 23001 \ 21051 ] [ v5 ] Calkulin's Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by xcopmanx View Post
Calku, I hate to add to the annoyance of questions, but will ## codes be fixed for this version and for current installs, is there a fix for it and the Tachi dialer? I tried using the old ##.cab file I have and it didn't help. Maybe it is just me though, I have no idea.

There is no none fix for ## codes on the Tachi dialer, well I can make them work but it breaks some other functions, so if you want to use them, use the regular PhoneCanvas
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  #7633 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 11:47 AM
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Re: [ Jun 30 ] [ 23001 \ 21051 ] [ v5 ] Calkulin's Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by Calkulin View Post
It's not the SIP, it's the eT9ime.dll that is the issue. 2.0 ones are faster in typing but break the TP keyboard, so I had left a older version on there and since I really don't use any HTC keyboards, I really didn't notice the slowness in typing but I'll go ahead and update them on the Diamond kitchen since we do use the onscreen keyboard more than the TP users
Nice, I can't wait. I am always using the HTC Keyboards over all the others still.
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  #7634 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: [ Jun 30 ] [ 23001 \ 21051 ] [ v5 ] Calkulin's Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by Calkulin View Post
It's not the SIP, it's the eT9ime.dll that is the issue. 2.0 ones are faster in typing but break the TP keyboard, so I had left a older version on there and since I really don't use any HTC keyboards, I really didn't notice the slowness in typing but I'll go ahead and update them on the Diamond kitchen since we do use the onscreen keyboard more than the TP users

You're the man.......yah the current savage and nikoan keyboards in your kitchen don't seem to lag when you have the typing sound deselected but i really like the sound. This onlinespending keyboard seems to be the best and it gives you two color options. I think that would be cool to have the blue one for your 6.5 rom and the green for your 6.1 rom. I like fingerkeyboard but it doesn't have a very userfriendly landscape. Can't wait for the update. I don't like how everybody asks you when release dates are coming, everybody just needs to be patient and let calkulin do his thing.

Oh yah new S2U2 version just came out too and I oemed the keyboard form the website and it come with the compact qwerty. The visual feedback tends to come and go when charging.

EDIT* This keyboard tend to lag with the sound on but less that savages...for now i'm just going to turn the sound off till something come through.
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Last edited by mjhuffer; 07-09-2009 at 12:54 AM.
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  #7635 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 04:27 PM
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Re: [ Jun 30 ] [ 23001 \ 21051 ] [ v5 ] Calkulin's Kitchen & ROMs

Having problems with certain programs closing after a few seconds with the new 6.5 rom. Programs affected skyfire browser and wunder radio, anyone else having the same problem?
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  #7636 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 04:45 PM
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Re: [ Jun 30 ] [ 23001 \ 21051 ] [ v5 ] Calkulin's Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by billo0071 View Post
Having problems with certain programs closing after a few seconds with the new 6.5 rom. Programs affected skyfire browser and wunder radio, anyone else having the same problem?
Ya, I just tried to install Skyfire this afternoon, and it crapped out while it tried to load the first page. I think it might be a Skyfire problem, but I am using a 23001 ROM.
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  #7637 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 07:56 PM
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Re: [ Jun 30 ] [ 23001 \ 21051 ] [ v5 ] Calkulin's Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by xcopmanx View Post
They work for you?
what i said was phone codes cab that opens epst for you google on my way to work or i could give it to you
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  #7638 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 11:22 PM
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Re: [ Jun 30 ] [ 23001 \ 21051 ] [ v5 ] Calkulin's Kitchen & ROMs

OK... here's what I'm dealing with.

1. I stopped cooking on version 3.3 of my public rom... it was built with the 21731 sys.
2. I come back a couple weeks later and pick up with the 23001 sys.
3. Colors are messed up in the WM theme... still working on fixing that.
4. Main problem. Can't install apps to internal storage.
5. I format my internal storage, phone can no longer find it... I apply the HTC internal storage hotfix and now the phone can find the internal storage again.
6. Flash to shipped and I can install to internal storage just fine.
7. Rebuild based on 23001 and 23003... can't install to internal storage with either one.

Has anyone had these problems with the most recent sys's? Is there a fix?

*edit* Just flashed back to an archived copy of Bear-Bonz 3-3 (21731) and I can install to internal storage again. Everything seems to point to this being a problem with the most recent sys's.

*edit* or it could be problems with a S2U2 OEM that I made.

Last edited by Drybonz; 07-09-2009 at 02:03 AM.
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  #7639 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 11:58 PM
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Re: [ Jun 30 ] [ 23001 \ 21051 ] [ v5 ] Calkulin's Kitchen & ROMs

will you be uploading a new kitchen soon with 23003? ive tried making a new kitchen by upgrading the sys and rom folders, but i get errors with skybox and other dlls
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  #7640 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2009, 08:18 AM
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Re: [ Jun 30 ] [ 23001 \ 21051 ] [ v5 ] Calkulin's Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by Drybonz View Post
OK... here's what I'm dealing with.

1. I stopped cooking on version 3.3 of my public rom... it was built with the 21731 sys.
2. I come back a couple weeks later and pick up with the 23001 sys.
3. Colors are messed up in the WM theme... still working on fixing that.
4. Main problem. Can't install apps to internal storage.
5. I format my internal storage, phone can no longer find it... I apply the HTC internal storage hotfix and now the phone can find the internal storage again.
6. Flash to shipped and I can install to internal storage just fine.
7. Rebuild based on 23001 and 23003... can't install to internal storage with either one.

Has anyone had these problems with the most recent sys's? Is there a fix?

*edit* Just flashed back to an archived copy of Bear-Bonz 3-3 (21731) and I can install to internal storage again. Everything seems to point to this being a problem with the most recent sys's.

*edit* or it could be problems with a S2U2 OEM that I made.
Hey DB! I'm running my own build using Calku's 23001 Kitchen and I just tested to make sure. I'm able to install/uninstall to/from Internal Storage no problem. Not sure what's causing the issues with your's but I'd say it's something you added. There is an s2us OEM already isnt there?
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